"Ding, the master suppresses Heavenly Dao Three Eyes, does he immediately transplant the Three Eyes World into Hongmeng World?"

"Transplant now!"

Longfeng did not stop and decisively ordered.


Following Longfeng's order, the Three-Eyed World began to shake, like a ten second-level earthquake.

The earth cracked, the mountains turned upside down, and the whole world radiated a strong light.

This light releases the entire chaotic world!

Immediately, in the chaos, the shadow of the three-eyed world was already lost.

Chaos three thousand great worlds, at this moment, one world is reduced again, leaving only two thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight!

At this moment, the Chaos World is completely fried.

If the disappearance of Shuiyue World is an accident.

The disappearance of the three-eyed world is completely shocking.

Even the entire Chaos World had a panic.

Three thousand great worlds are already missing two!

In addition to the water and moon world, there is also the three-eyed world.

In just an hour, the passage to the Three-Eyed World was already crowded.

Each one is the power of each world.

And the passage of the Three-Eyed Great World is the same as the passage of the Shuiyue Great World.

There is no obstruction, there is no mystery at all.

Everyone is staring at the passage leading to the three-eyed world.


But at this moment, an old man of the Demon Race with a dark skin came out of the passage.

"Everyone, the Three Eyes World, like the Water Moon World, has disappeared."

"On both sides, there are chaotic sky moats, and they are very close to each other!"

As soon as the old demon clan came out, he said loudly.

"What, is it possible that the two chaotic sky moats can't be merged?"

"It's possible, isn't it just outside of the original Shuiyue Great World Passage."

"Yes, I went to Shuiyue Great World earlier this morning and took a look. The distance between the two chaotic sky moats was closer to ten thousand miles than when I went in last time."

"Speaking of which, in a few days, two chaotic sky moats, won't they merge into one?"

"Yes, in my opinion, the two chaotic sky moats here will eventually merge."

"I said, shouldn't it be time to consider the safety of the Three Eyes World and the Water Moon World?"

"This is closely related to us. Maybe in a few days, our world will disappear!"

"I don't know whether the cultivators in those two worlds are dead or alive."

For a time, there was all discussion around!

Some of them are worried, some are scared, some are indifferent, and some are in theaters...

But they simply could not think that the Three-Eyed World had taken root in Hongmeng World.


In the world of Hongmeng, there is endless shaking, and the glare of the sky is dazzling and dazzling.


A world suddenly appeared.

It was the three-eyed world that appeared.

Same as last time, a supreme force was issued.

After the brilliance flashed, as long as the cultivators of the three-eyed world were photographed back.


On the surface of the Three-Eyed World, a mask also rises to separate the Three-Eyed World from the Hongmeng World.

Then the space of the Three Eyes World became more stable.

"From today onwards, the Three-Eyed World has been designated as the Three-Eyed Planet, the second planet of the Hongmeng World."

Long Feng's words were astonishing, and the cultivators of the three-eyed big world were dumbfounded.

They finally knew what happened to the Shuiyue World some time ago.

This is clearly taken by Long Feng to come to this world.

At the same time, they felt that the barrier between the two big worlds had also disappeared.

In other words, here, two worlds...

Oh, no, it should be called a planet.

Here, as long as it reaches Sage Realm, it can resist spatial turbulence.

Between the two planets, you can communicate with each other.

This stunned them.

However, there seems to be a rule under this rule, even Heavenly Dao Sage must abide by it.

That is……

In the two worlds, there can be small-scale battles, but large-scale wars must not occur.

Moreover, it is not obvious to use the strong to bully the weak.

Otherwise, there will be great punishment.

This kind of punishment was even worse than the Heavenly Dao punishment they had previously known.

Heavenly Dao punishment, there is still a glimmer of life.

But here, once punished by the rules, it means death without life!


Every cultivator has an enlightenment, and the previous fusion law, Realm's cultivation method is wrong.

Only by integrating the law of Realm with Dantian, will we break through to a higher level.

In addition, there is Spiritual Qi here, in addition to being extremely rich, it is also a higher-level Hongmeng Spiritual Qi.

Everyone is fortunate, originally thinking that when you come to an unknown place, bad luck will come.

Unexpectedly, this will usher in a great opportunity instead.


At this moment, a reminder sounded in Long Feng's ears.

"Ding, the master gets the three-eyed planet and rewards all the cultivators on the entire planet with an Ascension level!"

"For the specific situation of everyone's Ascension level, refer to Shuiyue Great World!"

As the system prompt fell, the highlight moment of the three-eyed planet cultivation had arrived.

"Boom boom boom!"

All the three-eyed planet's cultivators burst out with the light of their debut.

The entire planet is shrouded in escalating coercion at this moment.

"Ding, the master pulled the Three-Eyed World into the Harmony World. There are changes in the Harmony World. Do you want to check the explanation?"

"Well, the changes in Hongmeng's world are reasonable!"

Long Feng nodded and opened to view!

There is a planet in the Hongmeng world, and the master can already mobilize the power of the world to fight.

Currently owning two planets, the owner can mobilize the power of the world to double the combat power of Ascension.

By mobilizing the power of the world, Ascension's combat power can already be doubled.


Longfeng is confident now.

Just rely on own power, plus the power of this world.

You can finish exploding two of the four of Shuiyue, Huqiu, Mobatian, and Long Aotian.

Such combat power is simply appalling.

For this time to intercept Luo Hu, his confidence increased again.

Maybe we can kill that old Luohu!


Long Feng exhaled a breath of turbidity in his chest, and then clicked on the fixed point to teleport the Promise Dao opportunity.

"System, I want to teleport Promise!"

Longfeng is ready to order the system.

"Ding, the master is about to teleport the Infinity Path at a fixed point, and the place he reached is a hundred miles away from Luohu!"

"This teleportation, the owner can carry two people, please choose whether to carry it?"

The system prompt resounded immediately.

"Carry Mobatian and Huqiu!"


A ray of light flashed, wrapping Longfeng, Mobatian, and Huqiu, and then the light disappeared.

Very fast, coming and going without a trace!

When he reappeared, Longfeng had already appeared on the Avenue of Stars.

Below your feet, it looks like an endless nebula, extending upwards and boundless.

Even if Longfeng opened Heavenly Dao's eyes, he couldn't see through where the end of the Avenue of Stars was.

In addition, the surroundings are also hazy.

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