Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0254: Treasures In The Chamber Of Secrets

When Mo Batian saw that Long Feng's expression was wrong, he immediately changed his words.

"Well, it's pretty much the same."

"Go, open those three secret rooms and see what good things are in them?"

Long Feng's eyes turned to the three secret rooms again.

"I... I'll go!"

Mo Batian looked incredulous and pointed his big bald head with his fingers.

"Of course, isn't you going or me?"

Long Feng rolled his eyes and slapped Mo Batian's bald head with a slap.

"Don't talk nonsense, come on, chirp, believe it or not, I will punch your shit out."

"Okay, boss, I'll go right away!"

Mo Batian touched his head and cautiously came to the stone gate on the left.

The stone gate is dark green with a big sky character on it.

That sky character released a dim fighting intent, as if a sword was emitting soaring into the sky Sword Qi.

Mo Batian came to the door, squatted up Horse Stance, stretched his hands forward, then released his magic power and pushed hard.


Shimen slowly opened.

Long Feng stared at him. Inside the Shimen, it was pitch black, but under his god's eyes, the scene was unmistakable.

This stone room is not big, less than 100 square meters.

There is no danger inside, only a stone platform as big as a dining table.

On the stone platform, a pitch-black Medicine Pill is floating in the air, releasing a tyrannical and aura.

Apart from this accident, the entire secret room was empty and empty.

Long Feng put on the Chaos Divine Armor properly, his magic power soared, forming a protective shield all over his body, and then slowly walked in.

"Ding, I found a Heavenly Demon pill, does the master charge it?"

Heavenly Demon Dan, under the demon clan, regardless of Realm, can immediately refine a clone with the strength of the body.

"Fuck, good medicine Pill, charge it!"

Long Feng's heart trembled, this Demon Realm was really amazing, even such a Medicine Pill.

You know, there are no restrictions on this refining clone.

If the Demon Sage Dzogchen satisfies it, wouldn't it be possible to refining a clone of the Demon Sage Dzogchen again!

This is so special, it's simply the existence of Niubi Huaao.


With Longfeng's affirmation, the Medicine Pill immediately disappeared and appeared in the inventory.

Putting away the Heavenly Demon Dan, Longfeng glanced around again, and found no more, only then walked out of the stone room.

"Xiaoba, hurry up, the next one!"

"Boss, that Medicine Pill..."

"Follow you, it's good, I know it's good for you, now give me a good job!"


Mo Batian touched his head, looking like I understood.

The second door is black, as pitch black as ink, with the word "ground" engraved on it.

Same as last time, Mo Batian pushed open the gate of the ground name.


As soon as the Shimen opened, a tempting pill fragrance was released.

In this secret room, there is also only one stone platform.

On the stone platform, there are two Medicine Pills.

These two Medicine Pills exude a faint red luster, with a tangy fragrance.

Eye of the soul, open!

Magical Pill, any Magical Beasts can use this pill to develop a magical power.

"F*ck, good medicine pill!"

Longfeng was taken aback, then overjoyed.

Such Medicine Pill is absolutely extraordinary.

"I just don't know if it's useful for Kong Xuan and Zulong?"

Longfeng hurried out and entered the stone room instantly.

"Ding, two supernatural power pills are found, does the master charge them?"


"Ding, the master picked up two supernatural power pills, which can be consumed by any non-human being."

Hearing this system prompt, Long Feng couldn't help showing a weird look on his face.

Magical Beasts and Magical Beasts can be taken effectively, but now any non-human can take it, so from the system's point of view, except for humans, all other races are beasts!

Long Feng glanced at Mo Batian with a smile on his face, "Little Ba, are you a human or a beast?"

"Boss, what is a person?"

Mo Batian looked dazed, he had never heard of human beings.

"Damn, you don't even know anyone?"

Longfeng was a little speechless, "Is there no human race in the Devil Realm?"

"I haven't heard that the biggest races in the Demon Realm are the giants, the orcs, and the Yaksha."

"Except for these three tribes, they are the Red Demon Race and the Green Skin Race, the Black Dragon Race, and the Array Demon Race. They just haven't heard of any human races."

Mo Batian shook his head like a rattle.

"Forget it, you are really ignorant!"

Long Feng shook his head. It seemed that there were no pure humans in this demon world.

"Xiaoba, go! There is one last secret room. I am optimistic about you."

Long Feng patted Mo Batian's bald head and looked at him with encouraging eyes.

"Boss rest assured, look at me!"

Mo Batian had opened two stone gates in succession. At this time, he was confident, wiped his bald head, and then strode out of the stone gate with herringbone inscribed.

"Grandma, please drive to me!"

The magic is invigorating, and the arms are endless.

Mo Batian put his hands on the stone gate, his whole body revolved, and the unparalleled force acted on the stone gate.


As the Shimen opened a gap, a burst of soaring pill energy instantly condensed, and with a boom, it shot out from the gap, hitting Mo Batian's chest.


A mouthful of blood spurts!

Mo Batian's breath instantly wilted, and with a bang, he fell directly to the ground, with less air intake and more air vent.

"Fuck, what's the matter?"

Longfeng's mind was shocked.

Quickly ran to the side of Mo Batian, took out two Dragon Tiger Eight Treasure Pills, and stuffed them into Mo Batian's mouth.


"Boss, I'm dying, am I?"

Mo Batian's face was pale, and a blood hole as big as a thumb passed through his chest, and the blood flowing out had already dyed him into a blood man.

"Xiaoba, don't you really want to die?"

Long Feng's expression instantly changed.

Although he wanted to kill Mo Batian several times, as the two got along, he gradually felt that Mo Batian was loyal and friendly enough, and he was very different from the demons he imagined.

Especially just now, he clearly knew that Locke and Young Master Tian'ao had extraordinary origins, and he wanted to stand up and fight against the enemy together with him.

To be honest, Long Feng has been moved by him, and he has stopped killing him.

Unexpectedly, now, he was actually injured by the mechanism in the secret room.

This made Longfeng a little caught off guard.

Looking at Mo Batian's injury, Long Feng couldn't help it. If only his heart was penetrated, with his strength, his life would not be in danger.

However, in that pill energy, there seemed to be a kind of power to destroy the soul.

"Old... boss, that... secret room is no longer dangerous, there is only one pill... Medicine Pill in it."

At this time, Mo Batian's primordial spirit was already extremely weak, and it seemed to disappear at any time.

It is conceivable that that pill gas must be a powerful means of a senior, maybe it is the master of the demon cave, the demon lord's nirvana.

In front of that kind of strong man, Long Feng's strength looked a little pale and weak.

Moba Angel Jin finished speaking, and had exhausted his last strength.

Seeing Mobatian's vitality gradually disappeared, Long Feng suddenly felt a little moist in the corners of his eyes.

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