Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0525 Chi You came out of the mountain, Xuanyuan came to the world

Chaos, beyond the sky!

In a Minor World, hundreds of monsters with weird shapes and huge bodies are gathered.

These monsters all released coercion.

Just standing still, the whole Minor World kept roaring.

It's as if they can't hold these strong people, and they will collapse at any time.

This is an alliance formed by the Chaos Demon God.

The name is called Demon League!

Among them, there are 108 of the quasi-sage pinnacles.

The Demon Sage has achieved eighteenths.

What's more, the two strongest people actually used the rule of 20% in control.

And it's a rare rule.

Darkness and destruction!

Among the chaos demon gods, the dark demon gods ranked sixteenth and fifteenth, destroy the demon gods.

Both of these two great chaos demon gods use destruction as their cultivation method.

When the world had not opened and Hongmeng had not judged, they went into chaos and suppressed their opponents.

Until Pangu opened the sky, they hid behind.

Although they were not directly beheaded, they were also injured by the axe light.

It wasn't until the silence opened the sky that it slowly recovered.

After the restoration, the Heavenly Dao has been formed, and there is no place for them to stand.

Under Heavenly Dao, they will also limit their strength.

Shackle them to sanctify.

Therefore, the two great chaos demon gods opened up the Minor World in the chaos, and cultivated in order to wait for the fate.

Until the battlefield of the gods and demons opened, Heavenly Dao couldn't take care of herself.

They broke through the shackles of Heavenly Dao, and finally broke through Heavenly Dao with force and forcibly became holy.

After being sanctified, the two began to have arrogant natures again.

With their research on the law, coupled with the strength of leapfrog challenges.

It can be said that Sage is already in the Great Perfection, and rarely meets opponents.

Even if they meet the Lord, they can try their luck with the two rare laws of darkness and destruction.

In this way, the two of them wandered through the chaos and specifically subdued the chaos devil.

I want to gather a force and come to the predicament to engage in wind and rain.

No, the opportunity is here.

Not only can it hit the Heavenly Dao, but also mess up the Heavenly Dao.

It can also seize luck, which is of great benefit to their cultivation in the future.

This makes them so excited that they want to sing a song.

So today, they held an oath meeting in Minor World.

Take the great oath, and you will set off immediately.


However, after the Lich War, most of the ancestral witches of the witch clan died, leaving only one ancestral witch nine phoenix.

Of course, the Wu Clan is so powerful that it is impossible to have only Jiufeng alone.

In addition to the ancestor Witch Jiufeng, those who fled at the time were also the great Witch Chiyou, Feng Bo, Yushi, Xiang Liu, and Jiuying.

On this day, he was hiding in the remnants of the Wu clan in Beiju Luzhou.

Jiufeng Ancestral Witch suddenly sensed a secret.

The secrets show that there is still another chance for the Wu Clan to rise.

That is to fight for hegemony with the human race.

If the human race can be driven away, then the witch race will still have a chance to become the master of the predecessor.

This made Jiufeng overjoyed.

Immediately recruited the great wizard Chiyou, Feng Bo, Yushi, Xiangliu, Jiuying and other important figures of the wizard clan.

Since today's prehistoric land is already in the human world, once the Wu Clan is born, it will become a target of public criticism.

Therefore, after some agreement.

Jiufeng decided to lead the reincarnation of Feng Bo, Yushi, Xiangliu, and Jiuying with Chi You.

Return to the prehistoric, contend for supremacy in the world!

Moreover, in order to make Chi You available to others, it is foolproof.

In addition to Chi You and several great witches, Jiufeng also dispatched 81 great witches to follow.

Of course, the identity of the reincarnation must also have the blood of the Witch clan, otherwise the strength of the whole body will not be able to display.

Fortunately, in the late stage of the Lich War, humans and the witch race are close neighbors.

Marriage between people and witches gave birth to the current Jiuli tribe.

Most of the tribes possess the power of witchcraft.

They claim to be a human race.

But in private, he thinks he is a descendant of the Witch tribe.

On this day, a powerful figure was born in the Jiuli tribe.

He is the voice of the reincarnation of the Great Wu Chiyou.

Today, Six Paths of Reincarnation is basically still in the hands of the Witchs.

Therefore, Chi You's reincarnation not only retained a part of his strength, but even his memory also existed.

Chi You was very ugly, his face was like a cow's head and his wings were on his back, but he was very smart, otherwise Jiufeng would not let him be the leader.

As soon as Chi You was born, he began to learn how to govern the world.

Especially for Fuxi and Shenlong's philosophy of governance.

He was born with supernatural power, in addition to increasing his own prestige, he also worked hard to Ascension own Cultivation Base.

For a time, the Jiuli tribe became stronger under his leadership.

With the strength of the Jiuli tribe, his ambition gradually revealed its edge, constantly attacking nearby tribes.

At the same time, there are some powerful tribes who are fighting and want to annex each other.

For a time, the entire predicament was about to come.


Among the Terran, Shennong has already abdicated a Jiazi.

During this time, the world was managed by Yanju, the son of Shennong.

But Yanju's prestige is definitely not as prestige as his father.

Therefore, the human race is doomed to fall apart.

Some powerful human tribes, such as the Jiuli tribe and the bear tribe in the south, no longer listen to Yanju's dispatch.

To the south of Nanfang Island, there is a land with dense vegetation, interlaced rivers and a mild climate.

And bear tribes thrive here.

Shaodian is the leader of this generation of bear tribes.

On this day, Shao Dian and his wife attached the treasure to watch the sky at night, and a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, covering the attached treasure.

Immediately after Fubao became pregnant, he was pregnant for two years, and with a cry of the child, he gave birth to a child, Xuanyuan.

Of course, he has just been born now and has no name yet.

Xuanyuan was born when the dragon raised his head.

On the day of birth, the sky was shining with purple, auspicious, there was thunder roaring, and strange beasts volleyed in the sky.

Of course, Shao Dian was very excited, and sent the tribe to Daqing for three days.

At this time, a Daoist flew from the sky and stopped directly in front of Shao Dian.

"Who are you?

Although Shaodian is the leader of the tribe, he also has the Cultivation Base on his body, and immediately puts on a defensive posture.

At the same time, the cultivation masters of the bear tribe also surrounded the future.

"Where is the demon way, hurry up and get your head down, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the sword."

Seeing that he was dominant in number, Shao Dian immediately stood up, looking at the person with a sharp expression.

"Leader Shaodian, don't panic, I am the original disciple of Sage, Dao name Guangcheng son."

"I came here today to discuss something important."

Guang Chengzi is extremely depressed, do I look so bad?

If you don't say anything special, you will call out to kill.

"What, the original Tianzun disciple?"

"You are really bragging!"

"Come on, take it for me!"

Shao Dian was surprised.

Think he is just the leader of a human tribe.

The aloof Sage has nothing to do with him.

How could a disciple who existed like that come to discuss important matters with him?

Isn't this a bullshit?

There must be a conspiracy.

Maybe it was a spy sent by a hostile tribe.

For a moment!

The cultivators around Shaodian moved.

The sword came out, and Sword Qi swung it all the way, and greeted Guang Chengzi unceremoniously.


Guang Chengzi was stupid.

This Shaodian doesn't play cards according to common sense at all!

As a disciple of Sage.

See you as a mortal, isn't it time to greet and please you, and then treat me as a guest of honor?

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