No matter how much Hongjun envied, envied, and hated him, Dijun still did what he wanted to do but failed to do.

Use the way of formation to connect heaven and earth, accept the laws of heaven and earth into oneself, and break through the barrier of Daluo realm.

To say that Dijun can think of this breakthrough method, it is because of this inheritance.

After watching the process of Pangu creating the world, especially the body that enriched the prehistoric world.

Dijun had an insight.

The entire prehistoric world is the manifestation of the Tao that Pangu cultivated.

In the prehistoric world, the more complex the creatures are, the less "barren" the prehistoric world is, and the more profound Pangu's Tao is.

Pangu practiced like this because he had long passed the realm of Hunyuan Daluo and the realm of Hunyuan Taiji.

What he wants to cultivate is the Great Dao, and his goal is Hunyuan Wuji.

So he must diverge, his body must be transformed into all things, and his consciousness must be transformed into all spirits.

He must try to reach the Wuji realm through the unity of all Taos of Hunyuan Taiji, through the evolution of thousands and infinite reproduction.

Pangu is in the final stage of Taoism.

What Di Jun wants to cultivate now is Hunyuan, which is in the initial stage of cultivation.

The state of Di Jun and Pangu is almost exactly a symmetrical structure with Hunyuan Taiji Tiandao realm as the midpoint.

Since Pangu is in a divergent state, he is in a convergent state.

Pangu transformed into all things and evolved all spirits; then Di Jun connects all things with formations and controls all spirits!

If it is really feasible, then this path is not just as simple as allowing him to achieve enlightenment.

Since Pangu has achieved the Great Dao, the symmetrical cultivation path opened up by Di Jun should allow many people to achieve enlightenment.

If he succeeds, then Taiyi, the silly boy, will not have to follow the Three Corpses Path.

It is always safer to cultivate Hongjun's Dao than to cultivate Di Jun's Dao.

Di Jun does not expect Taiyi to break the law and achieve enlightenment by himself.

After having this idea, Di Jun accepted the inheritance while making deductions, and finally chose the path of formation to connect heaven and earth, and the Three Talents Divine Dao to rule all directions.

He and Taiyi are both Star Emperors and Star Kings. As long as they have the karma of the earth and the karma of all spirits, they can break the law and enter the realm of Hunyuan Jinxian!

In the future, they will continue to improve the karma of heaven and earth, increase the authorization of heaven and earth, integrate and control the prehistoric spirits, and naturally they can prove the Hunyuan.

According to the prehistoric trend, Dijun Taiyi still needs to integrate all spirits into one clan, and they will naturally get the karma of the Wanling Dao in the future.

In this way, it is more appropriate to occupy the karma of the earth first when the Wu clan is not established and the earth has no owner.

As long as the karma of the earth is continuously improved in the future, the cultivation will naturally continue to improve.

When the spirit clan is established, Dijun, the patriarch of the spirit clan, will naturally get the highest karma of Wanling.

In this way, the three talents of heaven, earth and spirit are complete, and Dijun can prove the Hunyuan in one fell swoop.

These have been deduced as early as when he accepted the inheritance.

As soon as Dijun's consciousness returned to the flesh, he couldn't wait to start the road to prove the Tao.

The Zhoutian Xingdou Great Array on the golden hair of the head and the Twelve Dutian Shensha Great Array on the spine and ribs were running at high speed, connecting with the great array between heaven and earth, and instantly breaking through the barrier of the peak of Daluo.

The Heavenly Dao was moved. The birth of the second Hunyuan Jinxian in the prehistoric world and the first Hunyuan Jinxian who proved the Dao with force was naturally worthy of celebration by heaven and earth.

As soon as Emperor Jun absorbed the origin of the earth veins, the golden cloud of merit began to condense above Mount Buzhou.

As soon as Emperor Jun stabilized his realm, the millions of acres of golden cloud of merit rushed towards him.

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