At this moment, Long Feng is a bit terrible calm!

He stared at the line cut out of the opposite method, and a sharp edge gradually emerged on his body.

So mighty and domineering.

But in the eyes of Mobatian and Huqiu, they thought they were forcibly acting.

Seeing that the opponent's sword force is getting stronger and stronger.

Huqiu couldn't help gritting his teeth fiercely.

"Boy, why don't I let me use taboo magical powers!"

"Well, what forbidden supernatural power?"

Long Feng was taken aback for a moment, but when he heard the word taboo, he immediately denied it.

"No, look at me!"

Although he wanted to ask about Huqiu's forbidden supernatural powers, it was not the time now.

Moreover, with the word taboo, he usually has to pay a heavy price, and he doesn't want Huqiu to take risks.

Afterwards, he held the Gunslinger tightly and meditated on the system!

"Ding, the master is about to use the teleportation gun for a more advanced experience opportunity, do you want to continue?"

Yes, the chance to experience the supernatural powers is a gift from the system after the failure of the promotion of the supernatural powers obtained by recovering the Chaos Heart last time.

Long Feng didn't know how strong this supernatural power was.

But he can be sure that with the blessing of the exclusive mount three times the combat power, he will be able to defeat the three giants by displaying this magical opportunity.


Longfeng immediately ordered!

"Ding, warn, the master will use this supernatural power and will clear all the best grandeur and purple energy he currently possesses!"


Hearing this sound, Long Feng was taken aback.

But he did not stop.

The arrow is on the string, and I have to send it!

"Supernatural powers, teleport the desperate gun!"


On the Killing Spear, the lightning flashed and the fire was dazzling.

A force of time and space wraps the tip of the gun, blooming the spear light of strength.

The light of the gun flashed, and then changed into the color of chaos, bringing up a majestic aura.

Instant Restrictions around time and space!

The image of the three giants condensed, and the knife cut out immediately settled in the air.


The gun light was like a rainbow, and it immediately penetrated the knife light.

The light of the sword that was originally horrified by the horror disappeared immediately, not even a single spray was turned up.

The spear light kept on, blinking across the giant's face.


With a scream, the giant's appearance is like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun, melting instantly.


In the end, the spear light was divided into three and fell from the heads of the three giants.

The three giants raised their heads at the same time, looking up at the guns, their eyes showing extreme fear.


The three giants hurriedly took out Magic Treasures, trying to block this unmatched spear light.

In the hands of Zufo, the Hongmeng Arcana gloves appeared again.

On top of Yin & Yang god's head, a mirror bloomed with the light of life and death, protecting his entire body.

This mirror is the Yin & Yang Hongmeng mirror evolved from Yin & Yang Chaos Mirror.

The light radiating from the mirror can not only dominate life and death, but also enhance defenses.

And Gu Tian, ​​a huge roulette appeared under his feet.

Above the roulette, a transparent shield filled with countless swirls automatically rises.

This shield completely envelops his body.

at the same time!

Three spear lights fell.

"Boom boom boom!"

The glove was smashed.

The Yin & Yang Hongmeng mirror was also pierced by the gun blaze, the light was dim, and it had been completely destroyed.

In the end, the whirlpool shield of Gu Tian was crushed by the spear light with just the sound of a wave.

"No, how could such a powerful magical power appear in the Chaos World?"

Zufo shouted sharply.

Gu Tian and Yin & Yang gods are equally ashamed.

The three spears suddenly pierced them from top to bottom.


The body of the three giants was immediately flooded with a force of destruction, then burst open and turned into universe dust.

Long Feng stared at all this blankly, his heart was shaken.

It's so strong.

This shot is really awesome!

Huqiu's eyes bulged when he saw it, and his whole body shook wildly.

Mobatian is even more unbearable.

At this time, his mouth was wide open and he was already dislocated!

It's so scary.

Kill the three giants in one hit.

And it's the three giants who set up some shit formation.

Simply powerful and perverted.

Long Feng didn't froze for a long time, and quickly reacted.

He immediately opened the Hongmeng World, pulled up Mobatian and Huqiu and flew in.

at the same time!

Chaos and void, three Daoist shadows appeared instantly.

As soon as the three of them appeared, their entire body exploded, their expressions nervous, and their eyes scanned everywhere.

At the same time, the whole body's power is operated, and the defense is opened to the maximum.


"Yes, there is no breath of him around."

"Fuck, where did that kid come from, and why is he so strong?"

These three are the three giants that have just been resurrected.

"The Great World, Sect Leader of Heavenly Sword Sect, Longfeng."

"Unexpectedly, he not only controlled the law of chaos, but also cultivated supernatural powers beyond the heavenly grade!"

Until now, Zufo was still trembling all over.

"This is the power of surpassing the heavenly supernatural powers, the lethality is too great!"

The god Yin & Yang took out the Yin & Yang Hongmeng mirror that was pierced by the gun, and his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were hurting.

But Gu Tian didn't say a word.

But his body trembles most fiercely.

Just now, three spear lights struck, Zufo put on his gloves, Magic Treasures to block, Yin & Yang gods have Yin & Yang Hongmeng mirrors to block his vision.

Only him, although he also has a whirlpool shield.

But the shield is transparent.

Therefore, he was the only one who saw with his own eyes how the spear light penetrated his forehead and then distracted his soul.

The Death shock made him tremble with a primordial spirit, and cold sweat broke out.

"Two fellow daoist, since the dragon peak has left, I will return to the ancient gods!"

"This time, I won't break through, and swear I won't get out!"

Gu Tian is already scared!

He knew that he would definitely encounter Longfeng in the future.

Must go back to Ascension Cultivation Base.

"Yes, Zufo fellow daoist, I also want to return to the Yin & Yang world!"

"This time, I will be able to break through Heavenly Dao, and at that time, I will be able to kill that dragon peak!"

The Yin & Yang gods are also pale, and the tone is complacent.

"Also, the current Heavenly Dao can no longer restrain me. As long as the Eye of Blood Fiend is completely refined, he will definitely be able to break through Heavenly Dao.

"At that time, even if we don't have the power of the Great Dao in our body, we will be able to squeeze the Dragon Peak into a round by simply controlling the sixty-one laws."

Zufo nodded too.

He originally thought that with the current strength, the entire Chaos was invincible.

Turn your hand to destroy the chaos.

But now, he still feels that he is too big.


"Great good!"

Yin & Yang God and Gu Tian nodded at the same time, then disappeared.


There was a rumbling sound in the entire chaotic space.

In the void, began to fold.

The original three overlapping worlds began to separate from each other, and in the end only the world of Ten Thousand Buddhas remained.

Zufo glanced around, immediately turned around, and quickly fled the area.

It's terrible here!

Without breakthrough Heavenly Dao, he would never dare to come here again.

In a blink of an eye, the place where the gunpowder was full of smoke was already empty, leaving only the chaotic space around.


Hongmeng World!

"Boss, you are so cowhide, what run you run, stay and kill them a few times, wouldn't it be nice?"

As soon as he left the chaos and hid in the Hongmeng world, Mo Batian yelled.

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