Mount: Kong Xuan

Grade: Sage late stage

Bloodline: Advanced Vulcan Bloodline

Rule of Law: 15% of the Law of Fire

Cultivation Technique: Phoenix Diwei Jue (Holy Cultivation Technique)

Magic Treasures: Seven Color Feathers (Chaos Treasure)

Supernatural powers: the stomach of swallowing sky (extreme supernatural powers), the wings of the bathing fire (extreme supernatural powers).

Chaos magical skills: Shenguang whale swallowing technique, immortal flame.

Introduction to Chaos Demon God: Having the body of Chaos Demon God can double the strength of Kong Xuan.

"Fuck! What a great Kong Xuan!"

Long Feng opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were as big as a cow's waist.

Advanced bloodline, 15% rule, Sovereign-level Cultivation Technique, superb supernatural power, double the combat power!

It's about to explode!

This attribute, I am afraid that it is not the same as the general Sage Dzogchen.

This Kong Xuan's strength has all exploded, and the higher the level, the higher the level of the opponent, it is not too easy.

If the cards are all out, he estimates that even at the top of the old Sage, he can still win a wave, maybe he can win it.

Li Guichen is now compared with him, except for Realm's high point, everything else is rubbish.


Obviously, Li Guichen was aware of Kong Xuan's current strength, and he felt strong pressure.

There was even a fear of life being threatened, spreading in his heart.

Without hesitation, he left those men and fled on the cloud.

At this time, where did he dare to ask for barbecue, it was important to escape quickly.

"Go? Come as you want, leave as you want, how can it be so easy, leave it to me!"

With a burst of shout, he shouted from Kong Xuan's mouth, shocking the void and trembling.

Immediately, a rainbow light flashed across, a big palm stretched out, and a slap shot.


Li Guichen was shocked, immediately stopped the forward momentum, retreated, and returned to the demon army.

"Give it to me!"

Li Guichen was anxious, and immediately moved his hands to grab the demon clan at the pinnacle of the quasi-devil sage and throw it at the chasing Kong Xuan.


Kong Xuan didn't care, waved a few palms to shoot out, and immediately exploded the demon who was thrown in.

At this moment, all the masters of the demons were shocked!

Looking at their own companions, they didn't even have the power to fight back, so they lost the hands of Kong Xuan, and the corpses were crushed and crushed.

All demons were completely shocked.

The rest of the demons, they saw ghosts one by one, they couldn't believe their own eyes!


Now and just now, Kong Xuan's strength is almost tens of thousands of times stronger.

Slaughtering the quasi-devil saints is like killing chickens and ducks!


And at this moment!

Kong Xuan's figure flickered again, punching out fiercely, so fast that people couldn't dodge, and directly blasted on Li Guichen's body!

Suddenly, Li Guichen's whole body was blasted out hundreds of miles away.


Just as he fell into the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face pale as paper.

"This is impossible!"

"Why are you so strong?"

The cold sweat continued to flow down Li Guichen's forehead, and then dripped down his face.

Although he knew that he might not be the opponent of the opponent, he did not expect that he would be crushed in front of the opponent.

He is the peak of the demon saint, and the opponent is only the demon saint late stage.

You know, Realm, the Realm First Stage, a strong man at the peak of the Demon Saint, can almost crush the existence of the late stage of the Demon Saint.

And at the moment!

The peak of my own demon saint was hit by the demon saint late stage, which is incredible!

That's it, more than that!

Just when Li Guichen fell.

Kong Xuan is like a bone-chewing maggot, it will arrive in no time!

That huge mouth pecked open, turned into a big mouth of blood, swallowed frantically at Li Guichen!

"Don't you want to eat me, special, daddy will eat you now!"

Kong Xuan's voice seemed to resound in his ears, and Li Guichen's ass pissed out of horror.


Li Guichen trampled on the void crazily under his feet, his stature flickered.

But Kong Xuan didn't let it go. When the opponent retreated quickly, he chased him quickly, and when the opponent retreated full, he chased slowly.

At this moment, Li Guichen was forced to flicker from the left to the right, and his figure was embarrassed!

"Boom boom..."

Kong Xuan's double claws also alternated continuously, making a series of claw marks, each of which was shot with full force.

nothing left.

For a time, Li Guicun couldn't resist at all.

Even if his Realm is higher, but with the blessing of Chaos Demon God, he is almost the same as Li Guichen.

In addition, his bloodline was suppressed, his body was suppressed, and the laws were suppressed. Even his supernatural powers could not keep up with Kong Xuan's essence, and he was simply restrained everywhere.

Less than a hundred breaths away, Li Guichen's ribs have all been shattered!

The wounds, deep and bones, scarlet blood, constantly flowing on him, made him crazy.


When Li Guiceng was retreated and beaten by life, he was caught off guard, and Kong Xuan once again hit his chest with a claw.


There was a cloud of blood mist splashing out of Li Guichen's body!

The whole person immediately fell to the ground, already shaky, even standing unstable.


At this moment, Li Guichen's eyelids jumped wildly and his whole body trembled!

At this moment, he smelled Death.

The despair on his face is extremely rich!

They seemed to have seen that the other party slapped his head and trampled on his soul.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"I, Li Guichen, is the future Demon Venerable. I can't even deal with a pig."

"This is a shame, it is a great shame!"

"Blank-haired beast, Longfeng boy, wait for me, I, Li Guichen, will not let you go!"

At this moment, Li Guichen was completely crazy!

The pitch-black hair was constantly flying on his head, and the monstrous killing intent was constantly twisting on his hideous face.

With his roar, a monstrous coercion swept across, like the sky collapsed, and even the space in front of him was pulled out of a crack.


The thunder is rolling, and the black cloud is pressing on the top!

This momentum far surpassed the peak of the Demon Sage, and even the Great Perfection of the Demon Sage, immediately frightened Kong Xuan to a halt, and paused.

"Fuck, what the hell are you doing? Are there any other cards?"

Kong Xuan's pupils shrank and became vigilant.

Longfeng also once again summoned Flying Daggers, to cast a blow to kill demons at any time.

But at this moment!


With a sound, the soul was shocked, and the spatial crack in front of Li Guichen suddenly accelerated, like a big open mouth, and swallowed it directly before everyone had time to react.

In just an instant, Li Guichen disappeared in front of Kong Xuan, and the space cracks quickly closed, as if nothing had happened.

Kong Xuan is stunned!

Longfeng is also dumbfounded!

Even Mo Batian opened his mouth wide!

"Fuck, he ran away. Daddy thought he was going to make a big move."

Kong Xuan reacted quickly, and he was so angry that he was thunderous and trembling like sifting chaff.


Seeing that he was about to kill a strong man at the peak of the Demon Saint, his demon core would definitely make his own strength stronger again.

Now, let him escape!

This is simply unacceptable to him.

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