Honghuang: Pick Up Flying Daggers At The Start

Chapter 611 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

FTLN 0611 I am not a man

"Huh, you said Ruo Shi was imprisoned in the Ice and Fire Heaven Prison?"

Cai Ru Mozun's face changed suddenly, and a strong chill was released in his eyes.

Actually dared to imprison own disciple, who is so courageous.

You know, Li Ruoshi is not only her apprentice, but also her niece, the daughter of her own big sis.

"Sect's gang of immortals, don't you think they are living enough?"

"Say, whose idea was it?"

Cai Rumozun's face was cold, and his killing intent was revealed.

Feeling this murderous aura, even Black Feather couldn't help but shudder, and the soul sent a millet.

"Master, the young master is imprisoned by the veteran Xutian!"

Kuroba shuddered and said with fear.

"Great Lord Xutian? Why?"

Cai Rumozun was also taken aback when he heard that the imprisoning Li Ruoshi was the elder Xutian.

In Wanmozong.

Except for Luo Hu who is a half-step road, in terms of strength, there are five great lords.

They are the supreme Xutian elders of Mozun.

Mozun's late stage ternary old magic eagle.

Mozun's late stage dual veteran Lengdie.

The five veterans of the late stage of Mozun Po Xiao.

Mozun’s late stage four-yuan celestial monster.

These five great lords, they are not only powerful, but also have the highest seniority.

If you have to judge power in Ten Thousand Demon Sect, even Demon Ancestor Luo Hu will rank behind them.

Because even the Demon Race Luo Hu has been blessed by them.

Without any of them, there would be no living demon ancestor Luo Hu.

Therefore, any of their words will be executed unconditionally by Luo Huo.

Especially the Great Elder, his words are imperial edicts in Ten Thousand Demons Sect, and no one can offend him.

Now, Cai Rumozun heard that the one who imprisoned Li Ruoshi was the elder Xutian.

She couldn't help frowning, secretly saying that this matter was a bit troublesome.

However, own disciples have always been well-behaved.

She wanted to hear how exactly Li Ruoshi offended the elder Xutian.

He would rather offend himself than imprison Li Ruoshi.

Also, Luo Hu didn't even want to order the release.

You know, although Ten Thousand Demon Sect is not Luo Hu's one-worded man, he is a half-step road after all.

The number one powerhouse of Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

As long as the order he gave was not to destroy Sect, several great lords would unconditionally support it.

"Enlighten the master, this matter is also related to the prehistoric powerful!"

Next, Black Feather told Cairu Mozun about Longfeng.

Hearing that someone had actually taken the Killing Spear, Cai Ru Mozun was so shocked that the primordial spirit almost came out of his body.

You know, the Killing Spear is the treasure of Hongmeng.

It's no wonder that even Luo Hu didn't face himself to imprison Li Ruoshi for such a big loss.

However, even though the elders of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect were dissatisfied with Li Ruoshi, they did not dare to take his life.

Cai Rumozun also did not worry about Li Ruoshi's life.

Because she Cairu Mozun also has a hole card.

The dao companion of the demon ancestor Luo Hu is just nameless.

This is not her capital.

If she were to rely on this identity alone, the elders and Luo Hu wouldn't indulge her too much.

I am afraid that Li Ruoshi has also been executed by Sect.

Her trump card is another piece of Hongmeng, the fragment of the heavenly king plate.

As an existence that surpasses the general omnipresent treasure, no one knows how many pieces were broken into pieces.

But back then, in addition to Luo Huo, Cairu Mozun also got one.

The news that Luo Huo possessed the Greatest Treasure of Hongmeng was not known to everyone in the Demon Realm.

But the Heavenly Dao Nine Saints of the Devil Realm, and some powerful Demon Lords, still know.

But why didn't anyone snatch it?

Are the Nine Saints of the Demon Realm all stupid critics?

Their strength is far better than the demon ancestor Luo Hu, and it can be said to be easy if they want to seize the great treasure of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect.

However, there has never been such a thought.

This is all dependent on the color like a demon.

Because the Celestial Disk in Cairu Mozun's hand is different from the Celestial Disk in Luohu's hands.

The Heavenly King Disk in Luohuo's hands possessed all the functions of the Hongmeng Supreme Treasure, with no other special features.

But Cairu Mozun's hands are different.

The king plate in her hand can only be used three times.

Every time it is used, it can emit the power of the half-step avenue.

Moreover, the attack issued by this king plate carries a great power, under the influence of this great power.

Even Heavenly Dao Sage may die directly.

Therefore, even the Devildom Heavenly Dao did not dare to provoke Cairu Mozun easily.

Otherwise, she casually releases an attack that will kill you in seconds, and you won't even be able to cry at that time.

Therefore, the dao companion relationship between Luohu and Cairumozun also came from this way.

Both of them got a fragment of the King's Disk at the same time, forming a dao companion, sharing benefits.

In this way, they were tied together, who would dare to grab Luohu's treasure.

Unless he wants to die.

And Cai Ru Mozun also used the relationship with Luo Hu to obtain countless resources, and the Cultivation Base skyrocketed.

From the quasi-devil sage when he got the heavenly king board, to the current middle stage of the demon sage.

She is the second legend of Wan Mozong.

Except for Demon Zu Luohu, she is the one who has the fastest breakthrough.

Of course, these secrets are only known to some super powers.

With this hole card, not only the people of the Ten Thousand Demon Sect will give her Face, even the Heavenly Dao Nine Saints of the Demon Realm will also give her Face.

Because of this, even though the elder Xutian hated Li Ruoshi for penetrating the bone, he was only imprisoned at best and did not dare to execute it.

Back to the subject!

At this moment, Cairu Mozun was silent for a long while.

Immediately he said: "Kuroyu, get ready, let's also go to Chaos Third City."

"What, Master, don't we go back to save Young Master?"

Hei Yu looked surprised, but she knew that her master loved Li Ruoshi very much, so why didn't she care about it at this time?

"Why? As long as I'm still there, the elder Xutian dare not treat Ruo Shi!"

"It's that Longfeng, I would like to see what is so special about the man who can fascinate Xiao Nizi."

"Thank you, master, did you say that the young master was tempted?"

Kuroba's eyes almost fell out.

"Hehe, isn't it?" Cai Ru Mozun swept the same black feather, and continued, "And that great treasure is a good thing."

"Since ancient times, treasures have been obtained by those who are destined. Maybe I am the one who is destined?"

Cai Rumozun gave a faint smile, then stretched out his hand a little, and Black Feather instantly turned into his body.

"Let's go!"

Cai Ru Mozun Lian moved lightly, and she was already stepping on Black Feather's back.

"Yes, master!"

Hei Yu was not vague, and when his wings spread out, he carried Cairu Mozun and flew towards Chaos Third City.


Besides Mingsha Jedi, two men and two women came at this moment.

This is where Shuihuo Tianming hijacked Chang'e Nuwa.

Looking at the mysterious cave in front, Shui Huo Tianming couldn't help showing a dignified color on his face.

Mingsha Jedi, in the entire chaos battlefield, is a famous dead place, where a half-step road has fallen.

In the battlefield of chaos, it was talking about Mingsha Jedi and the color changed.

But now, Mingsha Jedi has become the living place of Mingsha.

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