Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0263 Begin To Domesticate Black Dragon

One shot is a big killer move, showing the best supernatural power Thunderstorm.


An electric pillar suddenly shot out from Mobatian's hands and blasted towards Bertrank's dragon claws.

This electric pillar, with the thickness of an arm, seemed like a substance, carrying superhuman coercion, and blasted on the dragon's claws in the blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, there was a thunder, and countless galvanic splashes, like countless sharp arrows, shot in all directions.


"I fucking your grandma!"

The countless demons around who couldn't dodge were immediately slapped.

"Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect such a master to enter the Dang Demon Cavern. It happens that this dragon hasn't fought for a long time, so today I just used you to move my muscles and bones."


Bertrank began to turn the dragon's body, the dragon claws kept flying, and the dragon's might on his body kept releasing.

"Hmph, as you wish!"

At the same time, Mobatian is not inferior. Although he was suppressed by Realm, he can also exert a strength comparable to the middle stage of the Mosheng.

For a while,

Loud noises continued to be heard in the air, and one demon and one dragon fought in mid-air.

Nabetlanc really, Bufan, slapped out a claw, and the wind and clouds thundered, constantly tearing the attacks from Mobatian to pieces.

But Mobatian is not inferior, his body shape is tactful, and various supernatural powers emerge in an endless stream, constantly approaching Bertrank and colliding with his body.

Gradually, the blow from the fist to the flesh began to make the black dragon gradually at a disadvantage.

In such a scene, the eyes of countless demons below were shining, and they almost forgot to escape.

Seeing Mobatian fighting the Molong, Longfeng was also happy, just to see Mobatian's strength.

In a blink of an eye, Shuangyi has already fought dozens of moves.

Although Bertrank's supernatural powers are extraordinary, he still can't match the power of Mobatian.

Less than a hundred moves, Mo Batian began to press Bertrank to fight.

"Ant, how can you be so strong, it's impossible!"

Bertrank began to roar in shock.

The rule of Dangling Cave is that no entry is allowed above the Demon Sage. This bald head is obviously just the Cultivation Base of the Quasi Demon Sage.

But why is he stronger than himself at this time?

As a magic dragon, he always leapfrogged and challenged the existence, but today, he was leapfrogged by others, which made him dare not accept it.

"Hahaha, Devil Dragon, you can't beat me, so obediently die! I want to dig out your Devil Dragon core and give it to the boss. The boss will be very happy!"

Mo Batian's voice was full of excitement, and the strength in his hands increased a bit.

"Don't think about it, you ant, how dare you want to dig my magic core, I want to swallow you!"

When Bertrank heard Mobatian's words, he almost fainted. Such an ant would dare to dig his magic core.

This is unbearable, you have to eat the other party, and then take him out with another bubble.

Only in this way can he dispel his hatred!

"Boom boom boom!"

The attacks of both sides increased, and the two demons began to fight each other with fate.

The two sides continued to collide with each other in mid-air, and Mobatian's fists danced like tops, madly attacking Bertrank.

Dragons, no matter which world they are in, are at the top of the food chain.

They are born with a strong physical body, with a pair of claws piercing gold and cracking stones, and their inherited supernatural powers are also very powerful.

Although Bertrank is not a dragon in the primordial race, his ability surpasses almost all dragons in the primordial race, but is lower than the Chaos Ancestral Dragon and Azure Dragon.

His body is strong, and the extraordinary magic sanctuary can contend.

However, today he encountered a more heaven-defying Mobatian.

Ninth-Rank Demon Core, two ancient bloodlines, profound level supernatural powers, no matter what aspect they are not weaker than Dragon Clan.

But he has all the toughness in one, and when he meets him, it can only be said that Bertrank is unlucky.

With Mo Tongtian exerting his full strength, Bertrank began to be crushed.

At this time, every time Mobatian punched, he could knock down a piece of dragon scale.

Before a blink of an eye, Bertrank's body was stained with blood, and there were several wounds that exposed the bones, which looked shocking.

Bertrank was also extremely angry. This was the worst hit since his debut.

After suffering such a severe blow, he gradually retreated.

Although it hurts the majesty of his dragon clan, it will make him ashamed and dying.

But, it won't work if you don't retreat!

Life is hard to guarantee.

Between life and dignity, he will choose his life without hesitation.

After making up his mind, he rolled his eyes and started looking for a chance to escape.


Mo Batian had a bad mind, and he didn't notice Bertrank's careful thoughts at all.

Taking advantage of the blow to gain the upper hand, his figure flashed, and he approached the black dragon again, hitting the dragon head with a fierce punch.

This punch is infinitely powerful, and the fluctuating power is like a landslide.

"It's now!"

Bertrank's eyes lit up, his whole body gathered on the dragon's head, and he resisted a punch.


This punch immediately blasted Bertrank thousands of meters away.


Bertrank was screamed, and Sheng Wei suddenly exploded on his body, and his wings suddenly flapped.

Lightning Stone Fire!

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Bertrank turned around and fled towards the canyon below.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to say a harsh word.

"Ant, you wait for me, this dragon just ate too much, digest and digest first, and then fight you for three hundred rounds!"

Before the voice is over, he will fall into the canyon.

"Roll rough!"

Right now!

A loud shout suddenly resounded in front of Bertrank!


A huge fist suddenly appeared, and before Bertrank could react, a punch hit his belly.

In an instant!

A huge black dragon suddenly appeared like a sharp arrow. It shot out from the canyon and flew hundreds of feet backwards. Finally, it fell outside the canyon.


Before Bertrank could react, there was a sudden cry from the top of his head.

I saw Long Feng pinched his hands and muttered words in his mouth, and mysterious tactics continued to burst from his hands.

These seals rushed to the black dragon's forehead madly and rushed into the black dragon's mind.


"Beast Defying Technique! Humble Ant, you dare to use the Beast Defying Technique on the great Bertrank, you are looking for death, and the Dragons will not let you go!"

In the air, Bertrank's roar continued to spread.

"Little Loach, be honest with me, don't talk about your Loach race, even if the real dragon comes, how many come, this Sect Leader will suppress it!"

Longfeng will care about whether he is a dragon or a dragon. The beast Taming Seal in his hand is faster to fight, and the mantra in his mouth is even more crazy.

For a time!

The surroundings calmed down, and when countless demons saw the black dragon being suppressed, they began to surround themselves, watching the show with peace of mind.

Training a black dragon, this is simply an eternal talk, they have never seen it before, this kind of excitement, of course, should not be missed.

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