"Oh, I get it!"

Longfeng nodded, and then a pagoda appeared in his hand, it was the exquisite pagoda of Innate Nine Cycles.

Longfeng holds the pagoda in his hands, and the tower body is full of golden light, which is more powerful than the pagoda under his feet.

"Hey, kid, you are the treasure of Innate!"

"Of course, in my hands, there is no treasure below Innate's Treasure!"

After Long Feng finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a hundred radiant purple auras flew out of the exquisite tower of Nine Cycles, and were completely driven into the willows by Long Feng.


"It's actually Hongmeng Ziqi, and there are so many!"

The ancestor raised eyebrows, his eyes straightened in shock.

"My little friend, since the cosmos turned into chaos, this cosmic purple qi has disappeared. How did you get so many cosmic purple qi?"

"Senior raise eyebrows, don't ask too much, these grandeur and purple auras are enough for you to quickly recover from your injury!"

"More than just recovering from the injury, the remaining grandeur and purple energy will definitely help me understand the law, and maybe even break through to the level of the deity."

The words of the ancestor raised eyebrows were filled with extreme excitement.

"Holy Lord?"

"Raising my eyebrow senior, this time I entered the Demon Realm and learned a lot of secrets. I don't know if this saint is compared to Heavenly Dao, what is the difference?"

Long Feng has never understood the level of the deity very much. Hearing raised his eyebrows at this moment, of course he has to ask for some advice.

"What? Have you entered the Demon Realm?"

The eyeballs of the ancestor raised eyebrows almost stared out.

"I was forced to be helpless last time, but in the end I had to escape into the space channel and go to the Demon Realm for a while."

"Quickly talk about it, what's the situation in the Demon Realm?"

"This, all right!"

Longfeng sat down in the Lotus Position and immediately began to talk about the journey of the devil.

It was the nine Heavenly Dao Sage that made Yang Mei fall into contemplation.

It wasn't until Long Feng finished speaking that he raised his eyebrows and exhaled, the expression on his face was even more solemn.

"Long Xiaoyou, the news you got from the Devil Realm is very important."

"As for that Demon Venerable, it is undoubtedly the Holy Venerable."

"The Lord is the limit of Heavenly Dao's Great Perfection. Not only can he control the law, but he can also use the power of the law."

"If you want to become the Lord, you must have the power of bloodline, and what kind of bloodline you have can control which law."

"Fighting by law, that power is not comparable to ordinary Sage Dzogchen."

"Only when Realm reaches the Lord and controls more than 20% of the law, can the power of the law be used."

"As for the nine heavenly Dao Sages of the Demon Realm, I'm afraid... is already a powerful presence in the half-step Dao Dao."

"Such an existence suppresses heaven and earth backhand, and Tu Shengzun is as simple as cutting melons and vegetables."

The eyes of the ancestor raised eyebrows were full of yearning and longing.

For that kind of Realm, he can only look up now.

However, with such a hundred primordial auras, he went one step further away from that kind of Realm.

"Half-step road?"

Longfeng looked awe-inspiring, "Since there is a half-step avenue, then there is a avenue. Where is this kind of existence?"

Long Feng asked with fiery eyes.

"This... this is not something we can know."

Raised eyebrows and shook his head, looking blank.

"However, as far as I know, Pangu god-tier, it is possible to achieve the realm of the avenue!"

The raised eyebrows looked solemn, as if thinking of something, the whole willow tree trembled.

"Pangu, he actually made the Dao Dao, didn't he use the quasi-sage pinnacle to preach the Dao? After the preaching, he can only achieve Sage Dzogchen!"

Long Feng was puzzled.

"Otherwise, Pangu did not simply prove the Dao by force, but joined the Kaitian Proving Dao. It is simply unprecedented, and there will be no one to come!"

"Imagine that with today's strength, I am afraid that the chaos demon god who has already surpassed those quasi-sage peaks, even with strength, it is not difficult to prove the Dao."

"But little friend, can you create a world like a prehistoric world?"

With a smile on his face, he looked at Long Feng and said slowly.

"This... I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

Long Feng's face was embarrassed, not to mention that he opened up a big world like the prehistoric, even if it was a Minor World like the battlefield of gods and demons, he was still incapable.

"That said, it is really possible for Pangu to surpass Heavenly Dao's limit with Kaitian!"

Long Feng couldn't help being shocked. For a long time, he thought that Pangu used his strength to prove the Dao and achieved the Great Perfection of Heavenly Dao, and even the legend was like this.

But now, his worldview is gradually expanding, allowing him to increase his understanding of strength.

Thinking about it carefully, it is really possible that Pangu, like raising eyebrows and guessing, has achieved the realm of the great road.

This made Longfeng excited. Since Pangu can become a great avenue, so can himself.

"Raising eyebrow senior, I don't know what level of Pangu's bloodline is?"

The bloodline will be the ticket to advance to a higher level. As long as he has the bloodline like Pangu, then it is only a matter of time before he achieves the avenue.

"This, I don't know. To become the Lord, you need the primary bloodline, as for the half-step road, you need the intermediate bloodline."

"The realm of the great road, in my estimation, at least has a high-level bloodline!"

"After all, only advanced bloodlines can control more than 60% of the laws."

"If you want to achieve great success, you must control at least 60% of the law."

The rule of more than sixty percent!

Advanced bloodline!

Longfeng remembered these two conditions.

He already had the primary bloodline at this time, and the system automatically gave him control of 20% of the law of thunder.

This saved him a lot of time. You must know that if other people want to control the law, they must understand it by themselves. Even if it is only one percent, it is possible to understand it for hundreds of millions of years.

But he was given by the system in an instant.

If this spreads out, I am afraid that even a strong Dao will have to capture him for a slice study.

"How about, Xiaoyou Long, envy that kind of Realm!"

The ancestor Yang Mei saw Long Feng's eyes and knew that he was just like himself, looking forward to the illusory Realm.

"Of course, Dao! How strong is it? If I have a Dao sitting in the wild, I am afraid of him!"

"If they dare to come, they are turning over their hands to suppress!"

Long Feng's eyes were sharp.

"Hehe, let's work hard for the little friend! I think the little friend also has blood, and in the future, he will have a bright future."

The ancestor raised eyebrows nodded and looked at Longfeng appreciatively.

"Thank you senior for answering my questions today!"

Long Feng raised his eyebrows and thanked him.

"Hahaha, you don't have to be polite, my little friend, to say thank you, I am afraid that I will catch my old life, and I can't thank you for that one hundred magnificent spirit!"

The ancestor raised his eyebrows and laughed. Today is the most exciting day since he was injured.

"Senior raises eyebrows to fight to protect me. How can Longfeng be stingy if he is so stricken and purple."

"However, since the senior was injured so badly, then the other party should not be well!"

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