Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 293 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

FTLN 0293 The ancestors of the Styx River become holy

In front of Zhen Yuanzi, the Lord Tongtian saw Longfeng and patted Longfeng on the shoulder, with a smile on his face.

"Cut, you are so dead, I won't die!"

Long Feng rolled his eyes and glanced at the Master Tongtian. The strength of this old boy has already achieved a breakthrough, and he is now the strength of the Sage middle stage.

It's just that he hides well, except for Longfeng and Zhenyuanzi who is stronger than him, the other sages have not found it at all.

"Hmph, not being a son of man, it's like a good person doesn't live long, and it's a thousand years of harm!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun on one side made a strange sound of Yin & Yang.

"Hey, fellow daoist is so fate!"

Zhunti Sage also has a weird face, his eyes rolling, I don't know what he is making.

And Daddy Wuwei, he just glanced at Longfeng, then closed his eyes slightly.

Empress Nuwa opened a pair of beautiful big eyes, and looked at Longfeng from time to time, with curiosity and surprise in her expression.

"Hi, Nuwa Big sis, how are you!"

He was too lazy to pay attention to the original Tianzun and Zhunti Sage. If the two younger generations dared to upset him, they would just give him a beating.

Heavenly Dao Sage, the soul entrusts Heavenly Dao, with Longfeng's current strength, it is impossible to kill at all, otherwise he really wants to find a chance to kill these two stupid forks.

"Dragon fellow daoist, please call me Nuwa Niang Niang, or Nuwa Sage, Nuwa fellow daoist!"

Empress Nuwa doesn't eat this set, she seems dissatisfied with Longfeng calling her Nuwa Big sis.

However, Long Feng's face is not as thick as usual.

"Hey, Nuwa Big sis, don't rush to refuse, you see, I am from a human race, and I am close to Big sis, or else, I will admit you to be a big sis?"

"Dragon fellow daoist, since you are a human race, call me the Virgin!"

Nuwa's face looked like a smile but no one could see the meaning.

"Uh, you didn't make me!"

Long Feng touched his nose and said a little embarrassingly.

Terran, made by Nuwa.

Nuwa's meaning is obvious, you little kid, I am your ancestor, you still want to get me!

"Hahaha, if you don't be a son of man, you will lose your face..."

Primitive Tianzun smiled, how could he not grasp the opportunity to taunt Longfeng like this.

"Fuck you!"

Long Feng's eyes were cold, he screamed, and then slapped it out.


This ear scrape slapped the face of Primordial Tianzun, slapped it directly, and fell outside the gate of Wuzhuang Temple, and came to the ground with a five-body throw.

To the naked eye, the face of Primordial Tianzun instantly swelled into half of a pig's head.

"Yeah! Zhenyuan fellow daoist, you are really an awkward critic. Seeing that the primitive man worships you so much."

Longfeng's bantering voice sounded.

But no one agrees!

The scene is very quiet.

Everyone was stunned.

Yuanshi Tianzun was actually slapped!

And he was slapped and fell into a dog to eat shit.

How can this be?

All of Sage's hearts were chilled, and he couldn't help but pull back, so that the next battle would spread to him.

"You...you dare to hit me?"

Primitive Tianzun was a little confused. He turned over and got up, as if he couldn't believe it. After touching his pig's face, he would actually be slapped by an ant?


He is angry!

Immediately he became even more furious!

His face was flushed.

Primal Tianzun pays most attention to the skin of Sage. Unexpectedly, today the skin was completely lost.

"Ahem, what if I hit you?"

"Something with a cheap mouth, slap you in the face, it's only light!"

Long Feng said disdainfully, he didn't take Primordial Tianzun seriously.

"Zhuzi, you are looking for death!"

"I'm going to kill you, skin you cramps, and crush your body!"

The Primitive Tianzun exploded in an instant, his figure flickered, and he leaped into the air. The huge palm stretched out, carrying the super Shengwei, toward the top of Longfeng's head.

With this palm, the space collapsed, and the entire void, like a mirror cracked, spread out.

Under the coercion of the big palm, even the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, it is impossible to move even a bit.

Of course, Longfeng is not a general quasi-sage peak.

Seeing that Primordial Heavenly Sovereign dared to make a move, his eyes immediately turned cold, and he was ready to let the other party experience what it means to be painful today.

However, at this moment, a figure burst out and stood in front of Long Feng.

This figure is the leader of Tongtian.

"Second brother, if you have something to say, Hugh can use force!"

At this moment, the Lord Tongtian stretched out his hand, and the holy power rolled, and in an instant, he broke the giant palm of the original Tianzun.


The boundless holy prestige agitated, spread out in an instant, fluctuating everywhere.

As soon as Zhen Yuanzi saw him, he immediately called out the ground book, and a golden mask landed, blocking the mighty Shengwei.

"You, Tongtian, you are simply not a son of man, you are ashamed of the name of Sanqing!"

Seeing Tongtian blocking own palm, Primordial Tianzun almost vomited blood with anger.

At this time, his face was red, and the holy power in his hand was bursting, and the Innate treasure Pangu banner was instantly held in his hand.

"Dare to stop me, I will suppress you together!"

The Primitive Tianzun roared, and all his sacred power exploded, waiting to be shot.

"Hey, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed, you are a hypocrite!"

The Lord Tongtian was also welcome.

The holy war is already on the verge of!


At this moment, the heavens and the earth revolved, as if the prehistoric land was about to collapse.

For a moment!

A holy prestige opened in the great wilderness.

"I am the Styx. I have absorbed a lot of magic nuclei. I have feelings for Heavenly Dao. I have merged the three corpses to refine the grand purple qi, and I have proven Hunyuan!"

The shout spread all over the land, Shengwei burst out instantly, suppressing the world.

Purple Qi from the East, auspiciousness descends, and the entire wilderness is immersed under Shengwei.

"Sage, longevity is boundless!"

Countless prehistoric cultivators knelt and shouted, and the entire prehistoric was submerged by purple air.

When Longfeng and several big Sages descended from Shengwei, they had already begun to break through the void and rushed to the sea of ​​blood.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were not blinking, staring at the blood-red figure in the sea of ​​blood.

Even the Primitive Tianzun seemed to have forgotten the hatred of being slapped, his face was extremely ugly, and he stared at the soaring ancestor of Styx.


At this time, the soul of Styx has entrusted Heavenly Dao, becoming the last Heavenly Dao Sage in the prehistoric world.

Now, the nine sages of Heavenly Dao have completely returned to their positions.

Hongjun Daozu, daddy, primitive, Tongtian, Nuwa, took Zhunti, so that Zhen Yuanzi, who came from behind, and the current ancestor of Styx.

As for the ancestor of raising eyebrows, he was not Heavenly Dao Sage, he was sanctified, and he proclaimed the Dao in Chaos before Hongjun, so he was not included in the Heavenly Dao Nine Sages.

At that time, the Nine Saints of Heavenly Dao returned to their place, and there was a rolling merit in the void. This group of merits has never been seen in ancient times.

Even Longfeng was surprised by this group of merits.

This group of merits is more than ten times greater than Pangu Kaitian.

Such a huge merit can at least send ten quasi-sage peaks to the level of Sage.

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