In fact, Di Jun understands the psychology of people like Fuxi who are good at calculating.

Even though he knows that Di Jun is better than him in refining the Xiantian Bagua map,

he will not put his own path in the hands of others.

Finally, he pointed out that Fuxi is fully capable of the subsequent refining process,

which is to show his attitude.

This small setback caused by Nuwa's brother-love madness finally came to an end.

Fuxi simply took a look at the spiritual liquid in the Qiankun Ding, and then handed the Qiankun Ding to Nuwa.

Just as the four were about to set off,

Di Jun smiled bitterly at Fuxi and Nuwa: "This Buzhou Mountain is really difficult to get down!"

"Just now, I stepped down the mountain and stepped on an innate spiritual treasure."

"Now I have finally dealt with this Xiantian Bagua map, and I can't walk again before I lift my feet."

Because Fuxi, Nuwa, and Taiyi's cultivation realm is lower than Di Jun, the area covered by their divine thoughts is much smaller, and they did not find anything unusual at this time.

But after being reminded by Di Jun, the three of them made deliberate investigations and soon discovered the reason for Di Jun's bitter smile.

In the east, west and south of Buzhou Mountain, a large number of beasts and birds were running towards them.

Judging from the situation, they should have been attracted by the strange phenomenon of the innate Bagua map.

These beasts and birds have many species, but they are not under one umbrella.

When they meet, they will fight.

Some of them have forgotten their purpose after fighting.

The closer they are to Di Jun and others, the more species they will meet.

The more fights there are.

In the end, there were no beasts and birds moving towards the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

All the beasts and birds attracted by the strange phenomenon were involved in the big fight.

Seeing this scene, Nuwa frowned.

Her and Fuxi's dojo is on the hillside of Buzhou Mountain,

which is already a very high place.

There are not many creatures with the strength to reach this height.

The two of them often stay in the cave and rarely go out.

So I have never seen such a tragic fight.

Since the end of the Dragon Han catastrophe,

the dragons have retreated to the four seas,

and the beasts in the sea are still under the control of the dragons.

Except for the deep sea clan, the creatures in the four seas did not resist the rule of the dragons.

The situation on the prehistoric land is much more complicated.

Because the first Qilin transformed into the Western White Tiger Holy Beast.

At that time, all the remaining masters of the Qilin clan were taken to the Western Great Plateau.

The Qilin clan's ancestral land around Mount Buzhou was quite empty.

Although when the three clans fought in the west, the masters of the subordinate races were also recruited by the Qilin clan to participate in the war.

But after the war, these participants did not come back.

At this time, the innate beasts have unlimited lifespans.

It doesn't matter if they don't come back for a hundred years or a thousand years. There will be no major changes if they don't come back for ten thousand years or a hundred thousand years.

But they haven't come back for tens of millions of years.

The subordinate races are considering whether the Qilin clan has been defeated.

Then there are repeated tests.

The tiger dies but the might remains. For a while at the beginning, the Qilin clan masters who stayed in the ancestral land were able to suppress the disturbance.

But the endless years finally exposed the weakness of the Qilin clan to the sun.

Then came the resistance of various clans, and the Qilin clan shrank.

It was not until Hongjun became a saint and dominated the prehistoric world.

The Qilin clan masters in the Xijida Plateau returned to Buzhou Mountain, took away the few remaining clansmen, and hid them in various places in the prehistoric world.

So when Di Jun and his four companions went down the mountain, they did not encounter the forces of the Qilin clan.

And because the subordinate races could not decide on the overlord,

the core area of ​​Buzhou Mountain became a vacuum zone.

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