But the canyon is so high that you can't see the top at a glance.

And there is no exit to the outside world, only by flying to get out.

The setting of the Chaos Battlefield is a Realm world, and Longfeng has already figured it out clearly.

He is only the pinnacle of Sage, and he can't fly in the chaos battlefield, so he can only let Mobatian take himself out.

The two quickly agreed that the demon tyrant would rise from the sky and start flying upwards.

Mobatian's speed was originally very fast, and it has made great progress during this period of time, and it flies even faster.

However, it is obviously not easy to fly out of this gorge.

Otherwise, it looks like such a treasure, if there is no crisis, the cultivation insect corpse might have been obtained long ago.

Where will it be left to Longfeng to pick up the bargain.


Just as the two of them rose to tens of thousands of meters high, a thunder blast resounded in their ears.


It is countless divine thunder falling from the sky, like a torrential rain, flowing backwards.

The dense thunder beam made people feel numb and heartbroken.

The power of this Thunder is actually not too great.

Of course, this is only for Longfeng in the prehistoric world.

Here, these thunders, but the existence that can kill him.

Moreover, these Thunder also attacked with rules.

Fortunately, his physical strength is still there.

At this moment of crisis, Longfeng immediately exploded the power of his whole body defense.

Maximize the physical defense.

At the same time, the Immortal Demon Seal also changed into a set of radiant purple gold armor, enveloping his body.

the other side!

Mobatian is also unambiguous, while wearing the dragon armor, while carrying the supernatural power Vajra into the world.

In addition, his skin is thick and thick, and he strives to maximize his defenses.

Immediately, the two of them did not retreat but moved forward, erecting a black cloud and rushing into the sea of ​​thunder.


The thunder beam instantly bombarded the two of them, and the unparalleled power of thunder and lightning began to wreak havoc.

On the surface of the two of them, countless electric snakes flickered, but they were blocked by their armor.

"Small Thunder, if you want to hack me Mobatian, it's still early!"

Seeing that only a set of armor can block the power of thunder, the Devil Tian immediately becomes arrogant.

And speed up, rush to high altitude.

"Don't be careless, Xiaoba!"

Long Feng knew that there was definitely more than this thunder, and there was definitely danger.

Otherwise, according to the strength of the people in the Chaos Battlefield, there is no reason why you can't enter the canyon.


Just now!

The thunder and lightning flashed again.

This time, there seemed to be a blood-red flame in the thunder and lightning.

And thunder and lightning also changed the form.

All the thunder beams turned into thunder dragons.

Thunder Dragon wobbled its tail, sprayed flames, and its lethality doubled.

A thunder dragon rushed in front of the two in an instant, opened his mouth wide, roared, and the fire spit out immediately wrapped the two of them.

Instant time!

The two felt a heat wave on their faces, as if they were about to be burned.

Even the armor seemed to be unable to withstand this high temperature.

This is more than that, before the heat wave recedes, Thunder Dragon has already rushed up, throwing away its huge body, and directly entangled the two of them.


Immediately, thunder struck, causing the two of them to be in a frenzy.

"Supernatural powers, the Buddha kingdom in the palm of your hand!"

At this moment, there was a burst of thought, and Long Feng's voice was like thunder and thunder, undulating.

A palm print landed as if covering the sky and covering the sun, instantly engulfing the Thunder Dragon entwining them.

However, after swallowing a thunder dragon, the Buddha Kingdom, which was originally in the palm of his hand, also disappeared.

And above the heads of the two Longfeng, there were countless Thunder Dragons swarming with flames to kill.

With the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, even if he keeps sending out without remembering the loss, it is probably only a drop in the bucket.

And at this time, Mo Batian was almost unable to resist it.

His defensive armor must be only the Chaos Supreme Treasure level, which is a half-tier lower than Longfeng.

Moreover, his physical strength cannot be the same as Long Feng's.

The corners of Mo Batian's mouth had already overflowed with blood, and he didn't know how high his head was.

It must not be able to support it.

"Xiaoba, go back!"

Longfeng decisively issued the order.

"Boss, I can hold it."

Mobatian said stubbornly.

"Still a fart, the more you go up, the more powerful the law of thunder and fire, how do you support it?"

Long Feng said angrily.

"Well then! I listen to the boss!"

Mo Batian also knew that the higher he went, the lower his chance of surviving.

The only way to save lives now is to go back and think about other ways.

However, it is not so simple in this canyon.

At the core of the Chaos Battlefield, every dangerous place is eaten without spitting out bones.

Even if it is a half-step avenue, it may fall in it.

This canyon is a famous and dangerous place in the core of the Chaos Battlefield.

For countless years, countless masters have died in it.

Even more than ten strong men of the holy priests have fallen here.

Mozun is extremely high and still can't escape, let alone Longfeng and Mobatian.


Mo Batian had just begun to control the descending of the black cloud, and a thunder fire that was ten times more violent suddenly burst out below.

This power of thunder and fire struck in an instant, directly smashing the dragon armor on Mo Batian's body.

After that, the remaining power did not fade, and it broke out on the body of Mo Batian.

For a moment!

Mo Batian felt a burnt all over his body, and the smell of flesh wafted from him.

Even the primordial spirit wilted instantly and was seriously injured.


Longfeng was also attacked.

He didn't expect that even if he went down now, there was no way out.

The power of the law of thunder and fire rushed and exploded on him.

However, the Immortal Demon Seal has been promoted to the half-step Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, and its defensive power is enough to withstand the full blow of the Lord's early stage limit.

If Long Feng is fully urged, maybe even the middle stage of the holy master can't hurt him.

And the power of the law of thunder and fire, although powerful, only the power of the early stage of Demon Lord.

"It looks like it won't work anymore, Xiaoba, try his best to boost his momentum and climb upward."

Long Feng decisively took out the Ning Yuan Gathering God Pill and the Shengsheng Good Fortune Pill, and at the same time gave the Demon Ba Tian to subdue.

Life good fortune pill, serving a good one, can solve a fatal crisis, and the validity period is below the master's deity.

Ning Yuan Gathering God Pill, under the road, no matter what the injury, severity or not, take one and heal immediately.

These two Medicine Pills can be taken by anyone except himself, and the effect remains the same.

Just after swallowing two Medicine Pills, the effect appeared.

Mo Ba Tian's body, which had been roasted, immediately began to recover.

In less than three breaths, his strong muscles recovered.

At the same time, the primordial spirit is also full again, and the whole person is full of spirits.

Just now!


A thunder dragon swallowed flames and rushed, but it didn't seem to see Mobatian, and didn't attack him, but rushed directly toward Longfeng.

"I said, the armor defense of Immortal Demon Seal increases infinitely."

Long Feng narrowed his eyes, knowing that the good fortune pill had worked.

Mo Batian no longer needs him to worry.

Now it's me, whether he can withstand the next attack.

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