Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0531: Xuanyuan and Chi You

Honghuang, Guangchengzi Closed Door Training is located.

Hearing Xuanyuan's narration, Guang Chengzi immediately understood.

This Chi You must be a reincarnated body, wanting to rely on the support of the Wu clan to dominate the predecessors.

This is simple.

Chi You's reincarnation is definitely not his own opponent.

"In this way, disciple, I will follow you as a teacher, catch that Chi You, and help you ascend to the throne of the emperor."

Guang Chengzi looked confident.

"Thank you, Master!"

Hearing that Guang Chengzi was going to go out in person, Emperor Xuanyuan was overjoyed and he quickly respected and thanked him.

Immediately, Guang Chengzi walked with Xuanyuan and returned to the battlefield again.

The two of them had just lowered the cloud group, and before they had time to discuss with the generals, there was a scream of killing from the Chi You tribe on the opposite side.

"what happened?"

Xuanyuan was furious, letting out a murderous intent from his body, and his eyes looked into the distance.


At this time, a warrior in armor walked quickly, and when he saw Xuanyuan, he immediately knelt down.

"Report, Chi You has set up a large array and is attacking us aggressively."

"What a courage!"

When Xuanyuan heard it, his anger went wild.

"Master, what do you think should be done?"

Xuanyuan now only relies on Guangchengzi to retreat from the enemy.

"Don't panic as a disciple, let me go up the city wall and have a look."

Guang Chengzi's face was calm, and he walked towards the city wall first.

Soon, the two were on the wall.

Chang Xian, Feng Feng, Li Mu and other generals are already stationed on the city wall.

When I saw Xuanyuan and Guangchengzi, I immediately saw him.

"We worship the immortal master, see the co-master."

"You wait, wait for me to see, what is Chi You's ability to dare to attack the Central Plains!"

Guang Chengzi waved his hand and stepped to the side of the city wall.

Lifting his eyes and sweeping, I saw a hundred miles in front of the formation, and there was a black mist, blocking the two camps.

Within the black fog, lightning and thunder are faintly visible, and the wind and fire are raging.

In addition, the black mist is tumbling, the wind is horrible, and it is a scene like The Underworld.

This black mist is still coming quickly, approaching at a rapid speed.

He was one person first, eight feet tall, and his muscles were about to explode.

His arms are strong, his steps are steady, and his bronze skin is shining in the sun.

The whole body is as strong as a wall.

This person has an extremely ugly face, holding a six-foot-long knife in his hand.

The body of the blade is jet black, with blood shining around, and an extremely powerful Killing intent is released from it.

Guang Chengzi recognized that this person was the real body of Chi You who turned to death by the great witch.

Outside the city wall, Chi You's face is full of flesh and blood, and his face is vicious.

Chi You saw Xuanyuan lead people to watch.

Suddenly he shouted: "Xuanyuan child, my Jiuli soldiers are brave and good at fighting. You wait to surrender as soon as possible, so as not to end up with no bones!"

"Chi You child, you act heaven-defying, arrogantly use your swords and soldiers, causing the lives to be overwhelmed, and the heaven and the earth are intolerable."

"If you are willing to retreat immediately, I will save you from death. If you persist in not understanding, you will be condemned by God!"

Huangdi Xuanyuan had Guang Chengzi by his side to support him, and he immediately became bolder.

Chi You laughed wildly when he heard it.

"Xuanyuan Xiaoer is going to take advantage of his tongue. If he is capable, can he dare to fight with me?"

Xuanyuan Huangdi was so upset that he suddenly appeared more and more, saying: "Why don't you dare?"

He has been cultivating for decades, and he is also very powerful. He asked himself, one-on-one, and he would not lose to Chi You.

For a moment!

Huangdi Xuanyuan held a sharp sword, jumped off the city wall, and fought with Chi You.

Chi You is the reincarnation of the great witch, with the experience of fighting as a great witch.

