I met the real person Shuiyue, and Realm is not much different.

It must be oneself who is dead. When will you stay if you don't run away!

Even if Longfeng is more powerful, he is not afraid, but the name of the real person Shuiyue is too impressive!

When he heard that this person was real Shuiyue, he immediately persuaded.

So he must escape.

Otherwise, today next year will be his memorial day!

Of course, there must be a certain strategy to escape.

Among the three, in terms of strength, Mobatian is obviously the weakest.

He attacked Longfeng first, because he could see that the three faintly headed by Longfeng.

As long as he suddenly shot him, the other two would be nervous for a moment.

As long as he seizes this moment, and then breaks through to the weakest side, the chance of escape is absolutely greater.


Seeing that Chongshiba actually rushed in his direction.

Mo Batian was furious.

Isn't this special, breaking out of my side, meaning I'd better bully, isn't it?

"Clone, come out!"

Mo Batian touched his head with his big hand.

In the blink of an eye, two identical bald men appeared on his left and right.


The Tyrant God raised his axe high, and slashed it under the golden light!

At the same time, the two avatars on the left and right threw out extremely quickly, and rushed to meet the Chong Shiba.


There was a symphony of gold and iron.

The golden light collided with the Tyrannical God Axe, and a spark was exploded.

The deity of Mobatian retreated hundreds of miles.

At the same time, Jinguang also flew upside down with a more powerful force than the incoming force, aiming at the eighteenth insect.

For a moment!

Insect Eighteen is equivalent to three fatal attacks.

"Did I draft it!"

He couldn't help spitting out a scent!

Unexpectedly, this bald man looked stupid and his strength was so strong.

What to do now, urgent!

Insect Eighteen only wanted to escape now.

In an instant, he made a decision.


He does not retreat but advances.

Pounce at Mobatian at a faster speed.

At the same time, his four tentacles each played two magical powers, respectively attacking the two clones of Mobatian.

At the same time, he opened his big mouth, exhaled a breath, and greeted the golden light.

"Boom boom boom!"

Three bursts in a row.

The golden light came with a single blow, breaking the breath of Chongshishishi and piercing his throat.


A mouthful of blood spurted.

"Crack! Click!"

Immediately afterwards, his four tentacles were also smashed to pieces by the two clones of Mo Batian.

But his eyes glared, his momentum rose instead of falling!


The four tentacles turned frantically, and they had separated from the two clones of Mo Batian, and stepped towards the deity.

"Fuck, you're a bit cruel!"

Mo Batian stabilized his figure, stretched out his big hand, and grabbed the four tentacles of Chongshiba.

"Now let's see where you go!"

A cruel light appeared in Mo Batian's eyes.

"Huh, goodbye!"

Unexpectedly, Chongshiba didn't panic at all, but showed a sullen smile.

Immediately, he was all over his body, and his four tentacles broke immediately.

Then he rose up and flashed past Mo Batian, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.


Mo Batian held four tentacles in both hands, with a dazed expression on his face.

"This worm eighteen is so powerful!"

"First take a hard hit, then show the enemy's weakness, use your four tentacles to get rid of Xiaoba's clone."

"Finally, abandon the four tentacles and escape."


Long Feng resolved the attack of Chongshiba with one palm.

There was a faint smile on his face.

I ran away from Chongshiba, but it was not at all annoying.

"Boss, these little guys are too sinister, they are so cruel to themselves!"

Mo Batian gave an embarrassed smirk and touched his bright bald head with regret on his face.

"It's okay, just run away, anyway, he will die sooner or later!"

Long Feng smiled coldly.

"Great good!"

Real Shuiyue smiled coldly, and looked at the direction where Chongshiba had escaped, with a murderous look.

"Send to the Bugworm Legion, let them speed up, not remember life and death, and kill the beast as soon as possible."

Death can continuously exercise people's will.

At the beginning, when the disciples of the Volworm Legion died for the first time, all of them trembled and feared in their hearts.

But now, all of them are not afraid of death.

Even Death, it's just a pain, and then dozed off.

Now, in their hearts, there is no fear of Death at all.

Nothing can scare them.

Their will is the most determined group of people in the entire Chaos World.

This is of great benefit to their cultivation.

The fighting consciousness is also strong enough to pervert.

At this moment, even if they are not fierce, Magic Treasures are comparable to their opponents.

With this will, they can leapfrog the challenge.

Longfeng has a hunch that once this ten thousand insect army has reached the supreme Realm.

Together, they can even kill the peerless powerhouse who integrates the Nine Laws of Realm and Dantian.

For Longfeng, this is a strong boost.

"Boss, I'll go right away."

Real Shuiyue didn't say much, and immediately dashed away.

Afterwards, the Buggers Army did not count the consumption, and went all out to shoot.

Countless magical powers are displayed, and the sky is full of Sword Qi like a storm.

No one can resist.

Even Kong Xuan and others are the same, even if they die, they must first cut off a piece of meat from the fierce beast.

Anyway, I can be reborn, afraid of a fart!

For a time, the speed of killing was increased.

The disciples of the Bugworm Legion have died numb.

There is no fear for them to die now.

One day, more than ten days of killing speed.

Until the mountains outside the Chongdi City, all the fierce beasts were killed.


Shuiyue Zhenren gave an order, and all the members of the Bugworm Army immediately came to Longfeng and lined up neatly in five rows.

Five teams, one team for every two thousand people.

All of them were covered in blood, but their aura was so powerful that they shook the world.

A killing air was released from them.

A black Killing intent storm formed overhead.

Under this storm, the void and no wind automatically swept the earth wildly, shaking the surrounding rubble flying, smoke and dust billowing.

Above the sky, there were dark clouds covering the top, and thunder and lightning flickered.

Long Feng glanced!

The captains and deputy captains of each team, but all those who are promoted to the supreme level have twice as much fierce aura.

This means that their combat effectiveness has soared twice.

Supreme Realm doubled its combat power, almost possessing the power of leapfrog challenge.

In addition, those who have not reached the supreme level are also ten times more fierce.

Ten times the combat power, properly leapfrogged to kill the enemy.

There are also ordinary disciples of the worm legion, all of whom will Ascension the evil spirit to fifty times.

Fifty times the combat power, and can even surpass a level of combat.

Coupled with their combat awareness, they can even kill the enemy.

With this power, Long Feng was in a good mood.

"Everyone rests on the spot for a day, stabilizes their own strength, and marches towards the Chongdi City in a day!"

With a big wave of Longfeng's hand, more than a million magnum and purple auras flew out.

Everyone gained a hundred primordial purple energy, and immediately sat in the Lotus Position and began to cultivate.

For a while, the mountains became quiet!

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