Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0287-Demon Sage's Peak Confrontation

Both demon wolves opened their hideous wolf mouths, exposing their deep teeth, and bit them towards the black slave's dragon claws.


The sound of a rag being torn is resounding!

The black slave's two front paws were directly torn apart by the two dragons, and swallowed like a belly.

The primordial spirit of the black slaves, immediately wilted.

If you have to do this twice again, you are afraid that your soul will be greatly damaged if you don't immediately. Even if you are saved, you will have to bury hidden dangers.

"Do not……"

At this time, Tiviy's eyes were blood red, and his whole body exploded. The huge Shengwei suppression made the entire Blood Demon Hall very depressing.

For a time, in the entire Blood Demon hall, countless Magical Beasts crawled, shivered, and looked up at Shengwei.

"Tsk tsk, I'm going to die, this is the state of the soul, if it is swallowed, it is the soul flying away."

"Oh, so miserable!"

"I can't bear to look directly. I think I should avoid it first. Seeing such a tragedy, I am afraid that I will have nightmares when I sleep."

Longfeng tut made a sound, and he was about to leave after speaking.

"Wait, what do you want?"

At this time, Bertras was like eating a tuo, and Long Feng could clearly feel that his mood at this time was on the verge of collapse.

"Hey, it's easy, get down on my knees first!"

Long Feng's eyes were joking and his tone was contemptuous.

"Don't think about it!"

Bertras was almost mad.

Thinking of him dignified Demon Dragon, Demon Sage Great Perfection and strong, even the Blood Demon back then, would never want him to kneel down.

You a Otherworld, why?

However, before he became angry, a phantom suddenly suppressed and slammed Betras's head violently, making him dizzy.

"You dead ghost, kneel down for me, if you kill my son, I will swallow you!"

Ti Wei's voice came like a roar of a Hedong lion, shaking Longfeng's ears roaring.

"Master, please let my son go!"

After Tivi finished speaking, she obediently knelt in front of Longfeng.

At the same time, Bertras was slapped and slapped by Tivi and knelt in front of Longfeng unwillingly.

"Hahaha, okay, this is almost the same, wouldn't it be over? You see, getting my black slave up and down is simply bruised and bruised."

Long Feng was so excited that he finally let the two dragons succumb.

Although they could kill him at any time, it seems that as long as they can control the life of the black slave, they still have to be obedient.

"Master, please stop torturing my son!"

Tivi lay on the ground, but kept his eyes on the nigger.

"Well, as long as you are obedient, I can guarantee that your son will be very safe."

Long Feng stretched out his hand and waved, on the seventh floor, six demon wolves exploded three instantly.

Numerous primordial spirits rushed into the black slave's body, shocked him, and quickly recovered from his injuries.

After a while, the black slaves had already recovered to their peak state.

"Huh, what's the matter?"

"These demon wolves didn't have the upper hand just now, so why did they suddenly turn up? Could it be that my demon products exploded, and even the heavens would help me?"

The black slave turned over and climbed up, suddenly feeling refreshed, and the holy power on his body rolled, as if he had endless strength.

"Look, how? Didn't it recover immediately?"

Long Feng chuckled softly and said with a wind.

"Now, come with me!"

"Where to go?"

Betras said a little wary.

"You don't need to know too much, as long as you obey the order."

With a light wave, Long Feng had already returned to the Demon Realm.

"This is... the devil world!"

The two dragons were stunned instantly.

They have been locked up in the Hall of Blood Demon for countless years, but they didn't expect that they would come out one day.

Long Feng was also a little nervous at this time. At this time, the two dragons had already lost control. If he wanted to kill himself, it would basically be effortless.

Bertras' eyes gradually revealed murderous intent, and the murderous intent in Long Feng's eyes surged.

"Hmph, Ant, I didn't expect you to let us out. Now, your life is in my hands."

Bertras's dragon claw stretched out, and the Holy Power hesitated, staring at Longfeng with cruel eyes, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Hehe, as long as you dare to make a move, I can kill your son with a single thought."

"On the contrary, as long as you help me this time, I will let your family of three free. How to choose is all up to your mind."

"How do you want us to help you?"

Tivi's figure flashed, and a black glow burst out of the dragon's body. The black glow disappeared, and a peerless beauty came out.

The Mo Batian on one side looked dumbfounded for an instant, with a black shirt skirt and a beautiful face, coupled with a mature temperament, the end is a country and a city, unparalleled in the world.

On one side, Bertras saw Tivi's transformation, and he also transformed himself into a cold-faced middle-aged.

"Uh, follow me to lead away a few strong men. As long as I can achieve my goal smoothly, I will let your son go."

"The strong? How strong is it?"

Tivi frowned, her eyes fixed on Longfeng.

"It's just some powerhouses at the peak of the Demon Saint, it's easy for you."

"Well, I hope you have the words!"

Tivi and Bertras looked at each other, then hesitated and nodded.

"Since you agree, let's go!"

He was about to return to the wild, Long Feng was a little excited.

Soon, the four came to the valley again.

"As long as you can allow me to enter the space passage safely, it is considered to be completed. When I enter the space passage, your son will be released."

"Hey, that's good, but boy, I want to warn you, that space tunnel is not so easy to enter!"

Bertras gave a gloomy smile and teased his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Long Feng's expression changed, "What's the problem with that channel?"

"No...no problem, no problem at all!"

Betras felt that he had missed his words, and immediately denied.

"Say, is that passage destroyed?"

Long Feng became nervous.

"Hey, don't panic. The spatial channel that connects the two worlds is not so easy to be destroyed. If you want to pass through that channel now, I'm afraid it will peel off."

"Why is this again?"

Long Feng frowned. Why would he be unscathed when he came here, but peel off when he returned?

"The space channel has a limit before it is completely stabilized. The more powerful people pass, the more tyrannical it will become."

"And this passage is obviously not stable, and the strong people that pass through have reached the limit. If you enter this passage, the flames in the space will be enough for you."

Bertras's face was gloating, and his face almost burst into laughter.

This Damn it guy made him extremely upset, and he was very happy to see him suffer.

"Then why, when I came here unscathed?"

"Come here, how many masters are there?"

"only me!"

"That's over."

"What's the meaning?"

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