Chapter 30: Capturing the Fat Girl and Bringing Her Back to the Village, the Concept of the Yin-Yang

Formation As Shi Chen spoke, two graceful figures walked out from the side.

“Yuechan of the Bu Tian Sect, I am honored to meet you two Taoist friends.

The woman in white slowly descended.

“I am a witch from the Jietian Sect.”

Compared to Yuechan, the witch on the other side seemed much more lively and agile, with her beautiful eyes constantly wandering around Shi Chen and Shi Hao.

“”What are you two fairies here for?”

Shi Chen didn’t have time to waste on the two of them and asked directly.

Yuechan frowned slightly, but soon returned to normal.

“I come from the upper world, I want you to join my Tianjiao”

“I believe you also know that the lower world is just a cage. If you want to go further, you have to enter the upper world.”

“We, the Butian Sect, and your Butian Pavilion also have a history. Joining our Butian Sect is your best choice.”

Yuechan was also very surprised by Shi Chen’s talent.

Even in the upper realm, she had never seen such a powerful being as Shi Chen.

Form an array to kill the Venerable!

Yuechan did not think that Shi Chen relied on his own strength, but relied on some external force.

However, even so, it was very rare in the upper realm.

The treasure that can kill the Venerable is not so easy to control.

If Shi Chen can be introduced into the sect, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the strength of the Butian Sect.

At this time, the witch on the side interrupted and said

“Actually, little brother, you can consider our Jietian Sect. I think our Jietian Sect is more suitable for you than the Butian Sect.”

“Moreover, the relationship between Butian Pavilion and Butian Cult is not a good thing. Butian Pavilion was founded by a traitor of Butian Cult. He claims to be authentic, but he has always disliked your Butian Pavilion.”

As she said this, the witch also cast a wink at Shi Chen, showing her charm.

Seeing the witch like this, Yuechan was very unhappy.

The witch is the saint of the Sky Fox Clan. Even if she doesn’t use the charm, she is very attractive.

In addition, the two of them have always been at odds. Most of the geniuses they went to recruit have been fooled away by the witch.

However, whether facing the invitation of the two or the temptation of the witch, Shi Chen was unmoved.

“No, I think Butian Pavilion is good.”

“You don’t know yet?”

Yuechan reminded

“The sacrificial spirit of the Butian Pavilion is about to die. Next, the Butian Pavilion will become the center of struggle and is in danger of destruction. Daoist friends should make a choice.”

“Didn’t Daoist friend just say that the Butian Sect and Butian Pavilion have a connection?”

Shi Chen said with a smile

“I believe that with the ability of the Butian Sect, there shouldn’t be any problem in protecting a Butian Pavilion, right?”

Yuechan said after a moment of silence.

“Sorry, this matter involves several major forces, and we at Butian Pavilion cannot……”

Before Yuechan could finish her words, she was interrupted by Shi Chen.

“If that’s the case, then don’t say it.”

“Shi Hao, let’s go.

Seeing Shi Chen about to leave, Yuechan couldn’t help but said

“The Butian Pavilion is about to be destroyed. Is it possible that fellow Taoist is going to ruin his bright future?”


Shi Chen laughed.

“As long as I am here, the Butian Pavilion will not fall!!”

Yuechan looked at Shi Chen with a little disappointment.

She thought he was a genius, but she didn’t expect him to be such an arrogant guy who didn’t know the general situation.

At this time, Shi Hao looked up and down at Yuechan and the witch, and said to Shi Chen

“Brother Chen, why don’t you knock these two fat women unconscious and bring them back to the village?”

“The village chief told me before that I should tell you to bring a few fat girls back to have babies as soon as possible.”

“I think they are a good match.”

Shi Hao’s words made Shi Chen’s face twitch, and he grabbed his mouth and said

“Children’s words are without restraint, children’s words are without restraint.”

Then he turned into a beam of light and left, leaving behind the angry Yuechan and the witch. It was unknown whether the two were angry because of Shi Hao’s childish words or because Shi Chen had no idea about them at the end, fearing that others would misunderstand him.

Shi Chen took Shi Hao back to the Butian Pavilion and continued to practice in seclusion.

Yuechan and the witch were both very beautiful, not only in the upper realm, but also in the eight realms of the lower realm. In such a short time, they had countless suitors.

But Shi Chen did not have any idea about them.

In terms of beauty, Shi Chen’s master Yunxiao was much more beautiful than Yuechan and the witch, and her temperament was not comparable to these two women.

Moreover, Shi Chen’s future Taoist partner, at least in terms of strength. He can’t fall behind too much, he doesn’t want to bring a burden.

What’s more, the current Shi Chen seems very strong after killing the Venerable.

But he knows that this strength is not enough.

Facing the next catastrophe, this strength is not enough!

In the prehistoric world, Shi Chen fell into thinking.

Although the power of the Liangyi Formation is very strong, the consumption is a bit too great.

One strike consumed 30% of his spiritual power.

It is not good to stand for a long time.

How can a man not last?

At present, there are two ways to solve this problem.

The first is to improve the Liangyi Formation and reduce its consumption.

The other way is to take drugs.

Isn’t it just consuming 30% of the spiritual power at a time? I just need to prepare more pills and recover, right?………………………………………………………………………….

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