Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 0553: The Source Of The River

But now, it seems that I can't touch the side of this river.

"Is there formation in this river?"

Long Feng opened the soul-catching eye, but there was nothing in front of him.

This shows that there is no formation block here.

"Go back and think about it first!"

Longfeng knew that it would undoubtedly be in vain to continue this way.

Go out and think of a solution first.

Immediately, Long Feng turned around and swam back.

However, something strange happened.

Only within a quarter of an hour, he returned to the pool and back to the ground.

Went in and swam for an hour, and returned within a quarter of an hour.

He can guarantee that he did not accelerate his return.

"This distance is really a mystery!"

Long Feng was shocked again and again.

Next, he went on several times in a row.

It took the longest time, and it swam forward four hours.

But back, it also only took less than a quarter of an hour.

He observed for a long time, relying on his own understanding of formation and the wonder of the Eye of the Soul, but he didn't find any formation.

There must be something weird here.

However, what is even more bizarre is that he has not been teleported back until now.

It stands to reason that the time limit for the entry ticket to the Chaos Battlefield has now arrived.

However, he and Mo Batian remained in the Chaos Battlefield.

This can't help but remind him of the day and night of the Chaos Battlefield.

The two began to discuss.

"Does the day in the Chaos Battlefield take longer?"

Moba Tian's face was puzzled.

"And this can be heard from Pan Wei's words."

"The battlefield of chaos is definitely different from the sky of the big world."

Mo Batian continued.

"It makes sense, but even if the time is different, how many days does a day in the Chaos Battlefield correspond to a prehistoric day?"

"Fuck, it's too early to kill, I knew I should ask, now I'm confused."

Long Feng said depressed.

"Forget it, just ignore it for now."

"Continue to explore this river, I feel more and more magical about this river."

It's useless to struggle with time now.

Might as well do something meaningful.


The two took turns in battle, constantly groping for the mysteriousness of the river.

Time gradually passed.

On this day, the two of them had just drunk the river water, preparing to do exercises and meditate, and then went into the water to explore again.

But suddenly.

The faces and body shapes of the two changed at the same time, and even the primordial aura quickly transformed.

In less than an instant, the two had become their true colors.

The effect of the Pill of Deformation disappeared.

Long Feng was surprised.

The time limit for the transformation pill is one year.

In other words, it has been a year since I came to the battlefield of chaos.

Of course, this is the time of the prehistoric world.

And the time limit on the admission ticket is obviously inconsistent with the time of the transformation Dan.

The time limit of the transformation pill is the time in the prehistoric times.

The time limit of the admission ticket is the time limit of the Chaos Battlefield.

Just as Long Feng was struggling with the question of time, the light between heaven and earth suddenly dimmed.

In an instant!

The entire canyon was plunged into darkness.

"Night is coming!"

Mo Batian was shocked and shouted strangely.

"It seems that the Primordial World is two years, one day for the battlefield of chaos!"

Long Feng narrowed his eyes and said suddenly.

"That's not right! Boss, look at this day!"

Mo Batian suddenly looked up at the sky.

I saw the sky, and there were two golden full moons, rising from the south, across the sky quickly, and falling to the north.


Xiaguang is shining on heaven and earth.

As soon as those two rounds of full moon set, the sky was full of clouds, and the entire canyon lit up again.

"F*ck, this is too fast!"

Longfeng and Mo Batian were stunned at the same time.

One year during the day and less than a hundred breaths at night.

The difference is too far!

"A year is equal to a day, really hammered."

Longfeng immediately stretched his forehead.

In other words, he can still spend a year in the Primordial World in the Chaos Battlefield.

"Little bully, meditate first."

"With one year left, this treasure must be picked up."

Longfeng's stubborn temper was offended.

If there are good things not available, he will always feel bad in his heart.

"Yes, boss!"

Mo Batian agreed, then sat in the Lotus Position and began to work hard to digest the river water.

In the past year, with the help of this river, the laws that Mobatian controls have made great progress.

The law of strength is 17%, the law of Tao is 17%, and the law of fire is 20%.

Moreover, these three laws have all been used by him 15%.

It can be said that this year's time has greatly helped Mobatian.

Even Longfeng has also made progress.

Although limited to strength, his power of law did not increase much.

But his strength is already firmly at the peak of Sage.

And it's not just entering the state.

It's like a veteran Sage pinnacle.

In a blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Long Feng slowly opened his eyes and exhaled a suffocating breath. Then he was surprised to find that his own Cultivation Base had actually been ascension.

Although trivial, it is also an improvement, much faster than his own cultivation.

At least it's worth his months of hard work!

Not long.

Mo Batian also opened his eyes and exhaled a foul breath.

His Cultivation Base Ascension is even less, after all, his Realm is higher than Longfeng.

However, at the current pace, one year later, he can definitely go one step further.

Believe that even if you are away from the Demon Lord, it will not be too far away.

"Go, go down!"

Longfeng greeted him, plunged into the river again, and entered along the water outlet.

Swim and swim, swim and swim!

After swimming for nearly twenty hours this time, I still didn't swim to the end of the river.

What is even more tragic is that the time to come back still only took less than a quarter of an hour.

In a blink of an eye.

More than half a year has passed.

Longfeng leaped against the river.

Must go down once a day.

But without exception, there is no gain.

During the period, he even communicated through the system, but the system did not give him any prompts.

Fortunately, during this period of time, I drank a lot of river water with Mobatian, and the Cultivation Base of both of them was steadily rising.

"Boss, I found out if we have entered a misunderstanding."

On this day, when Longfeng came out of the underground river again, Mo Batian pulled him and expressed his own doubts.

"Boss, you see that we have been looking for the cause at the source of the river, but we have never found anything."

"Will it be that there is nothing at the source, but the benefits are at the end?"

The words of Mo Batian suddenly made Long Feng's eyes brighten.

"Yeah, maybe this river is very weird. His source is actually the end, but the end is the birthplace."

"Xiaoba, it seems that you are not stupid at all, but you are so smart and cute!"

Long Feng became excited instantly, patted Mo Batian on the shoulder, and praised him wildly.

"Hey, the boss overwhelmed me. I wasn't stupid, I just looked stupid."

Mo Batian touched his head in embarrassment, still showing a smirk on his face.

"Go, go to the end and see!"

Longfeng moved forward first, and soon came to the end of the river.

This place is almost exactly the same as the source, and the water flows into a hole and disappears.

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