Now, among the holy lord, he is already a great rider, ahead of everyone else.

Today, Longfeng has issued an order to completely destroy the underground city.

The Zergs in Breaching City are all Saints late stage Realm.

Nowadays, the worms are also the late stage of the saints.

Although the Realms of the two sides are similar, the Volworm Legion is well equipped and powerful.

And there is a fierce air blessing combat power.

Therefore, although the Zerg in Breaching Sky City is powerful, the Bugworm Legion is absolutely capable of crushing them.

In that case, the role of this broken city has come to an end.

"Destroy Dungeon City and kill the Zerg!"

The Bugworm Legion shouted slogans in the Hongmeng world.

Afterwards, the crowd once again slammed out.

After a day's time in Broken City, the number of Zergs was once again bred to the number of one billion.

In the past six months, the Bugworm Legion has come to kill almost every other day.

Even the Zerg has become accustomed to this life mode.


The Zerg is already ready to go!

As soon as the worms appeared, he immediately rushed forward.


Blood splashed at this moment.

Countless Zerg races followed and followed, killing frantically.

The Bugs' Legion is not rejecting those who come, slashing out the knife gang crazy.

The strength is strong, and the power of the sword gang that is cut out also increases.

Each Dao Gang is hundreds of times more powerful than it was at the beginning.

The disciples of the ten thousand worms legion can kill tens of millions of zergs with a single blow.

Even one billion Zerg is only a matter of more than one hundred knives.

"Swish swish!"

A burst of knives pierced through the air loudly!


Worm heads fly around, blood splatters!

With the current strength of the Bugger Legion, it is not too simple to kill the Zerg.

More than a hundred knives can be completed in a blink of an eye.


The saint’s late stage, if you want to continuously use the Dao magical powers a hundred times, and it is still a heaven-level magical power, it must be a bit unrealistic.

Therefore, the real person Shuiyue separated their five teams.

A team of five thousand people lined up in five rows.

Take turns to perform magical powers.

In this way, there is enough time to recover blood.

"Kill, kill me hard!"

Long Feng and the others were full of enthusiasm.

I wish I could kill the enemy.

However, these zergs are too weak for them.

Their battlefield is in the high-level wormhole.

Soon, under the full slash of the Bugworm Legion, the Zerg began to die in large quantities.

In a blink of an eye, more than half of the Zerg races in the entire Sunder City have died.

However, the Bugworm Legion did not leave as usual.

But continue to kill.

At this moment, the remaining Zerg began to be afraid.

Once they were beheaded, they would be completely dead.

"I can't beat it, I can't beat it!"


All of a sudden, many Zerg races began to mess up and fled in all directions.

When Long Feng saw it, he was shocked.

"Isn't it said that the Zerg is not afraid of death?"

"Why are you escaping now?"

"Quickly, Xiaoba, Xiao Xuanxuan, you will block the entire Sundering City for me, don't let them escape."

Longfeng immediately shouted loudly.

"Good lord!"

When Kong Xuan heard this, he was overjoyed. As soon as his wings spread, he blocked a city wall.

Anyone who wanted to escape from his direction was immediately suppressed by him.

At the same time, other people also immediately shot, encircling the entire Sundering City without leaving any blind spots.

"It's impossible to run!"

"Everyone, increase the output of Magic power for me, and kill these Damn it Zergs as soon as possible."

Seeing that the Zerg was defeated, Shuiyue Zhenren also urged the Bugworm Legion to do its best to wipe out the Zerg in the dungeon.


Under the crush of absolute strength, the Zerg has no resistance at all, and can only be quickly wiped out by the Bug Legion.

In less than half an hour, the Zerg in Destroyed City will be wiped out.

Seeing the blood flowing into a river of broken earth city, the corpses were everywhere, but everyone was not at all uncomfortable.

Instead, all of them were refreshed and full of energy.

"Boss, the Zerg has been killed, and has been checked again, and there is no life left."

Zhenren Shuiyue scanned it with divine mind first, and then came to report to Longfeng.

"Okay, Shattered City is gone, then our goal is to Shattered City."

Long Feng nodded, Heavenly Dao's eyes opened, and he looked into the depths of the distant mountain range.

In that direction, it is precisely where the broken sky city is.

At a glance, countless fierce beasts were blocking them halfway.

The first half is full of the middle stage Realm, which is very easy to deal with.

The second half is great.

The lowest is the first floor of the late stage.

Most of them are the fifth floor of the late stage.

Such fierce beasts, as long as they are large in number, are still very threatening to the Volcano Legion.

But the more difficult it is, the more benefits can be obtained.

Anyway, there is the existence of the Resurrection Station, and the Volch Legion is not afraid of death!

"Go, kill as many fierce beasts as possible along the way!"

As long as you kill all the way, the difficulty will get smaller and smaller.


The crowd took their orders and set off immediately.

Soon, everyone encountered the fierce beast again, of course, a killing was indispensable.

"Ding, the Bugworm Legion slays the fierce beasts and gains fierce aura."

There will be no less fierce air.

However, this time the beheading did not get the Realm Ascension card.

That's right, the last time I got the Realm Ascension card from the Buggers Corps, it was because of the special reward I got for killing the beast for the first time.

Such rewards can be met but not sought.

Soon, everyone encountered the beast of the late stage of the Lord.

Although it was a bit difficult to kill at the beginning.

But as time went by, more and more fierce beasts were killed, and more and more fierce auras were obtained.

At the same time, their combat effectiveness is getting stronger and stronger.

From the initial three times the combat power to the current five or six times the combat power.

This is like a virtuous circle.

The more fierce beasts killed, the more fierce aura and the stronger the strength.

Then, if the strength is strong, the speed of killing the beasts will be faster.

Until later, even if the number of fierce beasts was ten times more than that of the Bugworm Legion, a dozen knives would solve the problem.

The fierce aura of killing the fierce beasts gradually increased their combat power to ten times.

Although they are only the fifth floor of the late stage of the Lord, their true combat power has reached the highest level of the Lord.

It's so violent!

So powerful, it will definitely be approaching Potiancheng soon.

Then, the real person Shuiyue commanded the Bugworm Legion to open up its position, like dealing with the Zerg in Destroyed City, and began to cut the leeks again.


The strength of the worms was once again Ascension.

The Lord is the top floor!

The top two floors of the Lord!

The top three floors of the Lord!

In another half a year, all the disciples of the Bugworm Legion have advanced by leaps and bounds, and all have reached the top three levels of the Sovereign.

At this moment, his strength is fully deployed, and with the increase of the fierce aura, he already has the fighting power to fight the top five layers of the Lord.

Breaking the sky city is no longer a concern.

However, Longfeng didn't let them immediately kill the Zerg who broke the sky city.

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