Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0547 Entering Chaos Battlefield

"Well, let's go!"

Immediately, the two smashed admission tickets at the same time.

at the same time!

A force of transmission came out of thin air, and the cover fell.

The space split immediately, and a violent wind rolled up, bringing Longfeng and Mobatian to disappear where they were.

I only felt a whirl of heaven and earth, unparalleled gravity strikes.


Longfeng fell directly into a lake, splashing a large wave.

"Xiaoba, please answer when you hear!"

Before Long Feng could watch the surroundings, he hurriedly shouted.

"Ouch, boss, I fell to death!"

The voice of Mo Batian came.

Fortunately, the two teleported in the same direction, otherwise it would be no fun in this strange land.

At this time Longfeng began to observe own situation.

It turned out that he fell into a river.

This river is the most famous ancient Tianhe in the Chaos Battlefield.

The time of its existence has not been verified.

The water in Hanoi is swift and icy.

And with a trace of poisonous gas.

Except for some wild beasts, there are very few creatures around this river.

Because, across the river, is the Zerg area.

This river is the dividing line between the chaotic creatures and the zerg.

In the middle of the big river, countless runes flickered, easily insurmountable.

Mo Batian fell to the shore, his buttocks hurt badly.

Longfeng was soaking in the water, feeling a tingling pain all over his body, and he was so horrified that he crawled to the shore.

f*ck, it’s not good to be a teacher!

I didn't read the almanac when I went out and fell into the river.

It doesn't care about him.

But at this time he felt terrible pressure from around him, and these pressures seemed to be a shackle, sealing off his strength.

It is very difficult for him to fly.

For a while, Long Feng felt that he had become a mortal. If he wanted to go ashore, he could only paddle forward like a dog planing.

Fortunately, although the holy power is restricted here, the physical strength has not diminished.

Otherwise, only the low temperature in the river and the faint poisonous gas could kill him.

But there seemed to be suction in the river, even if he stroked with all his strength, he would still move slowly.

At this time, he was still hundreds of meters away from the shore.

Moreover, he also sensed not far away, as if a creature was approaching him at a rapid speed.

This is even more so that his soul flies away.

"Little bully, can you fly, come and save me."

"Boss, don't panic, I'm here!"

At this moment, Mo Batian had already slowed down.

He set up a black cloud, flew to the top of Longfeng, pulled it out, and then returned to the shore.


In an instant, a fish the size of a house leaped from where it was originally, with fangs showing through its mouth.

Long Feng couldn't help but shudder.

Fortunately, I took a step first, otherwise this fish would definitely swallow him.

The two stood on the shore, Long Feng's eyes showed a touch of contemplation.

I sensed in the body for a while, Sage's peak strength was still there, and the surging power still circulated in the body.

But his power, in this world, seems to be infinitely weakened.

Open the celestial eye.

At this moment, his sight was also restricted, at most he could only see through a hundred miles.

Looking to the opposite bank, where the line of sight is, you can't see the side at a glance, only the billowing river.

And hundreds of miles away behind him, he saw a huge ancient city, where people came and went, which seemed very lively.

"Is this the Chaos Battlefield?"

Long Feng's pupils shrank, and he felt that his own advantage was of little use here.

"Go, Xiaoba, go ahead and have a look!"

Long Feng decided to take a look when he saw creatures haunting him.

He only has two days. He wants to use these two days to learn more about the Chaos Battlefield and be prepared.

"Boss, do you want me to take you with a cloud!"

Longfeng’s Realm is just the pinnacle of Sage.

In the battlefield of chaos, if you want to ride the clouds, you can only achieve Sage's Dzogchen.

"No, a hundred miles away, you can reach it soon."

After speaking, he stepped forward and hurried to the ancient city.

Soon, over a mountain range, the ancient city was visible to the naked eye.

Seen from a distance, the ancient city is boundless, forming a parallel line with the ancient Tianhe.

There are many gates in this city.

The two were fast, and it only took a quarter of an hour to rush outside the nearest city gate to them.

Looking up, above the city gate hangs the words of the Eighth City of Chaos, the font is magnificent and full of Taoism.

At this time, the gates of the city were wide open, and many creatures appeared.

Most of these creatures are humans in the form of Heavenly Dao.

Long Feng's eyes were swept away, and he looked at the attributes of several creatures one after another.

The aborigines of Chaos Battlefield, Sage early stage, no magical powers, no Magic Treasures, no means of attack...

It's all three without personnel.

"Ordinary people?"

Longfeng immediately realized that these aborigines of Sage Realm were ordinary people like the prehistoric human race.

This is so...

Long Feng was shocked.

Chaos Battlefield is too impressive!

Everyone is Sage!

It's crazy.

If you organize them, wouldn't you be able to train a group of Sage troops?

In this way, are you afraid that he will be in the devil's world?

However, this is obviously not realistic.

The Chaos Battlefield is a special existence and must have many restrictions.

Otherwise, isn't it going to be chaotic.

Longfeng has this kind of thought, but other worlds don't have this kind of thought.

But the Devildom, obviously there is no aboriginal people in the Chaos Battlefield.

Think about it with Longfeng.

The strong in the chaotic world must at least be sanctified to enter the chaotic battlefield.

The aborigines on the battlefield of chaos should also have extremely harsh restrictions if they want to enter the world of chaos.

In addition to the aborigines of the Chaos World, there are also various characters.

For these people, Long Feng can also see the attributes with the soul-catching eyes.

Nie Peng, a disciple of the Yin & Yang Great World Nine Suns Sect, Sage Dzogchen, possesses the intermediate Yin & Yang bloodline, and cultivates the mysterious powers of the Nine Suns Sword Ray...

Battle Slaughter, Full Moon World Rogue Cultivators, the pinnacle of Sage, with intermediate Yuehua bloodline, cultivation...

These people are all powerhouses in other big worlds.

In the chaos, there are three thousand big worlds and countless Minor Worlds.

In these three thousand big worlds, there are almost countless strong ones.

Although Honghuang also belongs to the big world, even Heavenly Dao has not yet completed the evolution.

In all big worlds, it is almost the bottom of existence.

"Boss, look!"

At this time, Mo Batian's voice rang in his ears, interrupting Long Feng's contemplation.

Looking up, I saw a beautiful lady in Taoist costume walking in the distance.

This beauty in Taoist costume is actually an acquaintance.

"Shuiyue Fairy, how could it be her?"

Longfeng was taken aback.

Yes, this beauty in Taoist costume is actually the Taoist Sao she met in the Three Eyes World.

A disciple of the Baiyue Taoist temple in one of the nine Sage dojos in the Three Eyes World.

At the beginning, there was the strength of the peak of the evil saint.

But now, this Shuiyue Fairy has clearly broken through the Cultivation Base and has been promoted to the Evil Sage Dzogchen.

Behind her, two elderly aunts followed.

The breath of these two people is very vague, at least they are the characters who touched the ceiling of the evil deity's early stage.


When Longfeng looked over, this Shuiyue Fairy also happened to see the two of Longfeng.

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