Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0313 The Primordial Swallowing Technique, Chaos Climbing Tower

"Then, Longfeng Big Brother, I want to be with you Closed Door Training!"

Chang'e pursed her mouth and said coquettishly.

"That's not good, Chang'e Little Sister, be good, Longfeng Big Brother doesn't need Closed Door Training at all, and I still have important things to do. Don't worry, I won't leave. From now on, I will always stay in the Blood Demon hall. !"

Long Feng touched Chang'e's hair, his face was pampered and his eyes were gentle.

"Well then! I listen to Longfeng Big Brother!"

Chang'e pursed her mouth and her face was full of upset.

Next, Longfeng gave Chang'e ten grand purple auras, a saint-breaking pill, and the last ten low-grade magic pill, and let her go to the Closed Door Training on the eighth floor of the Blood Demon Hall.

After getting everything done, Longfeng started his own plan.

Of course, you must first familiarize yourself with the own method.

Although it was said to train the beast, it was very simple in this Blood Demon hall, but he was also prepared to take this opportunity to let himself experience it again.

In the system, there are several new methods. He doesn't understand. He knows himself and the enemy before he can win every battle. If he wants to defeat the enemy, he must first understand himself.

The first is the Sovereign-level Cultivation Technique Hun Yuan Ling Swallowing Technique!

Sage-level Cultivation Technique, the new Cultivation Technique obtained after system upgrade, surpasses the existence of Sage-level Cultivation Technique.

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The Hunyuan Spirit Swallowing Art, the Holy Sovereign level, opens all the pores on the body during cultivation, and the swallowed Spiritual Qi automatically transforms into the power needed by the master at the fastest speed.

The speed of Cultivation Technique and Cultivation is fast, and the power absorbed is more pure.

This Cultivation Technique spiritual body dual cultivation has infinite power, can cultivate the highest sacred power to the top of the holy deity, and cultivate the physical body to the limit of the chaos supreme treasure.

"Fuck, awesome!"

Long Feng praised it in his heart, the Sovereign-level Cultivation Technique, it was really much stronger, just looking at the introduction, it was not enough.

"Try cultivation!"

At this moment, the Spiritual Qi of the Blood Demon Hall has been connected to the outside world. In addition to the demon energy, even the Spiritual Qi has poured in in large quantities.

"Hun Yuan Ling Ling Jue, open it to me!"


For a moment!

Countless Spiritual Qi like surging waves, madly drilled into his body.

At the same time, the Hongmeng world in the body is surging like a bank burst.


A scream, then roared from Long Feng's mouth.

Just half a breath, countless Spiritual Qi poured into Meridians in an instant, almost bursting his holy core Dantian.

Such a magical skill requires only half a breath to have such an effect. How powerful is it?

If his Dantian has not been transformed into a sacred nucleus Dantian, he will not be able to explode in an instant.


"It's unreasonably powerful!"

Long Feng became excited. With such a powerful Cultivation Technique, once he becomes a holy, he will definitely advance to the top of Sage at the fastest speed, and then Sage will be great!

But right now, it's just the level of the pinnacle of the quasi-sage. If you cultivate with the Hunyuan Spirit Swallowing Technique, you are committing suicide.

Long Feng estimated that with the strength of own sacred core Dantian, at most one breath would be destroyed by the endless Spiritual Qi.

Since he couldn't cultivate this Hunyuan Spirit Swallowing Art now, Long Feng had to withdraw, but suddenly he found a problem again.

That is his sacred nucleus Dantian is getting bigger.

Yes, although this change was minimal, Longfeng still felt it.

Cultivation Cultivation Technique is the process of continuously condensing Magic power, expanding and upgrading Dantian, so that it can hold more Spiritual Qi or holy power.

The stronger the Cultivation Technique, the more refined the Magic power will be, and the faster the absorption of Spiritual Qi will be.

And it can make Dantian stronger so that it can hold more Spiritual Qi.

Once at the peak of Realm, it is just a process of transforming Spiritual Qi. Dantian has actually reached a limit.

Unless it is to advance to Sage, Dantian's capacity is completely fixed.

No matter what kind of cultivation Cultivation Technique, it is impossible to increase Dantian's capacity again.

But at this time, this Hunyuan Spirit Swallowing Art had subverted Long Feng's cognition.

It can actually increase own Dantian.

What will this mean?

Simply awesome!

This will allow his Dantian to go one step further at the peak of the quasi-sage.

At that time, under the impact of flames, his Realm can definitely reach the limit of Sage late stage.

If he shows his hole cards again, then Sage peak, he is not invincible.

This is only the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, if you become a holy, it will be even more domineering.

The slaying of three corpses is called Sage late stage.

And he not only cut the three corpses, but also merged the eight avatars.

At that time, his Dantian will be even broader.

Then he can use the powerful Dantian to install Sage late stage and even the Magic power of Sage peak in one fell swoop.

In this way, he can achieve the limit of Sage late stage as long as he preaches and becomes holy.

Even if he doesn't use the flame shock, he can still be directly invincible in the Sage late stage.

"It's cool!"

"It's so crooked!"

"With such a heaven-defying Cultivation Technique, I can double Dantian again!"

Long Feng was so excited that he wanted to sing a song.

This is the foundation and the foundation of cultivation.

As long as Dantian's capacity is larger, no matter what level he is at, he can be in a state of invincibility at the same level and challenge by leapfrogging.

Long Feng calmed down his excitement.

The surprise that this Cultivation Technique gave him was too great, and it made him full of confidence in the baby he was going to integrate next.

Innate Supreme Treasure Nine Cycles Linglong Pagoda, fusion of acquired merits, treasure heaven and earth, Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda, Hongmeng Quantian Ruler, can be promoted to Chaos Merit Supreme Treasure, which is among the most powerful in Chaos Supreme Treasure.

Now, Longfeng has obtained the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and the Hongmeng Measuring Ruler, which can be integrated.

"System, I want to integrate Nine Cycles Linglong Pagoda, Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and Hongmeng Ruler."

Longfeng gave the order directly!


The system prompt sounded immediately.

"Ding, the master is about to integrate the Nine Cycles Linglong Pagoda, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and the Hongmeng Ruler!"

"Ding, Magic Treasures has been successfully integrated, and the owner has obtained the Chaos Treasure, Chaos Climbing Tower!"

"Ding, the master integrates the treasures of acquired merits and gains 5% of the merits experience."

The system prompts kept ringing, making Long Feng so happy that he couldn't open his eyes.

"The Chaos Climbing Pagoda, I think it's pretty awesome when I hear the name, show me the attributes!"

Chaos Climbing Tower, the treasure of Chaos, can produce merits on its own.

Used for defense, the golden light cover of merit, suspended above the head, will stand invincible and can withstand the full blow of the user at the same level, which is one level higher than 50% of the blow.

The tower is ninety-nine stories high, with the first stage of the first stage, and each layer is composed of countless small spaces, and there are countless beasts generated by merits, which can be used for cultivation.

This tower can be adjusted independently. The stronger the person who enters, the stronger the attack of the fairy beast inside.

The person who breaks through the tower can gain a lot of merits and Ascension strength every time he passes through the floor.

As long as the quasi-sage peak powerhouse enters, as long as from the first floor to the ninety-nine floor, the merits obtained can be instantly sanctified.

Note, this tower can be used up to Sage late stage.


After reading it carefully several times, Long Feng finally understood the specific function of the Chaos Heavenly Climbing Tower.

His role is bright.

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