Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0258 The Battle Between Tianjiao

At this moment, a teenager wearing snake skin suddenly appeared on a tiger with colorful stripes.

Seeing the vision in the foreground, his pupils suddenly shrank, and the look of horror appeared on the face that was also like a beast.

"This is... Array pattern?"

"Damn it, are you the Tianjiao Yuwen Pavilion of the Demon Race?"

The snake-skin boy was shocked at this time, staring at the Dao-robed boy surrounded by thousands of Magical Beasts, and said in disbelief.

This was beyond his expectation!

Unexpectedly, I wanted to go back to a non-capital trade, but got into such a pervert.

Now, he really can't sit still!

Although he is also an orc Tianjiao, he has no grievances with this Yuwen Pavilion, and does not want to fight to the death.

"This is too incredible!"

At this time, Mo Batian's surprised voice also sounded in Long Feng's ears.

"Xiaoba, do you know these two people?"

"Boss, the snake-skin boy riding on the back of the Demon Race is the Tianjiao Snake Mark of the Orc Race, and the boy surrounded by Magical Beasts is the Tianjiao Yuwen Pavilion of the Array Demon Race."

"These two demons are Super Sects from the Demon Realm. They both have the 8th-Rank Demon Core. They have deep cards and are as famous as Tian Ao and Roque."

"You have a lot of demon geniuses!"

Long Feng's eyes shone brightly, looking at the Snake Mark Sky and Yuwen Pavilion, it was already killing intent.

The arrogance of the devil, not one can stay!

Long Feng resisted the desire to shoot immediately, and continued to wait and see.

He wanted to see how many abilities these two Demon Race Tianjiao had, which was stronger and weaker than Luo Ke and Young Master Tian Ao.

It would be better for these two demons to fight and lose both so that he can go out and clean up the mess.


The corner of Yuwen Pavilion's mouth was lifted, and he said faintly: "Congratulations, you guessed it, I am the Tianjiao Yuwen Pavilion of the Formation Demon Race!"

When the words fell, he stretched out his hands, and his handprints continued to be punched out. Numerous ancient formation patterns sprayed out from his palm, smashed down like rain, and merged into the ground.


"Boom boom boom!"

The sky revolved around the world, and the flames emerging from the ground became more vigorous with the formation of Yuwen Pavilion.

At the same time, the thunder in the sky became more and more intense, and the lightning carried its might, smashing down like Magical Beasts.

Numerous Magical Beasts began to die, and some even cracked their heads and magic cores scattered all over the place.

Under the formation attack of Yuwen Pavilion, the Magical Beasts under the demon saint was instantly killed.

The remaining Magical Beasts were all shocked, roaring frantically, and constantly fleeing towards the periphery.

But the entire array was already blocked by the mask, no matter how crazy these Magical Beasts were, they still couldn't escape the thunder pond.

"Yuwen, I, Snake Hentian, ask myself if I have no grievances and no grudges against you, why did you ambush me!"


She Hentian also became anxious.

These Magical Beasts could hardly be tamed by him, but at this moment he watched as they were being harvested continuously, his eyes were red, and his heart was bleeding.

"Hahaha, Snake Mark Sky, Blood Demon Great Hall is about to open, killing you, just one less powerful enemy, can give me one more point of hope for Blood Demon inheritance."

Yuwen Pavilion's laughter was very arrogant, with an arrogant and invincible posture on his face.

I saw him standing in the center of the entire formation, with black silk flying all over his head, setting off his slightly handsome face, even more majestic.

Although there are countless Magical Beasts howling around, they can't affect his coquettish aura at all.

"Yuwenge, if you want to kill me, I'm afraid you can't do it yet."

Hearing Yuwen Pavilion's words, Snake Hentian was also angry.

I saw a word in his mouth, and then a burst of animal language came out.

"Chuck, Chuck, Chuck..."

A sound of unintelligible language popped out of his mouth one after another.


At this moment, there were ten Magical Beasts roaring frantically around.

For a moment!

These ten Magical Beasts began to transform, all of them reborn, unleashing a coercion that surpassed the quasi-magical saints, blasting out their energies, and suppressing the thunder and fire in the entire formation.

At this time, these Magical Beasts stared at Yuwen Pavilion indifferently, with humanized disdain in their eyes.

"This... are these all Holy Magical Beasts!"

Yuwen Pavilion was shocked in an instant, "You still hide such a hole card?"

"How is this possible, how can you tame so many Saint Magical Beasts?"

Yuwenge's face changed, and he was no longer the light and breezy.

"Hahaha, Yuwen Pavilion, be stunned! Thinking of me, the snake-scared sky is the first arrogant of the orc race, the core disciple of the Beast Mountain, how can it be impossible to tame the mere Magical Beasts."

"Stop talking nonsense, kill me!"

Not waiting for Yuwen Pavilion to react from the horror, She Hentian began to give orders to kill.

In an instant, the entire sky was surging with wind and clouds, and with the order of Snake Mark Sky, the ten-headed Saint Magical Beasts moved.

A jet-black light group exploded first, and in the dark light group, there was still a purple wind blowing!

The endless gang wind shot out in an arc, wandering in mid-air, releasing a terrible aura of destruction.


There was another burst of lightning and thunder, and water and fire raged.

In less than an instant, the entire valley was full of wind and thunder.

Ten-headed Saint Magical Beasts shot almost at the same time, all carrying Sage coercion, the lethality is simply shocking!

"No, Thunder Fire Alchemy Formation, give me a reversal!"

Yuwen Pavilion's entire face changed, his hands kept flying, his voice hoarse, and he shouted sharply.


For a moment!

It's like turning the world upside down.

Countless thunders drilled from the ground, but flames fell from the sky, just the opposite.

However, whether it is the power of thunder and lightning, or the temperature of the flame, it has already doubled.

The thunder roared, rolling up large tracts of gravel and mud, like a flood, coming out of the ground, culling and driving away.

The sky flames also turned into endless fireballs, like arrows, shooting fiercely towards the ten Saint Magical Beasts.

Thunder and fire fight Magical Beasts at the same time. This scene is extremely shocking and powerful.

The rest of the surviving Magical Beasts trembled all over, lying on the ground with their heads down completely, they could not have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.


The thunder and fire was fierce, and the ten-headed Saint Magical Beasts roared at the same time, the redness in the pupils rolled, and the cold light of choosing people was frightening.


The thunder and fire flowed, rendering the entire formation into a sea of ​​purple flames.


The power of thunder and fire generated by the formation instantly collided with the attack of the ten Saint Magical Beasts.

There was a loud noise.

The figure of the ten Magical Beasts was blown upside down.

It's the same with Yuwen Pavilion, he feels that all his strength has been drained in this strike.

The unmatched power shook his internal organs through formation, making him almost utterly out of his mouth.


The ten Magical Beasts were hit hard, all of them roared with ferocious eyes, glaring at Yuwen Pavilion.


A bucket-thick giant python raised its head, exposing its deep-cold fangs, opening its mouth wide, swallowing the power of ice, and tumbling towards Yuwen Pavilion.

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