Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0529: Encountering the Canopy Daoist

"Of course, you heard it right, it's the Nine Heavens Profound Girl, she should teach the emperor the way of trickery!"

Long Feng smiled and nodded affirmatively.

"This...Longfeng Datianzun, why do you want to teach the emperor the way of trickery?"

At this time, the next god will be full of doubts and ask questions that everyone cares about.

"The last human emperor proves that he will kill the Tao and must unify the human race."

"Nine Heavens mysterious woman's way of treacherous soldiers can help the emperor to dominate the world."

Long Feng glanced at the questioning god general.

This divine general was born with good looks, wearing bright silver armor, and his body was majestic, with a murderous aura exuding.

Looking at the seat he was sitting in, behind the generals of Heaven Court, he must have a low status in Heaven Court.

To this god general, Long Feng showed appreciative eyes.

This person is no more than the pinnacle of a true fairy, but facing his prestigious Sage, he has no fear of fear.

Longfeng has always hated the people who are only non-noobs, and appreciates such bold people.

"What's your name?"

Longfeng is going to give this god general a good fortune.

When the god sees Long Feng asking him unexpectedly, his heart is overjoyed.

Who is Longfeng!

That's Sage from above.

Actually asked his name.

This is simply flattered.

This horrible criticism can last hundreds of millions of years.

"If you go back to Da Tianzun, the little one will call Daoist, and he will be in charge of a team of Heaven Court naval masters for the time being."

The god will be extremely excited, immediately trot to kneel in front of Longfeng, and respectfully introduce himself.


Longfeng, who was taking a sip of Qiongye Yuye, sprayed immediately.

The mouthful of Qiongye Yuye sprayed the canopy directly on his face.

"What are you talking about?"

Longfeng couldn't believe his own ears.

"Back to Da Tianzun, the little one is called Daoist, Daoist!"

The canopy looked dumbfounded.

Is there a problem with own Dao name?

"Are you the Marshal Canopy?"

Long Feng's eyes widened, and the canopy shivered all over his body.

"Back to the big Tianzun, the small is the canopy, but not a marshal, but just a Tianhe navy chief."

The canopy Daoist held his face full of jade syrup, with a look of worry on his face.

He asked himself that he had never seen Longfeng, but from the looks of it, he seemed to have seen him.

This made him nervous, not knowing whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

"Don't panic, Daoist, Canopy!"

"The deity is optimistic about you!"

Knowing that he had lost his temper, Long Feng immediately raised his hand and motioned for him to stand up.

The original desire to give the canopy a trace of good fortune is even more intense.

Longfeng is almost certain that this canopy Daoist is the pig bajie of later generations.

When Journey to the West, this Zhu Bajie was the one who should be robbed.

It is also a good choice to arrange it in advance.

"Bajie, what weapon do you use now?"

Long Feng smiled. He remembered that Zhu Bajie's weapon was a nine-tooth rake.


Canopy Daoist once again looked dumbfounded.

"Oh, canopy!"

"Yes, Daoist, Canopy, what is your weapon?"

Longfeng immediately reacted, there is still no Bajie.

"Back to the big Tianzun, the little one has no weapons yet."

Canopy Daoist smiled embarrassedly.

"No weapons? In this way, you will come to the Heavenly Sword Sect to find me, and the deity will refine one for you."

Longfeng was overjoyed, and it seemed that Zhu Bajie's nine-tooth rake was about to be out of his hands.

There are rumors in the previous life that Zhu Bajie's nine-tooth nail rake was refined by Taishang Laojun.

But this time, Taishang Laojun, let's go playing in the mud!


Da Tianzun wants to refine weapons for Daoist?

At this moment, the Queen Mother Jade Emperor was shocked.

This canopy Daoist's fate is too good!

It was so important to Longfeng.

The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up.

There is something wrong with this!

It seems to work.

He looked at the canopy Daoist's eyes, and gradually bloomed.

And Daoist, the canopy, was stunned by the pie at this time.

what's the situation?

He didn't understand at all, why this great Tianzun took care of himself in this way.

"Thank you Datianzun!"

Fortunately, he didn't get dazzled by the excitement, so he knelt down and thanked him.

"Well, go down!"

"Remember to come to me after measuring the robbery."

Long Feng nodded.

"Yes, Datianzun!"

The canopy held back his pounding heart and returned directly to his own seat.

He knew that he was going to soar into the sky.

Longfeng pays attention, his chance should also come.

At this time, the canopy was so excited that flowers bloomed in his heart.

"Come on, let's continue!"

After Long Feng dealt with the canopy, he turned his head again to look at the Jade Emperor.

"Nine Heavens, what do you think of the two fellow daoist?"

Long Feng asked softly.

"This is a great thing, let the fellow daoist command it."

Let Nine Heavens Profound Girl be the teacher of the emperor, and the Jade Emperor can't ask for it, so there is no reason to oppose it.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl is the person of his Heaven Court, as the teacher of the emperor, when the emperor is enlightened.

Even if he Heaven Court, he can get a lot of luck.

Maybe, he could use his luck to make Heaven Court go further.

"Well, that's how things are set."

The next step is to take the great oath.

Only by issuing an oath, Longfeng can get luck from the Nine Heavens Profound Girl.

Otherwise, Nine Heavens, as a member of the Heaven Court, the luck gained will control her ass.

Today Longfeng is here, and it seems to wake up the Jade Emperor, but in fact, he has calculated the Jade Emperor Laoer.

Because Nine Heavens Xuan Nu taught Xuanyuan Bing Dao, that is heaven.

Even if there is no Dragon Peak, Heavenly Dao will automatically evolve by then.

Now, just let the Jade Emperor know in advance.

But he would not take advantage of the Jade Emperor.

Hongmeng purple qi is on his body, it is already commonplace.

But for the Jade Emperor, that was a super baby.

Long Feng decided to take out two radiant purple qi, which was equivalent to buying the luck that was about to be divided by him.

Later, nine thousand years of flat peaches were also picked back.

The Jade Emperor immediately waved his hand and smiled.

"Today, I have formed an alliance with Longfeng fellow daoist. I am very happy. You are sitting here, each one is a flat peach."

Next is the distribution of flat peaches.

Suddenly, there was a 9,000-year-old flat peach that I could not even smell at ordinary times.

In front of Longfeng, there were ten more.


Longfeng is also welcome, picking up one, sipping a bite, and enjoying the delicious food.


After eating the flat peaches, Longfeng said goodbye.

Before leaving, he even took out two great purple qi, which can make the Jade Emperor happy.

Hongmeng Ziqi, but the foundation of Taoism.

The Jade Emperor got this, feeling that the position of Sage was already beckoning him.

This is more real than the invisible and intangible force of luck.

Because for their quasi-sage pinnacle.

Even if your luck is heaven-defying, if you don’t have the grandiose and purple aura, you can’t become a holy.

After Longfeng left, the Jade Emperor did not disband the gods on the Ling Xiao Palace.

Next, he lavished rewards.

In particular, Nine Heavens Profound Girl has given countless Gold Cores and several Magic Treasures.

Then there is the canopy Daoist, which is directly promoted to several levels.

From a sailor leader, he was directly recognized as the commander-in-chief of the Tianhe navy commander under one person and above ten thousand immortals.

This can make Daoist the canopy so happy that he can wake up with a smile in the middle of the night.

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