Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0306: Long Feng Preaching

However, the strength of the members of the Demon Killing Squad is that Ascension is very fast, the worst is already in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and several of them are promoted to the early stage of quasi-sage.

Presumably, they must have slaughtered a lot of demons in the battlefield of gods and demons. Only when they obtain demonic core cultivation can they improve so quickly.

Long Feng quickly turned his eyes, and probably scanned the people of the Heavenly Sword Sect, very satisfied with their strength.

The quasi-sage peaks here include Sanxiao, the Bull Demon King Iron Fan Princess, the Suiren clan, the Yingren clan, the Jiren clan, the six-eared macaque, plus Chang'e, there are already ten.

Longfeng feels a sense of accomplishment. At this time, the Heavenly Sword Sect, apart from Sage, is already the strongest Sect in the wild.

Even if it’s the world’s cut-off teaching, the original interpretation teaching, there are two two hundred and five Western teachings, and there is not even the pinnacle of quasi-sages.

Calculated like this, the strength of the Heavenly Sword Sect can almost beat the entire prehistoric land.

A smile appeared on Long Feng's face, and he took a deep breath, calming down his excitement.

He said again, "This time, the top ten Elders are going with the Demon Slayer Team."

"In addition, I will place a piece of Magic Treasures on the peak of the Heavenly Sword Sect Leader. Among the Magic Treasures, it is like a world, in which there are countless Magical Beasts and even other cultivation methods."

"At that time, any disciple of my Sky Sword Sect can enter the trial."

Having said this, Long Feng glanced at everyone's reaction, and all of them showed excitement on their faces.

"Finally, when I entered the Demon Realm this time, I got a large number of substandard Demon Pills, which I would also give to you, mainly for the members of the Demon Slayer Team."

"Members of the Demon Slayer must reach the Xuanxian Realm in strength before they can enter the battlefield of the gods and demons, otherwise they will die."

"The remaining substandard magic spirit pills will be temporarily kept by the two first mates, Sect Leaders. In the future, if you want to receive magic spirit pills from Sect, you will need merit points!"

"The way to gain merit is to contribute to Sect, contribute to the human race, and contribute to the prehistoric!"

"According to the magnitude of the contribution made, various merit points are obtained."

"The merit value will be the internal trading currency of the Heavenly Sword Sect in the future. In the future, Sect will continue to launch other treasures such as Magic Treasures, Medicine Pill, and Fu Lu, all of which can be exchanged for merit value."

"As for the specific matters of merit, there are two deputy Sect Leaders and the top ten elders to implement!"

Long Feng continued to act as the shopkeeper.

After speaking, Long Feng glanced around and slowly said, "Now, if you have any comments, you can put it forward."

"Master, does the disciple want a treasure and have to trade his merits?"

The Six Demon King rubbed his hands and asked eagerly.

"How many eyeballs do you have?"

Long Feng glanced at him.

"Uh, two!"

"How many ears and mouths are there?"

"Uh, tell Master, I only have two ears and one mouth."

The Bull Devil looked dumbfounded, wondering what Longfeng asked him for!

"Then you are really asking, Daddy thought you were different, with two ears and a mouth!"

"If you want to be special, there is no way. Even if I need it, I have to exchange merit points for it, no one is exception!"

Long Feng's eyes widened, and the bull devil felt goose bumps all over his body, and his whole body was cold sweat instantly.

"Yes, yes, the teacher is right. My Bull Demon King must take the lead in observing discipline and law. Who dares to cheat for personal gains, I... I beat his mother without knowing him!"

The Bull Devil wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and quickly shrank his neck, hiding behind Princess Tie Fan, never daring to say anything.

"Who has any other opinions?"

Long Feng asked again.

This time, no one spoke again.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then I will begin to tell you about the demons."

The Demon Race will be a great enemy of the demon race, and I don't know how long it will last.

Therefore, if you know more about the demons, you will have a better chance of winning!

Next, Longfeng told the members of the Heavenly Sword Sect Leader about his trip to the devil world.

From the cultivation system of the demon clan, to the brutal bloodthirsty of the demon clan, to the power of the demon clan, they are all detailed.

During the entire Demon Clan's trip, Long Feng talked about it for three days.

But Longfeng did not stop.

When he returned to the Human Race this time, he wanted to cultivate the Human Race so as to be worthy of the future protagonist.

To this end, he is also preparing to preach for the entire Human Race for three years, turning into a Human Race with cultivation qualifications.

Three days later!

The Dragon Peak is above the Sect Leader Peak of the Heavenly Sword, and the Lotus Position is mid-air.

"My Elder, the Sect Leader Dragon Peak of the Heavenly Sword Sect, will speak on the Dao in January to teach the human race, and everyone can come and listen to the Dao!"

Instant time!

The huge Taoist sound penetrated the entire Shangqiu land.

The news spread, and for a while, the entire human race was boiling.

Elder preached that it was the first time since the birth of the human race.

Moreover, the strength of Elder is well known to everyone in the entire human race. To ordinary people like them, it is a chance for them to descend from heaven.

Suddenly, countless human races began to flock to the Heavenly Sword Sect, so that they could hear the avenue at close range, and by the way pay tribute to the heroic appearance of the strongest human race.

In less than a month, outside the entire Sky Sword Sect, there was already a sea of ​​people, and I was afraid that tens of millions of human races would not gather here.

"This is the number one strong in my human race, Longfeng Sect Leader?"

"What a mighty figure!"

"In the future, I will also be a peerless expert like the dragon Sect Leader!"

Countless young boys and men showed admiration, looked up at the majestic figure in midair, and sighed.

At this moment, the image of Longfeng has been completely engraved in their hearts and will be their lifelong goal.

In a blink of an eye, a month has come.

Long Feng opened his eyes, glanced around, then lightly opened his Dan lips, and began to tell the way of cultivating immortals.

Longfeng preached that although no golden lotus was born, Qingyun appeared, and there was no cloud of Rui Cai, and the sky was full of glory.

But there are also many visions, and the voice of the Tao is curled up.

There are three flowers blooming in the heavens and the earth, and the five spirits are rushing. The entire Heavenly Sword Sect is surrounded by endless Spiritual Qi, making all those who listen to the Tao a dream.

For a time!

Many human races are utterly intoxicated, or shake their heads, or close their eyes and meditate, or laugh, or cry...

Understand the difference, and then it will appear different.

Of course, there are even more talented people who have a thorough understanding and make great progress in Cultivation Base.

There are many breakthroughs in place.


In just three years, Long Feng finished his preaching.

Many cultivators have great Ascension, and even more outstanding ones, breakthrough several great Realms.

After this preaching, the strength of the entire human race has been greatly improved by Ascension, and it has even gone through several levels.

"Today's preaching, so far, you will go back and have a good Insight. The Heavenly Sword Sect Demon Slaying Team will be recruited in one year. At that time, you and others can come and participate."

Long Feng sang and sang, resounding through the heavens!

"My people, thank you Sect Leader for preaching!"

For a time, hundreds of millions of people shouted, thanking Long Feng for preaching for them.

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