Watching Bai Ze break through the realm with the help of Emperor Jun Taiyi,

The other nine great commanders and the ten chiefs who had already left the circle looked at the four emperors with burning eyes.

Everyone is considering whether to immediately sacrifice their Zhenyun clan spiritual treasure.

Before they could make up their minds, the four of them, Di Jun, had already disappeared.

Bai Ze, who had re-transformed into the innate Taoist body, held the sacred weapon of power, the Qiankun Ten Thousand Spirits Banner, and scanned the entire audience.

The hundreds of thousands of people waiting at the scene all lowered their heads when Bai Ze saw him, and then he said:

"Thanks to the trust of the Four Emperors, I entrust you with the important task of managing the alliance."

"Bai Ze doesn't dare to slack off at all!"

"Now that all the elites from all races are here, the clan must be empty."

"To prevent any unexpected events, half of the elites from each clan are here to take orders."

"The rest of the tribe and the tribe leader returned to the tribe and informed the tribe of the establishment of the alliance."

"Then the clan leaders led the Jinxian and above clansmen to expand outward with Buzhou Mountain as the center."

"Promote the reputation of the Four Emperors."

"If there is anyone who refuses to obey the teachings, you can send someone to Buzhou Mountain to summon you."

"There will be a large army coming to support."

Naturally no one would object at this time.

The clan leaders quickly separated half of the elites according to Bai Ze's order to stay, and then returned to the clan with the other half.

Afterwards, Bai Ze ordered the elites left by each clan to search for spiritual materials and build palaces...

The four of them, Di Jun and others, had already begun traveling in the southern continent of the prehistoric times.

Along the way, we saw many gathering places of small and medium-sized groups, mostly birds.

The strongest creature among them was only at the peak level of Taiyi, so it was naturally not worthy of Di Jun and the others to stop.

It wasn't until the front was blocked by a continuous mountain range that the four of them stopped.

Looking at the terrain here, Di Jun recalled the images he had received from Pangu's remnant inheritance.

The ancient energy channel that made him tremble.

His eyes burst with divine light, and he could see through the space barrier.

In the void in front of him, he saw a huge pillar of crystallized innate spiritual energy as thick as Mount Buzhou, looking across the vast world.

Even with Emperor Jun’s cultivation and status in heaven and earth at this time,

You can only see this giant pillar of energy. It is absolutely impossible to break through the barrier and enter it.

Although this energy channel is independent from the prehistoric space,

But it is connected to this place after all.

Only then did this top-notch cave paradise come into being.

Emperor Jun raised his eyes and looked up along the energy channel from bottom to top.

We are seeing the hanging holy mountain in the wind layer directly above the continuous mountains.

In the Cave Heaven Dojo in the mountains, the old man with white beard and hair seemed to feel Emperor Jun's gaze and suddenly opened his eyes.

Di Jun only glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

Then he released some of the pressure of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Nuwa Fuxi couldn't figure out the situation, so she just stood aside quietly.

Soon after the pressure was released,

The scene in the mountains ahead suddenly changed.

Red clouds arise from the void,

The stretching green mountains are dyed fiery red.

The entire mountain range seems to be independent of the prehistoric world.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"I wonder which fellow Taoist is passing by?"

"If you don't give up, you might as well come to my dojo and let me show my friendship as a landlord."

After saying three sentences, a middle-aged man with a slim build, wearing a red robe, and long red hair appeared from the void.

"Fellow Taoist, you are so generous!"

"The Emperor Jun of the Xingkong lineage, Taiyi passed through the treasure land and met fellow Taoist!"

"Buzhoushan Fuxi and Nuwa have met fellow Taoists!"

Fuxi on the side also introduced himself.

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