Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 1475 Intermediate Worm Annihilated

Sword Qi flies randomly, Sword Qi is like hot!

All sword Qi Sword Qi were cut into the body of the extraordinary insect.


Chong Fei's face flushed, and his body even heard a bang, and the whole person was directly exploded, turning into a large blood mist pouring out.

Killing insects is extraordinary, five people stepped into the air, the lotus platform under their feet bloomed with light, and the pupils were covered with blood.

Several people were hunting in robes, with dazzling swords in their hands, and killing intent permeated.

The coldness released from the body caused the surrounding temperature to drop a lot, and the air was filled with chills that made the soul tremble.

"Let them all withdraw first!"

Seeing this, Longfeng waved his hand, and the passage to the Hongmeng world was opened.

At this time, the Zerg in Broken God City had been beheaded for nearly half.

In order to cut the leeks, the rest must be left to breed.

Otherwise, if you can kill them all in one step, it will be impossible if you want to advance.

"Boom boom boom!"

Following Longfeng's order, the Bugworm Army began desperately to kill all the Zerg who dared to stop it.

Then quickly escaped from the broken god city and rushed towards the intermediate Hongmeng world.

In a blink of an eye, all the staff disappeared.

Even Longfeng and Shuiyue have entered the world of Hongmeng and left.

In the Hongmeng world, the Bugworm Legion rested for a day and rushed out again.

Next, kill again!

In this way, a year will soon come.

The strength of all the worms in the army has skyrocketed.

All reach the top five floors of the Lord.

There is the possibility of breakthrough at any time.

However, when the time is up, it is no longer possible to advance to the Intermediate Worm.

"Kill, today the city of God will be destroyed!"

Longfeng issued the ultimate order.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Thousands of worms screamed in unison!

For a time!

Blood dripping, Sword Qi flew up and down.

Under the fierce aura, coupled with the blessing of magical powers Magic Treasures, the Bugs Army can kill the bugs, which is handy.

Every time a knife is cut, there are many Zerg Deaths.

Of course, the Zerg is not a straw bag.

They fought back frantically!

The Erlang of the Volworm Army also died in the hands of the Zerg.

But there is the existence of the resurrection station, even if the body dies, it is instantly resurrected.

For the Zerg, the Bugle Legion is cheating.

It is impossible to defeat an undead army.

The cry of killing resounded across the sky.

The monstrous Killing intent permeated the broken god city, and the dragon peak and others stood in the void above the battlefield for more than half a step.

"On the battlefield of Chaos, the Zerg kills and invades my Chaos Cultivators. Here, I must not keep them!"

The voice of the real person Shuiyue was like a wave, sweeping towards Podi City, and his voice was as cold as a thousand years of ice.

Although the Zerg resisted with all its strength, but their strength was insufficient, they had to wait to kill.

The bloody murderous aura bloomed, shaking the earth, the breath surged into the sky, and countless skyroars roared through the sky and the earth.


"Kill the Zerg!"

Everyone of the Bugworm Legion Bufan, the god of anger shouted!

A powerful and terrifying aura raged on the battlefield, and the heads of the Zerg race rolled down wherever the worms of the army passed by.

Dao Gang Sword Qi brings tremendous power, dominates the law, and even splits the void. One sword and one sword is the turbulence of the world.

In addition to the killing of Fuchu Legion Erlang, Yin Po, Ximang, Chongyu, Ji Han, and Guiguzi, the five people set up a circle, and none of them will let it go.

The entire battlefield was slaughtered, and the Zerg breath was suppressed for no reason by three points.

Countless Zerg heads burst, the corpses fell from the sky, and there was a mist of blood floating all over the sky.

The Zerg screamed sternly, bloody, and the surroundings were like The Underworld scene.

The fear of being killed in the hearts of all the Zerg races cannot escape, completely unable to control the fear in their hearts.

"Ah! Human race, you must not die!"

Countless Zerg cries uttered violent painful howls, and the war presented a side-to-side slaughter.

All the Zergs were incomparably painful and their expressions became hideous. They didn't understand why, as the proud Zergs, they were slaughtered by the ants.

Soon, the Zerg was beheaded to death, blood flowed into rivers.

The whole broken god city is full of ruins.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Long Feng looked calm.

The Intermediate Worm has been completely conquered by him.

Don't look at the worms army can completely wipe out the intermediate wormholes, think that the intermediate wormholes are weak.

Not really!

The reason why the Bugs Legion can completely defeat the Zerg in the Intermediate Worm.

The main reason is the resurrection station.

Otherwise, on the first day after entering the Intermediate Worm, there would be nothing to do with the Bugworm Legion.

"The Intermediate Worm has been destroyed, everyone gathered and immediately returned to the Blood Demon Hall."

Real Shuiyue shouted loudly, and the trapworm army gathered immediately.

At this moment, the 10,000 Erlangs of the Bugs Legion are soaring to the sky, and they are magnificent. They are a team of passionate men.


With a loud bang, the Fuchsia Legion, led by Long Feng, immediately raised the cloud and returned to the passage.

Then go through the passage and return to the Blood Demon Hall.

Just after returning to the Blood Demon Hall, Long Feng's ears rang a beep.

"Ding, congratulations to the master for exploding the Intermediate Worm and get a reward!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for getting the reward, the supernatural power overlord sword slash, the supernatural power overlord fist, the supernatural power overlord Sword Qi advanced!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for getting the reward, the prehistoric suit is promoted to the half-step Hongmeng Supreme Treasure!"

"Ding, congratulations to the master for getting the reward, one thousand primordial grandeur and purple energy, and one opportunity to transplant from the big world."

"Ding, congratulations to the master for getting the reward, a chance to teleport the Promise Dao at a fixed point."


As soon as the system prompt fell, there was a thunder.

A strong brilliance suddenly rose from the Ten Thousand Bugs Legion.

They can clearly sense that the magical powers they have cultivated have all been promoted.

At the same time, the triumphant three-piece suit on them is also promoted to the half-step Hongmeng Supreme Treasure.

"Ding, the master has a chance to teleport infinitely at a fixed point. Whether to teleport immediately, the master can bring two people with this teleportation."

Get a big world transplant opportunity.

Just as Longfeng was about to set off to transplant the Three-Eyed World into the Hongmeng World, the system suddenly rang.

This can't help but Long Feng is a little curious.

What kind of thing is this Teleport Promise?

"System, what's the matter with fixed-point teleporting infinite path?"

Ask if you don't understand, Longfeng is determined to be a good student.

"Ding, the master is justified in finding Magic Treasures for the mount, and the king plate is the destiny Magic Treasures of the exclusive mount, and the master is obliged to go and retrieve it."

"The master currently owns eighteen fragments of the Heavenly King's Disk, and the last two are controlled by the devil ancestor Luo Hui."

"This time, Demon Ancestor Luo Hu entered the Wuji Dao to look for opportunities. It is the time for the master to retrieve the remaining Heavenly King Disk."

"Fixed point teleportation, once turned on, you can teleport to within a hundred miles of Luo Hu's side."

"Note, the time limit for this fixed-point teleportation is two months. Two months later, Luo Hui gets the chance, and the owner will lose the chance to recapture Magic Treasures."

The system beep ends here.

When Long Feng heard it, he was even more daunted!

Where is the Promise Road?

Also, well, Luo Hu ran to find some chance.

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