Here Di Jun is still thinking about how to get along with Dou Mu in the future, but over there Fuxi has already coaxed Nuwa.

His thoughts were interrupted by Fuxi's call from fellow Taoist Di Jun. Di Jun knew enough not to say anything more about what had just happened.

After adjusting the distance between him and Fuxi Nuwa, he said very knowingly without waiting for the brother and sister to ask for advice again: "The so-called treasure of enlightenment can also be called the treasure of carrying the path."

"The innate sacred and innate closeness to the law. For those with deep roots like the four of us, transformation is the perfection of the law, the pinnacle of the Daluo realm."

"The next step is to break the law and enter Taoism, and embark on the true path of cultivation."

"How difficult it is to break the law and break the law!"

"At present, in the entire prehistoric era, the only ones who can truly break the law are Saint Hongjun and me."

"Sage Hongjun broke the law and became a Taoist, and obtained the status of saint with the honor of Hunyuan. How he broke the law should be explained to us when he lectures in Zixiao Palace in the future."

"My own way of breaking the law has actually been shared with my brother Taiyi."

"But he is still hesitating whether to take my method of breaking the law. So it is not suitable to explain it to the two fellow Taoists now."

"It's not that I don't care about myself, nor is it something I shouldn't teach lightly."

"It's just that these two fellow Taoists have just started traveling in the ancient wilderness. Maybe there will be a chance to open a road of their own."

"If you know my method of breaking the law at this time, it will be harmful to both of you."

"Before we go to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon, if the two fellow Taoists still cannot break the law and enter the Tao, I will definitely share my Tao with you."

"At that time, you two can compare with the way of Saint Hongjun, and then decide the path of practice in the future."

"Breaking the law is not breaking the law, but breaking the law."

"Breaking through the laws of perfection, and then opening up a avenue of Hunyuan."

"The law of perfection is the dot, the starting point, and the foundation for opening up the path in the future."

"The law can be said to be nihilistic, or it can be said to be real."

"The laws we practice are ours and those of this prehistoric world."

"If we want to break through this perfect law, we need to fix the law of heaven and earth on our soul body."

"That is to say, we need to connect the laws of our cultivation in the prehistoric world with the laws of self-cultivation in our bodies."

"This requires finding an anchor point and a connection link."

"This anchor point can be in the soul or in the physical body."

"After all, our soul and Tao body are inherently connected. The laws of the outside world are the same whether we are connected to our soul or our physical body."

"If you practice the physical body, you can turn the physical body into laws and directly connect with the laws of heaven and earth."

"Because the physical body is a tangible entity, it is very suitable to serve as an anchor point for the law."

"But for people like us who mainly practice Yuan Shen, it would be too dangerous if we turn Yuan Shen into laws."

"After all, our soul is not as tough as the physical body, and the soul is closer to the spiritual consciousness than the physical body."

"If the soul is legalized, it will be too easy for the consciousness and consciousness to be legalized at the same time, which is Taoism."

"So if we practitioners who major in Yuan Shen want to break the law and become enlightened, we have to find a medium."

"This medium must contain the laws we practice."

"The innate spiritual treasure that contains the laws we cultivate is perfect as this medium!"

"We use our soul to refine the innate spiritual treasure, and use the innate spiritual treasure as the anchor point for the laws of heaven and earth in our soul."

"In this way, the laws of heaven and earth become the source of our laws."

"With the support of heaven and earth, we can break through the laws of our own perfection and use it as a starting point to open up a path."

"This innate spiritual treasure has become the hub of our communication with heaven, earth and the avenue. It carries the foundation of our future avenue, carries the starting point of our avenue, and is the foundation of the foundation of our avenue."

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