He was even imagining that he was holding the Magnificent Treasure in his hand, slaughtering the Quartet, and attaining great power, with unparalleled majesty.

Even his crush, the youngest daughter of the Insect King, put down his restraint and knelt in front of own, begging to favor her fiercely.

"Excuse me, are you a fool?"

Long Feng was speechless, there are still such creatures in the world, which is simply insulting the intelligence quotient of higher creatures.

"What do you mean?"

Jin Meng's eyes gradually sharpened.

"What do you mean, it's because of your ability to ask."

"I'm the one who is going to trample you to death. You are so fancy that you want my treasure."

"What about the face?"

"Who gave your face?"

Long Feng was full of contempt. After the identification, the Zerg were all stupid critics.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"You see, this is the late stage of the saint. Killing you in seconds is like trampling on an ant."

Jin Meng's insect face suddenly turned red.

But he was still trying his best to hold back his anger.

He wanted to get this treasure without blood.

Otherwise, once the battle starts, the chaotic side will definitely have to fight strongly.

In this way, the benefits may be snatched away by the opponent.

After all, there is also a late stage presence in the chaos side.

Therefore, he does not allow any accidents.

Even if Long Feng scolded hard to hear, he had to hold back, and everything was mainly about getting the Chaos Treasure.

"Fuck, then you are here!"

"Return the Lord late stage, one day, I will step on you one by one to let you know that dignity can be trampled on!"

Long Feng was not polite, and Jin's anger burned directly into his chest.

"you wanna die!"

Jin Meng roared, the killing intent on his body was stronger than ever before.

"Lv Sha, kill him for me and return to the treasure!"

Jin Meng yelled hysterically.

"Yes, command Young Master!"

Instant time!

A piece of green mist rolled out and arrived in front of Longfeng in an instant.

A green insect appeared, stretched out its tentacles, and slapped Long Feng's head.


The space trembled for no reason, even if it had not been photographed, Long Feng already felt a breath of Death.

Under this breath, he didn't even have the power to move.

I can only stand obediently and wait to die.

"Strength, strength!"

Long Feng's eyes opened violently, and his heart was extremely upset.

The despair of being suppressed simply made him intolerable.

But he is not worried about his own safety.

Because someone moved.

It is the supreme king!

Hongmeng Zhibao, he was also very jealous.

Almost as soon as the green evil spirit moved, he also moved.

The two do it at the same time in no particular order.

The Green Shaman wanted to kill Longfeng with a single blow, and then take away the treasure.

But Wan Huang Zhizun wanted to capture Longfeng alive. He not only wanted Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, but also forced him to tell the secret of Thunder Fire Grand Canyon.

Thunderfire Grand Canyon is the core of the eighth battlefield of Chaos, except for the treasure of Hongmeng.

He firmly believes that there must be other secrets.

In the blink of an eye, the two forces arrived in front of Long Feng at the same time.


The power collided, and the tentacles captured by the green evil spirit did not hit Longfeng's body.

Instead, there was a head-on touch with the fist of Wan Huang Zhizun.

For a moment!

Strong fluctuations broke out suddenly.

Longfeng bears the brunt.

Under the breeze hit by the late stage of the two great saints, I suddenly felt a shock in my chest, and a burst of black blood spurted out suddenly.

The figure was blown upside down, hitting the edge of the cliff, and almost fell off.


Finding the aftermath of the shock, his soul was already extremely withered, and even on his flesh body, many bright red blood beads had penetrated.

However, relying on his half-step Hongmeng's physical strength, he blocked most of the attacks and received no fatal damage.

Wan Huang Zhizun and Green Shaman separated at the touch of a touch, and the two showed solemn expressions at the same time.

The two sides just made a random blow, and they have already figured out the other side's details.

In terms of strength, the two should be in between.

Green Sha stared at Green Sha intently, his eyes flickering coldly, secretly urging the power of the Lord, and the supernatural power of body protection spread out in front of him.

"Emperor King, I have heard of you. You entered the Chaos Battlefield 80,000 years ago, when you were only the pinnacle of Sage."

"After I got a good fortune on the battlefield, I rose quickly. I know that your cultivation is not easy, so I advise you not to intervene in this matter."

"Otherwise, annoy my Zerg, when the time comes, hundreds of millions of years of hard work will be in vain, and you will regret it."

Green Sha knows that this is not the time for a deadly battle, and his main purpose is to seize the treasure of Hongmeng.

"Hahaha, what about the Zerg, I am also fighting with you forever, some caterpillars, I am afraid that you will not succeed!"

The Supreme Emperor looked up to the sky and laughed, and above the air, the tall and tall figure was wrapped in the holy power, and the body was suspended in the air!

Those eyes are unreasonably terrifying and huge, like the king of the world, looking down at his subjects.

He held a pagoda in his hand, and the tower body had a fierce golden light arc flowing.

This is a very powerful chaos treasure.

"Hmph, my Zerg, how can your Chaos World be comparable!"

"Furthermore, it won't be long before you wait for Chaos to be completely wiped out by my Zerg!"

With a cold voice resounding, the green evil spirit also descended like a god, with a mysterious light surging throughout his body, extremely domineering!

"It's so shameless, you and the Zerg will be extinct in the hands of my Chaos sooner or later."

"Put your shit and cute fart, Ten Thousand Emperors, today is your time to die."

Both of them were angry and approached at the same time, fighting together again.


The aura of the two fighting is huge to a terrifying situation, the laws are endless, and the holy power is amazing!

Soon, the two fought a hundred moves, but they were still in a tightly matched position, and no one could win immediately.

With the fierce battle, the two gradually moved away from the cliff and fought into the void.

Seeing such a scene, Jin Meng on one side suddenly became anxious, looked around, and immediately issued an order.

"Give me all shots, seize the treasures, and kill them all in case of resistance."

As soon as the voice fell, the golden light of Jin Meng's body trembled suddenly, and a domineering might surged out of his body.


With a loud shout, all the Zerg experts all shot together, the holy power fluctuated, and the fierce aura burst out.

Suddenly there were streams of light leaping directly towards Longfeng, the boundless Killing intent was surging like waves.

At the same time, the chaos party also began to take action.

Dozens of powerhouses, rushing in the air, are also rushing in the direction of Longfeng.

The killing intent in Long Feng's eyes was clear, but with his current strength, he couldn't deal with the attacks of these powerful men at all.

These greedy generations are not only crowded and powerful, but also powerful men in the middle stage of the saints.

For today's plan, there is only a strategic retreat.

And Longfeng had already prepared.

Just turning over and rolling, his body has already fallen off the cliff, falling into the thunderfire canyon.

"Quickly, he wants to escape!"

At this time, everyone was anxious.

Once Longfeng fell off the cliff, then the treasure would have no fate with them anymore.

First of all, there are a few masters in the middle stage.

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