Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0323 Three Phoenix Sanctification

In this way, he only needs to hit the beast taming seal every moment, just tame Magical Beasts.

Moreover, his object of training the beast has also changed slightly.

Below the devil sage, all get out, unsanctified, and no longer have the qualifications to let him take action.

The Hall of Blood Demon is quite a small world, with more than trillion Magical Beasts in it.

In the past, many Magical Beasts were restricted by the rules of the Blood Demon Hall. Except for some special existences, even the Demon Saints could not break through.

At this time, the limitations of the Blood Demon Hall had been unraveled for hundreds of years. Those with a little background were all breakthrough and sanctification, and some even advanced to the middle stage of the demon saint.

This is an extremely powerful force.

For a whole hundred years, Longfeng has been spending time in the training of the beasts, and he can't remember how many beast trainings he has played.

During the process of taming the beasts, he was forging the primordial spirit all the time. At this time, Longfeng's neuronal nerves had precipitated for hundreds of years, and he had completely digested the primordial power remaining in the Blood Demon.

Let him be full of spirits and automatically advance to the top level of Sage.

The power of the primordial spirit at the peak of Sage has far surpassed his Cultivation Base. In the future, even if he is promoted to sanctification and breaks through to the late stage of Sage, then his primordial spirit is extremely powerful.


He has tamed more than one million Magical Beasts, and more than 90% of them are of the magical saint level.

There are hundreds of demon saints in the middle stage, nearly a hundred demon saints in the late stage, even at the peak of the demon saints, there is a wolf-eater.

Coupled with the clear wind of the Demon Sage Dzogchen, this strength is almost equal to the strength of the God Sect who stepped into the battlefield of the gods and demons.

Even at the level of early stage, middle stage, and late stage of the demon saint, it is even the gods and demon sect on the battlefield.

However, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and there are probably many variables on the battlefield of Gods and Demons.

Such a long time is enough for that space tunnel to be more stable.

Once the space tunnel is stabilized, the Demon God Sect will definitely send another master to conquer the prehistoric.

The precipitous situation is also very dangerous.

Unless Hongjun obtained the Half-Step Dao, even if he was promoted to the Holy Venerable, he would not be able to stop the Demon Realm's attack.

Of course, if Longfeng can become a saint, perhaps it can also save the entire prehistoric state, completely drive out the demon race, and even go to the demon world to make trouble.

Now, after hundreds of years of non-stop, in the entire Blood Demon Hall, the Magical Beasts, which used their background to breakthrough to the level of the demon saint, have been almost tamed by Longfeng.

Finally, Longfeng stopped tame the beasts, he pinched his fingers to calculate, since he entered the Blood Demon Hall, a full nine hundred and fifty years have passed.

Over the past nine hundred years, his gains are tremendous.

In addition to the millions of Saint-level Magical Beasts, his own soul is also greatly improved.

Not only that, but the state of mind that Ascension used to be too fast at this time is also completely silent.

Today, he, except Realm, has no difference in combat power with Sage late stage.

Even at the peak of Sage, he dared to make a wave, maybe he still had a half-point chance of winning.

"It's almost time!"

Long Feng raised his head and looked at the sky, feeling that several powerful auras flashed by on the nine steps.

Suddenly his figure flashed, and he had already stepped onto the ninth floor of the nine-story ladder.

At that time!

Kong Xuan was full of flames, and the three Phoenix were bathing in the Phoenix fire.

The entire sky was burned by the scorching flame, causing the surrounding temperature to rise suddenly.

In the flames, Kong Xuan released an aura that was even higher than that of Devouring Wolf.

Under his aura, the three Phoenix also exploded and spread all over.

These three Phoenix, all released the power of Sage late stage, as well as the huge power of the soul, echoing Kong Xuanyao.

"What kind of cultivation method is this, so that the three Phoenix get so much benefit?"

Long Feng remembers that hundreds of years ago, these three Phoenixes were not only badly injured, but also only the quasi-holy early stage.

In the Hall of Blood Demon, in just a few hundred years, he actually beheaded three corpses to become a holy, and directly advanced to the Sage late stage!

Even if he took more magic cores, he shouldn't have made such a big improvement.



Suddenly, Kong Xuan and the three Phoenix converged in real fire instantly, transformed into human bodies, and rushed towards the Dragon Peak.

"Master, look, I am now at the top of Sage!"

Kong Xuanxian released his own Shengwei like a treasure, and a strong coercion swept over him. Its power was even at the forefront of Sage's peak.

"Yes, Sage peak, Cultivation Base has been completely stabilized, and the mission has been exceeded!"

Long Feng nodded.

"Master, let me introduce to you. These are my three wives, Fenghua, Fengyue, and Fengling. They are the three great arrogances of my Phoenix clan. They all have the blood of the god of fire, and they are proficient in rebirth from the fire. Supernatural powers."

"Hey, all become my wives, sir, I'm not crazy!"

Kong Xuan held his head high, his face blooming with a smile.

Turning his head and glanced at the three wives, he said loudly, "My wife, call you master!"

"Fenghua, Fengyue, Feng Ling has seen the master, thank you for saving his life."

The voice was soft, like an orchid in the empty valley.

Looking at Longfeng, he saw the three Phoenix's changes are all stunning talents.

Even if it is not as good as Chang'e and Nuwa, it is similar.

"Well, you are all good. In just a few hundred years, the way of breakthrough sage is more powerful than that of Kong Xuan."

Long Feng gave a secret compliment and nodded softly.

"Master, you don't know anything. After I became a holy, I inherited a Phoenix lust and fire art. They can have such a strength, it is not entirely dependent on me!"

"What kind of cultivation method is the art of fusion?"

Longfeng Daqi, this method is worth recommending.

"Uh, master, Yin and Yang complement each other. They are cultivated in that way every day, but the premise is that they have the blood of the god of fire, and they will be reborn from the fire."

Kong Xuan said embarrassedly.

"Huh, there is such a good thing?"

Long Feng opened his mouth wide, and glanced at the three Phoenix beauties, seeing that they had already blushed, lowering their heads, fiddling with the corners of their clothes.

"Fuck, little bird, you are no longer pure!"

Long Feng patted Kong Xuan on the shoulder, with a witty expression on his face.

"Hey, sir, what do you want to do so purely, that kind of thing, it's cool, I suggest you and Ms. Chang'e, try it early!"

Kong Xuan's expression was awkward, and his voice was extremely low.

"Fuck, little bird, you..."

Long Feng was immediately speechless. He felt that he seemed to be a real failure. He had been in the predicament for thousands of years. If it were a previous life, it would have been reincarnated dozens of times.

And now, I am still a place!

What a special thing, mixed into such a ghost, a bit ashamed of the title of traverser!

"No, it seems that the winning of Chang'e Little Sister has to be on the agenda!"

Long Feng's heart was fiery, and he was about to learn from Kong Xuan so that he could pass on some experience.

But at this moment!

A holy power came from the seventh floor.

This holy power is extremely huge, rolling out, sweeping the earth.

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