Moreover, he was born with supernatural power, his physical body was strong, and his strength fell apart.

However, he is now a reincarnation after all, and he is less than 10% back in Cultivation Base.

In addition, the Tiger Soul Knife in his hand is very powerful.

Xuanyuan was the emperor of Tianding, with amazing qualifications.

Over the years, I have been following Guangchengzi's cultivation method, and there is a magical medicine to swallow.

Already had the strength above the immortal Dao, the two fought into one team, and it was difficult to distinguish the victory or defeat for a while.

The fighters on both sides saw two swords and swords.

Wherever I pass, sand and rocks are scattered, like a violent wind sweeping the earth.

Chi You's magic sword danced wildly, and Xuanyuan Sword Qi swayed.

The two fought for hundreds of rounds. Huangdi Xuanyuan couldn't win, so he jumped out of the ring.

To Chi You said: "Stop it today, we will fight another day."

"Hahaha, Xuanyuan child, is it possible that you are scared!"

Chi You wouldn't let Xuanyuan leave easily. He immediately waved his hand and ordered Hong Sheng, "Kill me!"


The sound of Jin Ge and Iron Horse resounded throughout the world.

The billowing black mist continued to flow, and within a blink of an eye, there was a danger of flooding the city wall.

"Chi You child, you are so bold, look at my suppression of you today!"

At this time, after a period of observation, Guang Chengzi was even more sure to take Chi You.

Suddenly flew out, the pseudo-sky-turning seal in his hand slid around before hitting Chi You.


Chi You was shocked.

He felt a wave of Shanwei suppressed.

Suddenly raising his head, he saw that Guang Chengzi was controlling the mark and smashed at himself.

"You are so daring, Guang Chengzi, if you dare to intervene in the battle between me and Xuanyuan, do you want to be forever?"

Chi You's eyes are splitting, although he is powerful, but his strength is now only 10% restored, how could he be Guang Chengzi's opponent.

"Good Chiyou, you are trespassing into the world and ruining the world. I just walk the way for the sky, help the emperor put down the rebellion, and make merit."

Guang Chengzi was awe-inspiring, and his power increased.

"I'm still afraid you won't make it!"

When Chi You heard this, he was immediately furious, and the Hupei knife in his hand was slashed according to the fake earth-shaking seal.



Immediately afterwards, the collision sound of a Magic Treasures impact resounded.

How could Chi You's strength be worthy of Guang Chengzi.

The Tiger Soul was broken.

The power of the false sky-turning seal was slightly reduced, breaking the barrier, and hitting Chi You's chest with a blow.


A mouthful of blood spurted wildly.

Chi You was immediately knocked out, and he was hit vigorously, and fell into the Jiuli camp.

"Retreat, retreat!"

"Small wind and thunder array, open the defense, protect Dage from evacuation."

Xiang Liu and Jiu Ying immediately stepped forward, helped Chi You up, and retreated quickly.

For a moment, the black mist rolled, and immediately drowned Chi You, covering his body.

"Hahaha, Chi You, today is your death date!"

There is a small wind and thunder formation, but the acquired superb formation has a little effect on ordinary immortals.

But when you encounter a quasi-sage power like Guangchengzi, there is nothing you can do.

After sweeping away his spiritual thoughts, Guang Chengzi locked Chi You's position.

Pseudo Overturning Seal shot again, carrying coercion, and furiously, trying to kill Chi You.


The force expels the air, producing a series of sonic booms.

Seeing that the pseudo-sharp-shaking seal was about to fall, Chi You would be killed.

"My life is over!"

Chi You and the powers of the witch tribes had their eyes split, and their eyes were blood red.

Resistance is useless.

Their strength is too far from Guang Chengzi.

In front of Guangchengzi, they are like a group of ants, which can be pressed to death with a single thumb.

The breath of Death is coming frantically.

Chi You's grief and anger are inexplicable, doesn't he have the day to stand up from the witch clan.

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