Both Emperor Jun and Fuxi liked to deduce calculations. This pair of brothers and a pair of siblings lived in Xingkong and Buzhou Mountain for two calamities respectively.

Now that I'm going out, I naturally have to make some careful calculations.

Now the four of them are on Mount Buzhou, located in the center of the wild land.

If you want to travel, you can travel in four directions: east, west, north, and south.

The ancestral lineage of the western land was destroyed by the Dao Demon War. The spiritual energy was thin and it was not easy for living beings to become spiritually enlightened, so it was also rare.

It is naturally not suitable for the four people of Dijun and me to travel there at this moment.

The north is bitterly cold, and there are not many living creatures. Apart from the Sea of ​​Blood and the North Sea of ​​Ice, there is no place worth visiting.

The East is a treasure trove of natural treasures and has many powerful powers. You must go there.

The south is the home of the Phoenix Clan, and it should still be the main gathering place for birds.

After all, Emperor Juntaiyi still bears the name of the Three-Legged Golden Crow. In the future, when all races are united and proclaimed emperor, they will naturally have their own team.

All races merge and the wolf and the sheep become one race. How to reconcile the conflicts? Rely on righteousness? By preaching? Obviously unrealistic.

One's own strength is one thing, but you can't always solve everything by yourself!

It is difficult to be a leader without one's trusted subordinates.

As soon as he entered the ancient world, he met Nuwa Fuxi, and the four future emperors of the Spirit Clan gathered together.

The top management is basically complete, and naturally the next step is to try to cultivate the backbone of the Eldar clan.

Therefore, when Fuxi was making calculations, Di Jun constantly provided various new information to guide Fuxi's calculation results.

In the end, Fuxi came to the conclusion that this trip should focus on the east and the south as a supplement.

Seeing Fuxi say what he meant, Di Jun said with considerable approval: "Heroes see the same thing!"

"Now the cave of the two Taoist friends is at the southern foot of Buzhou Mountain, so we will go south first."

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi practices the method of deduction and calculation, calculating the sky, the earth, and all spirits. It is suitable for measuring the heaven and earth with footsteps, and experiencing the various states of all spirits with body and mind."

"Fellow Taoist Nuwa cultivates the way of creation, creates heaven and earth, and gives rise to all spirits. Now that I am stuck at the peak of the Great Luo Mirror and cannot move forward, it is indeed not suitable to continue to practice hard behind closed doors."

"Take this opportunity to travel through the wilderness, understand the laws of heaven and earth, and explore the mysteries of the bloodline and body of all spirits. Unexpectedly, you will encounter opportunities and break the laws and enter the Tao."

Di Jun's words shocked Nuwa.

Although Nuwa did not express any objection to Emperor Jun Fuxi's travel plans, she did not express support either.

I originally thought that it would be okay if my brother Fu Xi wanted to go out to relax, so he could just stay in the dojo, close the door tightly, and continue practicing Taoism.

Now after hearing these words, I couldn't help but look at Di Jun more highly.

He and his brother were practicing hard behind closed doors, but the possibility of a breakthrough was slim.

Although he is a top innate saint, he has a sense of arrogance.

But in two calamities in the prehistoric world, there were more than trillions of living beings!

Although there are not too many who have deeper roots than their brothers and sisters, there are definitely many.

But so far, only one Hongjun has become a saint, and one Dijun has broken through to the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Nuwa would probably sneer at the cultivation experience that Di Jun mentioned before, and laugh it off if told by others.

But from the words of this Emperor Jun who could obtain huge amounts of merit from heaven and earth after breaking through any realm, she couldn't help but Nuwa didn't pay attention to it.

The preconceived emphasis and the cheating analysis conclusion of Di Jun naturally had no reason for Nuwa to disagree with this conclusion.

After glancing at Fuxi who had already begun to deduce the story due to Di Jun's words, Nuwa had no choice but to express her stance: "Thank you so much, Brother Di Jun for your guidance!"

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