Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0236 Fighting Li Guichen Again

The puppet stayed on the battlefield, Long Feng's figure flashed, and he already came to Chang'e, waved and killed the surrounding demons, rolled up Chang'e and Zulong and left.

"Supernatural powers, somersault cloud!"


Longfeng's figure instantly disappeared on the battlefield.

The speed is so fast that even the nine peak powerhouses in the void only feel a flower in front of them, and they lose their figure.

"What is that kid doing?"

Seeing Longfeng escape, raised his eyebrows in shock.

"F*ck, is this a deserter?"

Hongjun also opened his eyes violently.

"Hahaha, your cultivator is really good..."

The God Yumosheng suddenly laughed, and his eyes looked at Hongjun's eyebrows full of endless contempt.

Was ridiculed.

Hongjun raised his eyebrows and his face was green.


Just when the great demon sages were disdainful, 100,000 miles away, a loud bang shook the void.

Immediately afterwards, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and an endless wind salon swept across the sky.

"Sage late stage battle?"

Hongjun and Yang Mei were taken aback.

Aren’t all the Sage middle stages of the demons in the nest?

"who is it?"

The seven powerhouses of the Mozu were also shocked.

Hong Huang actually has masters lurking.

Instant time!

Each of the nine peak powerhouses gathered their eyes and looked tens of thousands of miles away.

At this time, Long Feng had already fought against Li Guichen.

With the sound of a rock and a crack, the two of them were shaken back for dozens of miles.

A violent force wreaked havoc in Longfeng's body, as if to burst his body.

A mouthful of blood is even more violent.

"Magic Saint late stage!"

Long Feng's eyes narrowed, and the palm of the opponent had obviously reached the lethality of the demon saint's late stage.

"Desperate Sky Eye, open!"

The Sky Eye has been upgraded to the Soul Contemplating Sky Eye, but Long Feng hasn't had time to check his effect for the time being.

Li Guichen, the demon saint to the dust, the late stage powerhouse of the demon saint, ranks tenth in the core disciple of the imperial god sect, and possesses the chaos magic weapon, Tiantian Wheel.

He is proficient in the best ink technique with nine bends of the magic flame finger, the palm of the devil's distraction, the fist of the demon, and the yellow middle-grade supernatural power returns to the dust.

Li Guichen's attributes have changed.

Realm Ascension ranks Ascension, and its supernatural powers have also reached the middle grade.

However, this Li Guichen has just been promoted, Realm is not stable yet, Long Feng wants to make a wave.

"Jie Jie, it was you!"

At this moment, Li Guichen stood in the air, his black cloak fluttering in the air, hunting and hunting.

"Human powerhouse! I seem to smell the blood on your body."

Opposite him, Long Feng was also standing in the air, his feet on the clouds, his eyes cold, slightly embarrassed.

"The strong human race, last time, let you run away, today, you must die!"

Li Guichen sternly shouted.

Long Feng smiled contemptuously, glanced at Li Guichen, and then said lightly: "It's up to you? I'm afraid it won't work."

"Jie Jie Jie, then let me see your strength."

Li Guichen laughed strangely, his figure flew up suddenly, leaving a shadow on the spot.

The next moment, Li Guichen suddenly appeared in front of Longfeng, his snow-white right hand protruding fiercely like a sharp claw, and buckled towards Longfeng's front door.

"court death!"

Long Feng's eyes flashed, a palm shot out, turning into a giant palm in the air, and violently colliding with Li Guichen's claws.

The claws exploded, the palm power spread, countless black claws turned into magic Qi Sea, like a storm to annihilate the void, splashing boundless energy.

Every energy contains supreme power, which makes people feel horrified.

The entire void seems to be rendered, and the endless aura is madly released.

The entire Demon Killing squad retreated and then retreated, all eyes wide open, unblinkingly watching the two strong men fighting.

The power of the super master is shocking, and everyone watching the land is full of enthusiasm.

Only by constantly slaughtering demons and obtaining magic cores can they quickly advance.

The peerless masters are fighting, just waiting for a while, ruining the world and turning over the earth, it is simply terrifying!

However, the two energies eventually dissipated slowly.

With palms, the claws slowly disappeared into the void.

With this strike, Longfeng retreated tens of miles away, while Li Guichen could only retreat tens of meters away.

Long Feng frowned.

Unexpectedly, this Li Guichen had just been promoted, so he would be so much stronger.

Moreover, even if you use the flame shock, Realm is the same as the other party, but it is still a bit different from the authentic Sage late stage.

At this moment, Li Guichen slowly raised the corners of his mouth and said leisurely: "Honghuang, worthy of being one of the three thousand great worlds, it is extraordinary, but today, you still have to die!"

Li Guichen's eyes were cold and severe, looking towards Longfeng, and said lightly: "Three tricks!"

"There are three more ways to see me take your life!"

Li Guichen grinned, his face looked terrifying and terrifying. With a scratch on his right hand, a purple and gold giant wheel appeared in his hand. It was his chaos magic weapon stepping on the sky wheel.

This sky-traveling wheel is round in shape, and the whole body is pitch black. It releases amazing pressure and seems to be infinitely powerful.

"Three strokes? Who wouldn't speak big words, today, I want to see how you can defeat me with three strokes!"

Long Feng was not angry, but glanced at the opponent coldly, with disdain on his face.

Even if it is the late stage of the demon saint, he is not in a panic at this time.

Even if the Holy Power in the body can't keep up, but baby, he has a lot of it.

Seeing Li Guichen took out the Heavenly Stepping Wheel, he also grabbed at the sky, and the Divine Sword of Zhu Xiantu appeared in his hand.

"Devil, see me behead your head today!"

As soon as the voice fell, Long Feng's momentum suddenly exploded, and the terrifying holy power spread.

An astounding sword light appeared instantly, as if cutting through the void and splitting the chaos.

"Chaos magic, sword breaks the world!"

The billions of Sword Ray exploded in an instant, and the unparalleled sword light swept towards Li Guichen. This sword contained supreme mighty power, killing the sky.

Sword Ray is endless, and cut straight to Li Guichen, trying to destroy his soul with one sword and two paragraphs.

"Supernatural powers, return to the dust!"

With a loud shout, like a tiger roar and a dragon chant, it shook the void.

Behind Li Guichen, a black troll phantom with a height of hundreds of meters appeared.

This troll looks exactly the same as Li Guichen, but its size has expanded more than a hundred times.


The troll roared at the void.

With a roar, Li Guichen opened his hands and jumped up. He stepped on the sky wheel and flew towards Longfeng directly.

The sky wheel expanded and shot out, carrying boundless power, and smashed down in the air.

The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the air was cut apart.

To step on the power of the sky wheel, you must break the sword style of Longfeng.

The power burst frantically in the void, exploded in horror, and finally collided in an all-round way.

The Demon Killing Squad stared at this scene with wide eyes, for fear of missing any detail.

Between the twisting of the air, there was a sound of gold and iron, and Long Feng's figure exploded, and he retreated far away in an instant.


A dazzling light flickered, dazzling more than the sun.

It wasn't until a few breaths that the light slowly dissipated. Li Guichen held the round wheel, standing proudly, with a sneer on his face.

Longfeng stood in the void, feeling a faint pain in the hand holding the sword, and the tiger's mouth was almost shattered.

Under this move, Longfeng continued to fall in the wind.

Li Guichen's supernatural powers made him stronger.

According to Longfeng's method at this time, it was definitely lost.

"Longfeng Big Brother, be careful!"

When Chang'e saw this scene, his heart was shaken.

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