Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0298: The Three Saints of Instant Town

As soon as Longfeng stood firmly, the loud shouts of Primordial Tianzun and Zhunti Sage rang in his ears.

Looking up, Daddy and Tongtian had already fought in the distance. Although Daddy had been defeated steadily, he was dragged down by Tongtian, preventing him from having the slightest chance to reinforce.

But the Primitive Tianzun and Zhunti Sage were full of hideous faces, and they were rushing towards Longfeng quickly, wanting to kill Longfeng here.

On the other side, the Queen Mother of Jade Emperor was so weak that she didn't even dare to watch the drama, so she left here.

As Sage, Niwa Nuwa is also a woman's hobby to watch dramas. There is no reason for her to miss such a wonderful drama.

She has already retreated far away, her face calm, her eyes turned, waiting for the good show to begin.

"Fuck, this woman, she's really hard-hearted, not to mention helping her."

"Child Longfeng, dare to desecrate Sage and die to me!"

Only in a moment, the fists of the two Sages arrived.

"Huh, you can't help yourself!"

The disdain in Long Feng's eyes is extremely strong, and he is now being abused without any pressure.


Just then!

Longfeng moved, with his fists out, his body shape resembling electricity, and he was about to enter the gust of wind and rain. In just a moment, he slammed fiercely on the body of the original and Zhunti!

Suddenly the original Zhun lifted the whole person and flew thousands of miles away!

Just after falling into chaos, a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly!

His complexion was as pale as paper!


Drops of cold sweat continued to drip down the two Sage's foreheads!

You know, the gap between Sage early stage and the quasi-sage peak is the ant and the elephant.

And they are the Sage middle stage, which is higher than the Sage early stage.

The two Sage middle stage powerhouses can almost crush the existence of hundreds of millions of quasi-sage peaks!

And now!

Whether it is the original Tianzun or the quasi mention Sage, they are all at the level of the Sage middle stage!

When the two of them work together, they are almost blown by a quasi-sage peak, which is incredible!

It's more than that!

Just when the two saints just fell!

Longfeng is like a bone-chewing maggot, coming in an instant!

"Two idiots, think they will kill me, do you want to let you know today, how miserable it is to offend me!"

Longfeng's voice seemed to ring in his ears, and the two Sages were immediately shocked.


Immediately afterwards, the fist was like raindrops, smashing down like crazy!

Punches to the flesh, like rain hitting Basho, every punch fell on the faces of the two of them.

In an instant, the two Sages have become complete pigs.


The original Tianzun shouted and continued to do so, and he still had to be headshot immediately.

In the blink of an eye, the two Sages were forced to retreat again and again, their statures were already in embarrassment!

The bridge of the nose of the two saints was shattered early!

The wounds, deep to the bone, and scarlet blood, constantly flowed from the nose and mouth, making the two Sages almost crazy.

"Can't retreat!"

The sound of Longfeng resounded like a drum in the morning and evening.

Immediately, the killing mode was turned on, and he punched the original Tianzun with all his strength.


Unprepared, Primordial Heavenly Venerable couldn't even resist, and was blasted into his head by Long Feng's punch.

For a moment!

It was red and white, splashing out, and Zhunti was full of head and face.


"do not want!"

Zhunti was horrified at this time, and his eyes were full of fear.

"what happened?"

The original Tianzun was actually bombarded by a quasi-sage.


"How is this possible? This is not true!"

Zhunti Yangtian roar!

He stood in the chaotic void, shaky!


Extreme fear!

His eyelids jumped wildly, and his whole body trembled wildly!

At this moment, he seemed to smell the breath of Death, and touched the blood and brain pulp on his face, and suddenly he had a tremor in the urine, and he almost had a diabetes collapse.


At this moment, the face slap came so suddenly, Zhunti no longer dared to look at Long Feng, turned his head and ran.

"Hahaha, you must mention the old thief, it's impossible to leave!"

Long Feng was extremely excited, and he was quasi-primitive. It was his dream for many years, and now it has been fully realized.

Seeing that Zhunti wanted to escape, how could he let it go.

"The original old man's head was blown by me, you should go and accompany him!"

Long Feng stepped out and came to the top of Zhunti's head in an instant. He stretched out a kick like a football, aimed at the bald head, and volleyed vigorously.

"no, do not want!"

Seeing Longfeng's big feet getting closer and closer, Zhunti could no longer control the fear in his heart, and instantly he collapsed and wet his crotch.

Although the primordial spirit entrusted Heavenly Dao, he was immortal, but in the face of the fear of being kicked to the head, he still couldn't let go.


For a moment!

Zhunti's head was kicked into the air, and immediately exploded, and hemoglobin suddenly bloomed like raindrops.

In such a scene, Nuwa almost fell off his chin, and his big beautiful eyes were bulging round.

Long Feng glanced at Nuwa, stretched out his hand to wipe his hair back, flicked his head, and made a handsome gesture, revealing a charming smile.


Then there was an air kiss, blowing at Nuwa.


This time, the dignified Empress Nuwa almost got goose bumps.

"Fuck it, beef!"

At this moment, Daddy and Tongtian, Zhenyuanzi and Styx have stopped fighting.

The Four Saints also opened their mouths wide, with an incredible face.

Although they had just fought fiercely, Sheng Nian was always paying attention.

Longfeng, a quasi-sage pinnacle, abused two Sage middle stages, which was like a dog abuse.

Primitive and Zhunti have no power to fight back at all.

They couldn't believe this scene.

"Is this still a quasi saint?"

Tongtian had already dashed to the front of Longfeng, "You kid, won't you be promoted to Sage late stage, right?"

Master Tongtian's eyes are like copper bells, looking at Longfeng, he seems to have discovered a peerless treasure.

"Hehe, my strength, now is not the time to discuss, let me solve the trouble first, let's talk about it!

As soon as Longfeng's voice fell, he aimed at daddy and took a picture.


The palm is like the sky collapses, bringing boundless strength to lock the daddy so that it cannot move.

This palm can break the sky and destroy the holy!

Under Daddy's horrified eyes, he slapped it into pieces of meat and turned it into chaotic dust.

Kill the three Sages instantly, and all of them are super strong in the middle stage of Sage.

In such a scene, even the eyes in the depths of the chaotic void showed a surprise.

Hongjun Daozu knows the importance of Longfeng to Honghuang more than anyone, so there is no reason to not pay attention to it.

He was already prepared, and when necessary, he did not hesitate to take action personally and would not let a few Sages kill Longfeng.

However, the scene before him did not expect him.

Just after the shot, he clearly sensed that Long Feng had actually released the pressure of Sage late stage.

And even the sacred power is transformed into a Sage late stage level.

This makes him extremely puzzled, what exactly is this method, it is so heaven-defying.

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