Soon, under the powerful flight speed of the somersault cloud, Longfeng had already passed hundreds of millions of miles away, completely out of the area of ​​the Emperor Demon Sect.

On the earth, there are already other demons fighting at any time.

Long Feng even saw a fiery red cow walking demon with a height of nearly ten feet, fighting with a two-foot-high wolf clan demon.

These two demons have the Cultivation Base of Quasi-Devil Saints.

The two demons fight together, it's almost lifeless, they have already killed their eyes.

You have a knife, and he has a blow. The battle is extremely bloody, and the fight is full of blood, screaming again and again, but without flinching.

The surrounding mountains were all shattered, but the two demons didn't care about them. They just killed themselves, and even innocent demons were constantly involved and lost their lives.

Long Feng just glanced, did not stop, and then moved on.

Soon, he stopped over a fiery red valley.

Here, he met two demons at war.

The battle between the two tribes is even more bloody, one is the Tiger Demon Race, the other is the Giant Demon Race.

They actually feed on each other directly, and if they are caught alive or beheaded, they will immediately be eaten raw by the opponent.

It was cruel and terrifying.

Even Longfeng frowned.

"What a great beast!"

"These demons are all beasts!"

Long Feng's eyes were cold, his face was frosty, and a strong killing intent was brewing in his body.

"These two kinds of demons should not exist in the world, but should be extinct."

Long Feng found a reason for himself and decided to supersede these two cruel and bloodthirsty demon races.

Just as Longfeng was about to take action, a stream of light suddenly fell in the sky.

Wearing a dark cloak and holding a giant axe, a young man instantly landed in the middle of the two fighting demons.

This young man has a pair of blue pupils, no hair on his head, and eleven hideous ring scars appear on the bright and big bald head.

Above each ring scar, there was a Heavenly Demon intent, and a surging force was released.

Outside of the ring scar, the two pitch-black sharp corners are one inch long, and between the two sharp corners, there are arcs flashing each other, making a slight piercing noise.

This demon youth is tall and tall, a head taller than Longfeng, and looks similar to humans.

It can be seen from the naked eye that his whole body is composed of countless pieces of steel-like muscles. At a glance, he knows that he must have cultivated the Cultivation Technique to strengthen his body.

The giant axe in his hand was as huge as a door panel, and the axe shone with an aggressive chill, and from time to time released the pressure of the treasure of chaos.

As soon as this demon youth landed, he touched his shiny bald head, with a silly smile on his face and extremely friendly eyes.

"Everyone, give me a Face, don't make a face, can you go to the Demon Lair with me?"

When speaking, the demon youth could not see any murderous aura in his body.

On the contrary, anyone will think that he is a compassionate man of Taoism.

"Fuck, where is the bald head that ran out, you are so old, you want your patriarch to give you a Face, first let the patriarch taste the fragrance of your thighs!"

As soon as the bald young man's voice fell, the giant clan chief was first dissatisfied. He raised the blood-stained knife in his hand, his face was arrogant and his body was murderous.

"Dare to nosy, daddy is going to fry you!"

On the other side, the Demon Tiger patriarch cracked a big mouth, exposing his sharp teeth, lifted a punch, and slammed the bald young man's head.

"Die to me!"

The fist wind screamed, carrying Shanwei, and unleashing the power of the quasi-devil saint's pinnacle.

This punch can break the mountains and crack the rocks and kill them.


The bald young man seemed to have never seen it at all, his face still smiled, and his voice became louder.

"My mother said that a kid who beats people is not a good kid!"

"You are not a good boy!"

As soon as the bald young man's voice fell, he stretched out his hand and patted the demon tiger patriarch lightly.


This seemingly unremarkable shot of the bald youth, but it is infinitely powerful, directly destroying the dead, breaking through the demon tiger patriarch’s fist, and the remaining power is unfailing, and finally hit on the demon tiger patriarch’s body.


With a loud bang, blood and meat flew across the sky, like a rain of flesh and blood.

The Demon Tiger patriarch didn't react at all, and was killed by the bald youth.

Such a scene shocked the audience in an instant. The thousands of demons who had been clamoring ceaselessly were suddenly silent, and all of their eyes almost went out of their sockets.

The patriarch of the Demon Tiger is a veteran quasi-demon saint. He is powerful and is already on the verge of sanctification. Even if Sage wants to kill him with a single blow, it is not so easy.

But the bald young man, from the analysis of the palm just now, is no more than the quasi-devil saint late stage, how did he leapfrog and kill the devil tiger patriarch?

Everyone was horrified, and at the same time they backed tens of meters away, keeping a distance from the bald youth, for fear that the next one would be himself.

"You, who are you?"

"Dare to kill my Demon Tiger Clan Chief, do you know that my Demon Tiger Clan is covered by the second Elder of the Emperor Demon Sect?"

"Bold murderer, kneel down obediently and be bound, otherwise it will refine your soul!"

For a while, the Demon Tiger Clan disciple panicked.

Their patriarch was beheaded, this is simply a big deal.

One by one jumped out, and unceasingly yelled at the bald youth.

"Hey hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just patted him and he died, no wonder I am, he is too weak!"

The bald youth touched his bald head again, the silly smile on his face never stopped.

"Good boy, dare to insult my demon tiger clan, you are looking for death, brothers, go together, kill him and eat meat!"

The demons are bloodthirsty by nature, but for an instant, they forget the horror of the bald youth, screaming, and rushing out.

" are not good kids!"

The Demon Clan youth's face changed at this time, turning into anger, as if he was extremely dissatisfied with these Demon Tiger Clan disciples with more bullying and less.

He stretched out his hand again, and patted these rushing Demon Tiger disciples lightly.

This shot, with a slight strong wind, seemed to have no power.


"Boom boom..."

For a moment!

Countless blood blossoms exploded, and there was a shower of blood in the sky.

With an understatement, hundreds of demon tiger clan powerhouses were easily killed.

And all the corpses were broken into pieces, and even a whole corpse could not be found.

"Fuck, run!"


The giant patriarch was really frightened.

Even if he was bloodthirsty, he wouldn't stand by and rush to death.

This bald young man was just an evildoer. With two unremarkable shots, he actually shot out a group of equal strength to him.

This is so special, how to fight.

Don't run, don't run is a silly fork!

Seeing the giants run away, the bald young man made no other moves.

Just touched his bright bald head, with a little embarrassed look on his face, watching the giants go away.

"These people are really true. I just invite you to go to the Demon Cavern together. What are you afraid of? Will I not be able to eat the devil?"

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