Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0533 Chaos Demon God Joins

Not to mention that Guang Chengzi returned to Yuxu Palace to rescue soldiers.

At this moment, Chi You welcomed a group of uninvited guests.

There were about a hundred people who came here, all of them weird, tall and majestic and majestic.

Almost all these people came from tearing apart the space, coming directly outside Chi You's tent, and seeing that they could drive there.

"Who is Chi You, don't hesitate to come out to meet my Dage."

Before everyone stood firm, there was a three-foot giant with a dog's head arrogantly yelling.

"Who, dare to come to my Jiuli camp to go wild, don't you want to live?"

Chi You was upset just now when he recognized him in front of the Master Tongtian.

At this moment, when someone wanted to go out to greet him in person, it was suddenly even more unhappy.

Chi You was upset and wanted to kill.

He rushed out of the big tent in anger, wanting to see who dared to meet him personally.

However, when he saw the comer clearly, he was instantly stunned.

"The Chaos Demon God?"

Chi You's pupils shrank.

He was originally a great witch, he met Bufan, and he could tell at a glance that these people were all chaos demon gods.

This is a bit scary.

Hundreds of Chaos Demon Gods unexpectedly appeared in his Jiuli Camp.

If these people are upset, the tens of thousands of soldiers from the Jiuli Clan will not be able to belch right away.

"Are you Chi You?"

The dog-headed monster's eyes were surrounded by electric lights, and its breath was like two sharp arrows, hitting Chi You's heart directly.

"Back to senior, I am Chi You!"

Chi You looked terrified, for fear of incurring dissatisfaction.

"You just said that you don't want me to live, right?"

The man with the head of a dog was joking.

"Um, seniors calm down. I didn't know that the seniors arrived just now, and the words were slightly inappropriate. Please forgive me."

Acknowledge, who can't.

I just recognized the counseling in front of the Lord Tongtian.

Let's do another one now, and it won't hurt.

"Well, if you are acquainted, don't hurry up and pay homage to my two bosses!"

After the dog-headed monster finished speaking, he immediately stepped back with a smile on his face, bowing to please the two old men behind him.

"Boss, are you...?"

Chi You looked puzzled.

"Presumptuous, this is the Dark Demon God, Destroyer Demon God, is the existence of Sage's Dzogchen limit."

"They step on the sky and the earth, control the law, turn their hands on the sun and the moon, they have the power to destroy the sky and the earth!"

"You wait for mortals to see it, and you must kneel down to worship."

The dog-headed monster looked at Chi You, and immediately became awe-inspiring again.

"Sage Dzogchen to the limit?"

Chi You's pupils shrank, and his legs instantly softened.

f*ck, several batches of beef!

Sage Dzogchen's limit, such an existence, is actually in front of him.

Although Chi You was courageous, he was scared to urinate in an instant, and he knelt down to pay respect to Sage.

"Well, Chi You is right!"

"You are very good, and you are very concerned about my brother. My brother has decided that from today onwards, I will do my best to help you ascend to the throne of the emperor."

The dark demon held his head high, his eyes looked at the sky, as if I was about to give you a bowl of porridge.

However, when Chi You heard these words, he was immediately dumbfounded with excitement.

Are these Chaos Demon Gods coming to help own?

He couldn't believe his own ears.

What's so special, I was hit by a pie!

It's just a chance.

The Master of the Heavenly Sect is to approve it!

But if he faced these Chaos Demon Gods, he would be abused as a dog.

Cool this time!

The bad mood just now has been forgotten by him.

"My Chiyou, thank you demon senior for your help."

Chi You also knew that these Chaos Demon Gods must have a purpose to help him.

But he doesn't care.

Isn’t it the power of luck?

As long as you become a human emperor, your luck will be endless at that time.

When he becomes holy, he can make the Wu Clan return to the prehistoric times, and even make the Wu Clan the protagonist of heaven and earth again.

Next, Chi You hosted a banquet in honor of the Chaos Demon God.

These Chaos Demon Gods also got a glimmer of secrets, knowing that the greater the power of calamity, the stronger the luck.

So he hid on the side of the Jiuli tribe, waiting for the opportunity.

On the other side, Guang Chengzi returned to Yuxu Palace and reported Xuanyuan's current situation.

The original Tianzun immediately spread the letter to the four Sages and came to the Yuxu Palace to discuss matters.

After discussing with the other sages, they decided to send their respective disciples into Xuanyuan's side again to resist Chi You.

After discussion, explain to teach twelve disciples, Antarctic Xianweng, and tens of thousands of disciples below.

The Great Master Xuandu taught by people also led thousands of disciples.

The Buddha of the West, Bodhisattva, the Buddha, the soldier and the Buddha.

In addition, Styx dispatched several quasi-saint clones, Daluo Jinxian, and the clones below tens of thousands of Jinxian, and set off together.

This time, the five sages have laid down their blood, except for themselves, they have already done their best to master their respective sects.

Soon, Xuanyuan got the help of a group of Sage disciples, and his strength greatly increased.

Both Chi Youxuanyuan and Chi Youxuanyuan, each with their own help, were immediately ambitious, and the war soon revived.

After platooning troops, Xuanyuan took the initiative to attack this time, with the help of Sage disciples, and the battle situation was immediately different.

I saw the sound of killing on the battlefield, and the black clouds of Jiuli party gathered, and the Killing intent rushed straight into the sky.

There are faintly visible ghosts flying, phosphorous fire a little, and sometimes there are horrible winds.

Xuanyuan's side is different. The army is arranged in a square array according to a kind of mysterious formation. Above the large array, the mysterious light is flooding the sky, and the righteousness is awe-inspiring.

Disciple Sage personally took the shot this time, leading a group of strong men to rush to the front, and immediately went all the way to the base camp of Chi You.

For a time!

Chi You was angry, and immediately invited the two demon gods to send the strong to help.

Of course, the Dark Demon God and Destroyer Demon God would not refuse, and immediately sent five Chaos Demon Gods who were quasi-sage peaks to fight.

Not long after, the two leaders once again gathered in front of the army.

Huangdi Xuanyuan was confident, his eyes scanned the front with a smile on his face.

"Chi You children, you witches don't respect the number of days, they arrogantly use swords and soldiers, and are born in the water and fire. Today is the time of your death."

Upon hearing Xuanyuan's words, Chi immediately became furious.

"Xuanyuan child, stop trying to gain the advantage of your tongue, let's talk about it after the battle, kill me!"

With Chi You's order, the two sides suddenly shouted and screamed.

In antiquity battles, there have always been battles against generals and soldiers against soldiers.

The two sides collided and began to look for their opponents.

As soon as the disciple of the Five Saints took the shot, they were immediately caught by the five demon gods and began to fight in the sky.

And Chi You also fought against Xuanyuan again.

"Chi You, kid, I didn't expect that you would really join the Chaos Demon God for the sake of the world. You really thought Heavenly Dao would let you succeed!"

Seeing the other five Chaos Demon Gods came out again, Huang Di Xuanyuan suddenly became confused.

Could it be that the Chaos Demon God has begun to fully support Chi You.

"Hahaha, Xuanyuan child, what shit Heavenly Dao."

"I think my dignified Wu Clan, the descendant of Pangu who pioneered the world, but was driven out of the prehistoric stage by him, is such an unfair thing, why should I respect it?"

"Today, I stopped waiting and regained the position of the prehistoric protagonist."

Chi You yelled loudly, already confident at this time.

With the help of Chaos Demon God, he is already qualified to seize the world.

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