Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 586 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

FTLN 0586 I am not a man

Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, even the chaotic battlefield is rare, even if it is a half-step road, it must fight for the existence of life.

It allows users to issue attacks that exceed their limits, and countless people want to have one.

However, there are fewer than a hundred people who can really own the entire Chaos Three Thousand World.

Unexpectedly, today, I saw it in the hands of an ant.

Excited and excited!

Everyone reacted.


Where can I take care of other things, they actually shot at the same time, rushing to Longfeng, wanting to snatch the Gunslinger.

at the same time!

The power of the Killing Spear carried the earth-level supernatural powers, and instantly pierced the late stage of the saint.

"Hand over Magic Treasures and spare you not to die!"

The man's face was solemn, and the maximum sacred power was instantly activated, and the law burst out, surging openly.

"Supernatural powers, Dragon Claw Hand!"

A giant paw print volleyed down, grabbing frantically towards the Gunslinger.


The air burst resounded.

The two attacks collided instantly.



A ripple suddenly spread!

Carrying earth-shattering explosions.

The shock wave was like a circle of light, rushing into the crowd instantly.

The Lord is late stage, really strong.

Even if Longfeng used the earth-level magical powers, fired with the sharp spear, and gathered eleven laws of chaos, he was still blocked by the opponent.

Moreover, apart from being shaken off, he didn't even suffer any injuries.

Long Feng's eyes sharpened, and then his brows frowned.

"Senior, if you want to kill them with this strength, it's a bit difficult!"

"Why don't you, senior, add more strength?"

Seeing the many powerful men who were about to pounce again, Long Feng suddenly felt a bit weak in his legs.

It's up to Huqiu if it doesn't work well.

"Forget it, this god is willing to give it up today!"

"Take my anger!"

Huqiu's voice resounded in Longfeng's sea of ​​knowledge.


As soon as the voice fell, an earth-shattering force emerged from the sea of ​​knowledge.

This sacred power was larger and more refined than just now.

In just an instant, this sacred power broke the shackles of the Sovereign Great Perfection and pushed Longfeng's sacred power to the next level.

As long as the law can be applied to more than twenty ways, it is a veritable early stage of the Lord.

At this moment, he felt that his body was full of holy power, and his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible strength.

However, the true Lord is to control and apply sufficient laws.

Otherwise, no matter how much your holy power is, no matter how pure you are, it won't have much effect.

Just now!

"Law, teleport!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Huqiu's voice resounded again.

Immediately afterwards, countless laws were madly instilled.

"Ding, the master received a large amount of the law of gold and began to transform into the five laws of chaos, three breaths of time!"

"Ding, the master received a lot of the law of light, and began to transform into the five laws of chaos, three breaths of time."

The two beeps sounded almost simultaneously.

The Law of Chaos is indeed well-deserved.

The laws that Huqiu controlled and applied were transmitted in, but only the ten laws of Longfeng had just reached ten.

However, the law could be transmitted, which surprised Long Feng.

The methods of the great masters are really powerful.


Ten laws of chaos came surgingly, wrapped around Longfeng's body, and instantly penetrated into his body.

"Ding, the master controls and uses twenty-one laws of chaos to temporarily advance to the first level of the early stage of the Lord."


Follow the system prompts to drop down.

An unmatched force suddenly burst into Long Feng's body.

This force turned into a golden light, rushing straight to the Xiao Han.

"Natural magical powers, Chaos Dantian, open it to me!"

"I said, the power of supernatural powers has increased!"

"Supernatural powers, one shot!"

"Die me!"

Twenty-one laws of chaos rushed out like a tide with the monstrous holy power.

In Long Feng's eyes, these people were already dead, and they were about to accompany the bones on the ground.


The sharp spear light, like the Galaxy Cluster inverted, stabbed the Shattering Void, almost piercing the sky into a hole.

The black hole is formed instantaneously, albeit very small.

But in the battlefield of chaos, it can stab Shattering Void and punch a black hole. This is at least the ultimate means of the Lord.

For a while, everyone was shocked.

"Impossible, how could you issue such a powerful attack?"

"Quickly, everyone works together to kill this son first, and then determine the treasure's ownership."

The old man Tianji stared round his eyes and his face was incredibly full.

The Lord is extremely, this is the Realm he has not achieved for hundreds of millions of years.

Unexpectedly, an ant at the peak of Sage could issue such a powerful attack.

This simply refreshed his three views.

However, despite his surprise, he also raised his whole body strength and attacked with supreme magical powers.

If he was alone, I'm afraid he turned around and ran.

However, there are as many as four or five people in the late stage of the Lord.

There are dozens of deities in the early stage, and more than ten deities in the middle stage.

If there are more ants, it can also shake elephants.

Moreover, whether this elephant is made of paper or meat is still unknown.

When the old man of Tianji moved, everyone else did their best.

Mosan fights the injured body, black mist surges in his palm, and the black mist is released, rippling like ink in the water like crazy!

The whole body of the Demon Four's holy power plus the power of the law, roared like a black dragon, and rolled out.

At the same time, the late stage passerby demon who followed up also dispatched all his hole cards and threw a half-step silver shuttle, which was the most precious treasure, and arrived in lightning.

For a time!

The void is stirred, the holy power is rushing, and the law is flying.

The huge air current formed a tornado storm and swept towards Longfeng.


Magic power is mighty, the sky is full of Spiritual Qi being stirred, the air current is trembling, it turns into layers of ocean waves, beating everywhere.

"Boom boom..."

Dozens of figures were blown away, smashing to the ground frantically, splashing the yellow sand on the ground, shooting like countless bullets.

Long Feng was also rushed by this force, and even the immortal demon seal armor on his body was broken and peeled off.

However, he relied on the strength of his body like a half-step Hongmeng to forcibly stabilize his figure.

"Half-step road pressure, drive me!"

For a moment!

The powerful coercion is released again!

The unmatched mental coercion was suppressed, and the people who had already been seriously injured suddenly felt breathless again.


A loud roar was spit out from Longfeng's mouth still containing blood.


A gleaming gray luster, a spear that released an extremely cold light flew like the sky.


The first shot, pierced the chest of the Devil.

Then he took advantage of the flow, brought out his soul, and vigorously split it in half.

Long Feng's footsteps kept on, like a light, wherever it flashed, there was blood splashing, and the soul turned into ashes.

"Boy, move faster, my genius is no longer good!"

Just as Long Feng wanted a shot through the forehead of the old man of Tianji, Huqiu's slightly weak but rather urgent voice came.

"Fuck, senior, you can do it hard, man, you can't say no!"

Longfeng is in a hurry!

Huqiu was already injured, and the transmitted power could not last at all.

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