Hongjun's voice spread throughout the world, sending out an invitation to preach.

Then the pressure dissipated and the heaven and earth became clear.

Tai Yiyi, who was lying on his back, felt the pressure dissipate. A carp stood up straight and a bird stood upright.

Before he could stand still, he started spouting nonsense.

"Brother, this Hongjun is not only showing off! He's also showing off!"

"Preaching is all about preaching, no matter where you are not preaching! Do you have to run into the chaos? Take off your pants and fart - it's unnecessary."

"Returning to friendship? Ask someone to find a five-star hotel?"

"It doesn't matter if the location is not chosen well, it will take 129,600 years if it continues!"

"Are you forced to treat guests to dinner, but you are not willing to spend money?"

"Want to drag everyone to death and save money on tea?"

"You still pretend that chaos is dangerous, this is the crocodile's tears, the sophistry of the big bad wolf!"

"You are really sick and you don't have money to pay for medical care. Why are you here pretending to be stupid?"

Taiyi finished his stand-up, just lowered his head and closed his eyes, took a long breath, and was about to raise his head to take a look at Di Jun.

When he raised his head and opened his eyes, he was surrounded by darkness.

He was actually locked into a small dark room by the Chaos Clock!

Before Taiyi could finish these four words - it was over!

Xingwu Dijun, who had taken off his star cloak, had already appeared in front of Xingwu Taiyi in the Chaos Bell.

The stars in the sky shine brightly and tremble under the claws of six birds,

The starlight on it is dense, evaporating and rising;

The Hongmeng Heavenly Ruler is above the two birds' heads, turning slowly like an old ceiling fan.

The black and yellow merit aura hangs down like a gauze curtain, covering the two birds and protecting them in the middle.

Taiyi, who felt something was wrong, was about to call Brother Sheng to ease the awkward atmosphere.

Then Di Jun slapped him on the back of his head with a wing.

Then the whole bird's body flew up in response, like a big word "Tai", and stuck to the black and yellow merit gauze curtain.

This gauze seems to be nothing but extremely soft,

But at this time, Taiyi felt that he had hit the iron and copper wall.

That is to say, Taiyi was often caressed by Di Jun on the back of his head, otherwise he would not have been beaten stupid just by this one!

"Watch your bad mouth from now on!"

"Hongjun has become a saint! Saints always have Tiandao antennas inserted into their ears!"

"Now we no longer have the protection of the Ancient Emperor Star and the Ziwei Emperor Realm!"

"If Hongjun is really called Hongjun, if you open your mouth, people will look back at you!"

Di Jun was really a little angry this time.

Although the force of this wing flap is not significantly greater than the usual slap force,

But this time I was really angry, not just joking around and taking advantage of the situation.

Although he was still angry, considering that Taiyi had stayed true to his original intention for hundreds of millions of years, he did not continue to punch or kick him as usual.

He no longer preached to Taiyi, but raised his head and said to the Chaos Clock:

"Little Zhongzi, from now on you will be a mask, put on his beak! No matter what he says, it is not allowed to be spread out without my permission!"

Then he paused and added in a stern voice: "If you miss even half a word, watch your clock skin carefully!"

Di Jun didn't even let go of the Chaos Bell this time, and even threatened him.

After giving the order, Di Jun collected the star chart and the sky measuring ruler, and the bird body emerged from the Chaos Clock.

After brewing his emotions for a while, with a pious face and sincere eyes, he began to talk seriously into the void.

"Great Master Hongjun really has a great heart and is upright and upright!"

"As the Holy Lord Hunyuan, I lower my rank and bow down to preach to all beings and educate all living beings."

"It's true that Pangu opened up the world, and he is better than heaven and earth. It's true that there is no greater good!"

"And he is so humble and courteous. He is clearly preaching to all sentient beings, but he says he is using the Tao to make friends."

"Although the Great God was at the same peak as us before he became a saint, now that he has attained the Hunyuan Dao, he has become a saint immediately!"

