"Hey, trampling to death, I stepped on their faces, trampling to death alive, the feeling is simply crooked!"

"The next one is you, your face, I will step on it."

The cruel color on the boy's face grew stronger.

"Brother Rock, kill him first!"

"Yes, that's right, Senior Brother Luo Ke, Junior Brother please fight!"

At this time, the other teenagers also glared at him, staring at Longfeng fiercely, as if to devour him alive.

"Rock, you are actually Rock!"

At this moment, Mo Batian seemed to think of something and suddenly let out an exclamation.

"What? He is Rock!"

"It turns out that it is Rock, dead, that kid is dead!"

For a moment!

Everyone exclaimed.

"Xiaoba, is Roque very popular? Look at your appearance, so give me Losing face."

"Brother Dragon, this Rock, but the first arrogant of the Demon Thunder God Sect, possesses the eighth rank demon core."

"Although there is only the Cultivation Base at the pinnacle of the quasi-devil saint, his supernatural powers are extremely weird.

Mo Batian said, his face was already purple.

"Oh, it's really amazing. If you kill him, then the Demon Thunder God Sect will not be a big loss."

"In other words, what the Devil Thunder God Sect is, no one of you has told me yet!"

Hearing Mobatian's words, Longfeng didn't panic.

"Boy, you are crazy. You are the madest person I have ever seen. There is no one. Since you have been mad out of the sky, I will make you die happy later."

Roque smiled again on his face.

"I won't die, it's not that you have the final say, but I have the final say, Xiaoba, you haven't told me yet, what is the Demon Thunder God Sect?"

"Brother Dragon, Demon Thunder God Sect is not a thing. It is the super Sect of Demon Realm. It is ranked 18th in Demon Realm. It is said that Sect Leader of Demon Thunder God Sect and Tai Shang Da Elder are both Demon Lord Cultivation Base."

Mo Batian's tone trembled a little.

"The background is not small!"

Long Feng nodded, overjoyed.

Killing such a Tianjiao has many benefits, one is that it can cut off potential threats for the prehistoric, and the other is that it can explode good things.

"Rock must die!"

In Long Feng's heart, Roque's death sentence has been pronounced, and it is still executed immediately.

"So daring, Lei Bao, kill them for me!"

When Mobatian said that the Demon Thunder God Sect was not a thing, Rock suddenly became furious and could no longer restrain the killing intent in his heart.

"Yes, Brother Rock, watch me twist the heads of those two boys."

Just now he was clamoring to kill Longfeng, and immediately took a step forward, with a bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

"Lei Bao, give me a sigh of relief, I will step on their heads!"

Rock was full of anger and fierce flames.

"Senior brother, don't worry, I will show mercy to my men and leave them to death."

Lei Bao's voice was cold and unfeeling.

"Two boys, come and die!"

Lei Bao raised his hand and pointed, looking arrogantly at Longfeng and Mo Batian.

"Uh, Xiongtai, it's not good to fight and kill. We can sit down and talk about it slowly if there is anything to do. Peace is the most important thing, yes, it is the most important thing."

Mo Batian swallowed, looking like Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

"Go away, it's shameful!"

Long Feng patted on the bald head, glanced at Mo Batian with contempt, and then flashed out directly.

"Ant, die!"

At this time, Lei Bao no longer followed Nai's intent to kill him, and took the lead in culling towards Longfeng.

The fist is as strong as electricity, surging in prayer.

But right now!

Before his fist fell, a storm surged in the passage beside him, and a terrifying sword shadow suddenly rushed out of it.

This sword shadow, like a meteor falling from the sky, with a terrifying killing intent, has the power to split the chaos.

Long Feng had no doubt that this sword, if it were in the outside world, would definitely pierce a hole in the sky.


With a sword, the world changes color.

Countless Sword Qi flew over, gathered, and attacked Longfeng and Leibao.

This is not over yet, there are countless Sword Qi behind, shooting like a torrent.

Under this powerful Sword Qi, the corpses in the entire crypt turned into powder.

And almost half of the magic group in the hall was injured by these Sword Qi.

The entire crypt is full of endless killing intent.

"What a cruel Sword Qi!"

"However, with this strength, you want to hurt me too. You think too much."

Long Feng raised his brows and moved slightly under his feet. Then he aimed at the place where Sword Qi was flying, and blasted a punch directly.

"The chaos magical skill, the world-breaking fist!"


With a punch, Wan Jian surrendered, and the Sword Qi rushing towards Longfeng was instantly disintegrated and disappeared without a trace.

"Ah! There are masters!"

"Run away, this is Qingtian's sword!"

"No, Young Master Tianao spare his life!"

At the same time, under this Sword Qi, the expressions of all the masters of the demons changed drastically. Some people seemed to recognize the identity of the coming person, so scared, they kept begging for mercy.

What's more, they may begin to kneel down to beg for mercy, or run away frantically, panicking like a dog in the family.

Even the Leibao was completely scratched by Sword Qi with bone scars. The blood has completely stained him into a blood man.

"Tianao child, dare you!"

At this moment, Dou Wen yelled, Rock's voice was like thunder.


A flash of lightning burst from Rock's palm.



For a moment!

The entire crypt suddenly flashed with thunder, and the unparalleled electric light gathered, hitting the Sword Qi, and disappeared instantly.

"Hahaha, boy Rock, you haven't seen you for decades, your strength hasn't grown a bit!"

Suddenly, there was a frantic laughter in the passage.

The next moment, I saw the Daoist figure with a Killing intent, slowly coming.

Although it is a demon, it is like a few sharp swords, full of killing aura and sharp edge.

"Tianao child, do you dare to hurt my disciple of the Demon Thunder God Sect?"

Seeing that Lei Leopard looked like a blood man, Rock suddenly became angry.

"Hahaha, an ant hurts as soon as it hurts, why not?"

Young Master Tian Ao said casually.

"You...Okay, I'll ask you about your clever tricks later, Junior Brother Lei Bao, come back, quickly take the magic pill and heal your injuries."

Rock held back his anger, took out a Medicine Pill, and said harshly.

"Thank you Brother Rock.!"

Lei Bao resisted the pain, turned around and walked towards Rock.

"Hold on, did I let you go?"

A joking voice suddenly sounded.

Long Feng's face seemed to be smiling but not smiling, his eyes released killing intent.

"What are you, do you speak here?"

Lei Bao turned his head, frowned, his eyes were ferocious, looking at Longfeng as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Huh, the ignorant is fearless, die for me!"

Long Feng didn't talk nonsense. He stretched out his hand and caught the Zhuxiantu Divine Sword in his hand, and he swept out his backhand with a sword.

Sword Ray was like a rough wave, and then it slammed.


With a scream, before everyone had time to react, Lei Bao was broken by a sword, and even the soul was cut in half.

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