Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0545 Kongtong Seals Suppresses Human Fortune


He stretched out his hand, Xuanyuan Sword was in his hand, he drew out the sword abruptly, and cut it down at Chi You's right arm.


With blood splashing, Chi You's right arm suddenly separated.


"Xuanyuan child, fucking f*ck!"

Chi You was in pain and suddenly screamed.

But Xuanyuan didn't care, raised the sword in his hand and cut off Chi You's left arm again.

Then there is the right leg and the left leg.

At this moment, Chi You was persuaded by the great pain.

"Forgive me, boss Xuanyuan, spare my life, I am willing to serve you as the master and obey your orders."

"Haha, it's strange that Chiyou begs for mercy, but I won't allow it!"


A sword slashed out, cut from Chi You's neck, and his head suddenly separated.

A strand of primordial spirit came out of the body, condensing Chi You's figure.

"My Chiyou, immortal, immortal, I will come back."

Afterwards, the primordial spirit dissipated, but with a sense of hostility, he penetrated into Chi You's body and disappeared.

"Come here, bury Chi You's body in the five poles. I will see how he will come back."

Xuanyuan put away the divine sword and ordered.


Li Mu immediately ordered Chi You to be buried in the five poles and put a seal of the great formation.

Chi You was defeated and killed, and the world knew everything for a while.

In addition, Xiniu Hezhou surrendered unconditionally.

In this way, the whole world is under the command of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi, and the world is peaceful.

With this momentum, Xuanyuan Huangdi also became the sole overlord of the prehistoric world.

Subsequently, Honghuang reached the peak in history under Xuanyuan's governance.

The number of humans has also risen again, and the powerful human race has risen completely, treating all aliens as demon ghosts.

Successfully dominate prehistoric times.

In another sixty years, Xuanyuan Huangdi had achieved the pinnacle of the quasi-sage with the help of Qi Yun.

On this day, Purple Qi from the East, everything is shocked.

The golden light of merit spread, and began to infuse Xuanyuan Huangdi's body.

Longfeng appeared at this moment, opened up Minor World, guided merits, and helped Xuanyuan become holy.

Xuanyuan Huangdi used slaughter to prove the way, cut off the three corpses, and sanctification was Sage late stage.

At this moment, Daoyin blessed and Shengwei rolled.

The voice of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi spread throughout the desolate heaven and earth, and countless creatures worshipped.

"My Xuanyuan Huangdi was born to teach the human race, to unify the predicament, and to be blessed by luck today, to cultivate into the Sage Tao fruit, the human race will not die, and I will not die."

"Human Sovereign, success!"

As Xuanyuan Huangdi's explosive shouts spread, the entire prehistoric land suddenly shook.

The Tribulation of the Three Emperors ends here.

The whole world suddenly fell into immeasurable luck.

All the heroes of the calamity, all feel that the spirit of the soul is unstoppable, and the secret of heaven is clear.

Many people break the shackles directly and advance to a higher level of Realm.

Heavenly Dao also took advantage of this air of luck to increase power.

Dao Zu Hongjun, who was studying the good fortune jade disc, suddenly realized the power of the two laws and used them freely.

Coupled with the recent progress, Hongjun at this moment has already touched the ceiling of the Lord's early stage.

Even the ancestor of eyebrows has gained a trace of luck and applied the law of space to two to three.

Both OP Experts can benefit, other direct participants, of course, have countless benefits.

Several major Sages, such as daddy, rely on the power of air transport to make all breakthrough Sages to a great accomplishment.

The chief disciples of the various teachings have also advanced to the pinnacle of the quasi-sages. As long as they get the grandeur and purple energy, they can prove Dao Hunyuan at any time.

In addition, Longfeng and others have gained the greatest benefit.

Kong Xuan and others control more than ten laws.

In Sage Dzogchen, great progress has been made.

And Long Feng himself, the threshold that imprisoned his strength, also loosened.

I believe that it won’t take long to completely break through the peak of Sage.

He is confident that once he reaches the top of Sage, he will be able to control a few more laws of chaos.

Until then, in the early stage of the Lord, there will be invincible existence.

Xuanyuan Huangdi became a saint and passed on the throne of the emperor to his grandson Gao Yang, for the emperor Zhuan Xu.

Later, Emperor Xuanyuan retired to Huoyun Cave and participated in the avenue together with Fuxi Shennong.

In order to prepare for the next entry into the chaotic battlefield.

Terran began to develop in an orderly manner.


Heavenly Sword Sect, the ninth floor of the Blood Demon Hall.

When Xuanyuan Huangdi became the emperor, the system immediately sounded a reminder.

"Ding, the master helped Shennong Xuanyuan to become a holy, profited from the calamity, and received a reward as a substitute puppet."

"Ding, the master helped Shennong Xuanyuan to become a holy, profited from the calamity, and obtained the power of rewarding the emperor."

"Ding, the three emperors return to their throne, the master plays an important role in it, and he will be rewarded with two Pills of Transformation."

"Ding, the master gains the power of the three Daoist emperors, which can refine the treasures of the human race, inject the power of the human emperor, and ensure that the human luck will never be lost."

It's not bad to get a stand-in puppet again.

There is also a transformation pill, and Long Feng points to an explanation.

The transformation pill, after taking it, can change arbitrarily within a year, and even the primordial spirit can be hidden.

"Isn't this tasteless?"

Long Feng was extremely speechless, thinking of him dignifiedly Sage late stage, need this transformation pill?

"Son of the system, did your rewards go wrong?"

Longfeng was speechless.

However, Tsundere's system did not answer him at all.

Long Feng didn't get too entangled, and began to continue to check the harvest.

The power of the human emperor has gathered, and you can start practicing treasure.

As for what treasures to refining, Longfeng had already thought about it.

In the previous life, the Kongtong seal was the treasure of the human race and the best Innate spirit treasure.

In myths and legends, the Kongtong seal was originally owned by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Above the seal, there are nine dragons circling each other, the seal seat is surrounded by the Heavenly Emperor holy face, and under the seal there is the word Lukongtong.

Holding this seal, you can abolish the Emperor Liren.

In ancient times, he was in charge of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors.

Later, Xia Qi used the power of Kongtong seals to perversely and disrupt the world, and was taken back by Sanqing.

The Kongtong seal can deal with all demon ghosts. If the ghost touches the soul and flies away, if the demon touches the body, it will be destroyed. Therefore, the Kongtong seal is also called the righteous god seal.

But today's predicament, perhaps due to the appearance of Longfeng, the Kongtong seal did not appear in the hands of the original Tianzun.

And Longfeng wanted to let Kongtong Yin come to the world as he wished.

The raw materials have already been prepared.

Then began refining.

For the refining of treasures, Longfeng had already been able to capture it, and after three days of effort, he successfully refined Kongtong.

And promote it to the Innate Supreme Treasure level, into the power of the three Daoist emperors.

After training into the Kongtong seal, Longfeng directly suppressed it in the center of the prehistoric, in the mountains beyond the prehistoric ancient city.

At this point, Kongtong will gather the luck of the human race, and the human race will always be prosperous.

Next! Longfeng began to attack Realm.

He has a hunch that the Chaos Battlefield will open in the near future.

He hopes to seize the time, break through the Cultivation Base, use the ticket to enter the chaotic battlefield first, and check the situation in the chaotic battlefield.

The ticket to Chaos Battlefield is only valid for two days, and it will be sent back as soon as the time is up.

This is a great advantage.

Even if you encounter a terrible opponent or crisis, as long as you last for two days, you will be teleported back to Honghuang.

With security, you can do things unscrupulously.

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