"This line of separation is like heaven and earth, clouds and mud! Naturally, you and I, brothers, can no longer treat each other as Taoist friends!"

“The grace of preaching is like being a parent again!”

"We, the innate holy gods, are born as gods and have the great supernatural power to change the heaven and the earth. This is a gift from the great god of heaven and earth and Pangu."

"This is the gift of procreation, so the heaven and earth and the great god Pangu are our parents."

"In the future, you and I, brothers, will go to the Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermons. Naturally, we will inherit the teachings of the Great Master Hongjun."

"The Great God's kindness in preaching is no less than the great God Pangu's kindness to heaven and earth. In the future, you and I will definitely enter the Zixiao Palace as disciples."

"The saint preaches! The great wilderness must be boiling, and great power must be gathered."

"If we don't protect everything, there will be ruthless people inside who will steal treasures and kill people."

"Sage Hongjun has great compassion and cannot bear to kill, so he cannot kill these ruthless people, people with wolfish hearts and doglike behavior."

"Although the world of prehistoric times is dominated by the jungle, Saint Hongjun still can't bear to see weak people die innocently because they come to listen to his sermons. He can only work hard and use great magic power and supernatural powers to open another dojo in the chaos!"

"In this way, the weaker ones will be screened out. If someone really overestimates their own capabilities, even if they are unable to escape, then that is their fate."

"In this way, we can give the weak a chance to survive, and also save the strong men from having to commit murders and accumulate karma."

"Everyone in the ancient world is happy, but Saint Hongjun is leaving this ancient world where he has lived for countless years and sitting in the chaos!"

"Taiyi! From today on, you and I will start bathing and fasting, calming our minds and guarding our spirits, cleansing our minds and bodies of Taoism, and listening to the great Dao of Hongjun Saint with a clean body of Taoism and a pure heart!"

"In addition, we will travel around the prehistoric world immediately."

"First, increase our experience to ensure that we can understand the great Dao of Hongjun Saint when we listen to the Dao! At this great opportunity, I hope to learn by analogy and explore the mystery of Hunyuan!"

"Second, collect spiritual treasures and spiritual essences to offer gifts to Hongjun Saint! The Saint may not look down on our vulgar gifts, but this is also a little thought from us. How can we go empty-handed when we ask the Master for the Dao!"

"Alas, it's a pity that the two of us have neither flying spiritual treasures nor magical powers to travel. In these short 129,600 years, how many spiritual essences can you and I find? How much experience can we gain? I wonder if it will delay our going to Zixiao Palace to listen to the great Dao of the Saint?"

Taiyi on the side had his feathers all over his body standing up, his bird flesh trembling, and his pair of bird eyes opened huge.

The Chaos Bell on its mouth was lifted from time to time. This innate treasure that could suppress the universe, the stars, and the prehistoric world could not suppress the spell from Taiyi Bird's mouth!

The three bird legs kept digging the ground in the void, as if waiting to go to the toilet, and they were anxious!

"Taiyi, don't worry. Even if we really can't find any treasures, Saint Hongjun will definitely not care! As long as we are sincere, even if we go empty-handed, the saint will definitely not care!"

Just when Taiyi was about to suffocate and fall to the ground, a divine shuttle suddenly came from the broken space outside the sky and stood one foot in front of the two birds.

The two of them also had two more sentences of the Great Dao Divine Pattern in their minds: the golden light supernatural power of the earth, and the secret technique of turning stars into rainbows.

Di Jun, who was still making an impassioned speech just now, was also confused by this!

I was just talking casually. Are all the innate creatures in this prehistoric world so simple and deceivable?

I just said that there are no spiritual treasures and magical skills that can help you get going.

In the blink of an eye, they are delivered to your eyes and head across the infinite world.

Even though Di Jun is quite scheming, he was shocked and didn't know how to deal with it.

Tai Yi, who was in a mess in the starry sky, was like a hundred million alpaca horses crashing in his chest.

He couldn't say a thousand words,

but he could only say one sentence in his heart: No matter how many holes there are, flattery will never be worn out!

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