Nuwa is also an extremely intelligent god. After Fuxi's explanation and analysis, she also knew that she was abrupt.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi return the favor with spiritual fruit, I also return the favor with spiritual fruit.

Doesn't Brother Di Jun think that I intend to alienate them?

In Zhen Yuanzi's view, he was just about to use spiritual fruit to settle the cause and effect, and I put out the second-rate spiritual fruit. Do you think his spiritual fruit is too inferior? Can't settle the cause and effect of this enlightenment tea?

The more I think about it, the more embarrassed I feel...

But now I shouldn't put it away, I can't put it away.

Di Jun's face was normal, and he took a ginseng fruit and began to taste it.

Zhen Yuanzi didn't show anything at this time, but he took a Jiaoli pear to eat first.

Others seemed to have discussed it before, and they all tasted the ginseng fruit first.

Di Jun added the Nine Dragon Spiritual Liquid to everyone twice in the middle.

It's also strange that when Di Jun added the spiritual liquid for the third time, the enlightenment tea leaves actually melted directly.

After everyone had eaten and drunk their fill, Hongyun was the first to speak: "This enlightenment tea is very effective! Before we know it, it's only a thousand years before Hongjun Saint preaches."

"The road to chaos is long, shouldn't we set off?"

Dijun was also very satisfied when he saw Hongyun speak.

At this time, it was indeed the most appropriate for Hongyun to speak.

Seeing Zhenyuanzi nod in agreement with Hongyun's proposal, Dijun released the Sky Breaking Shuttle again.

Hongyun pulled Zhenyuanzi onto the shuttle first, followed by Taiyi and Fuxi.

Seeing Fuxi enter the shuttle, Nuwa pulled Xihe forward.

Wangshu stood there and was very entangled.

Doumu saw that Wangshu didn't move, and it was not good to leave him alone, so she just stood beside Wangshu and looked at Dijun.

Dijun saw that Wangshu didn't move, and he understood the reason after a little thought.

At that time, in order to prove his way, Hongjun went to the prehistoric starry sky to collect the origin of all the stars, but was left out for a long time by the Fusang tree spirit, Wangshu.

Later, when Di Jun and Tai Yi went to the Sun Star, the Fusang tree spirit cut off a small part of its origin in order to scold Hong Jun.

At that time, it was the Fusang tree spirit, so it was naturally fearless.

Now that it has transformed into a living being, Wangshu feels a little awkward if she goes to listen to Hong Jun's preaching.

As for the content of the preaching, she is fine, just practice according to her fundamental way.

But everyone is going, only she doesn't go, which doesn't suit her personality, so she is a little hesitant.

Di Jun figured out the trick, and said with a smile: "Since you transformed, our family hasn't gone out to play together."

"This time is a rare opportunity, let's go out and relax together."

After Di Jun said that, Dou Mu pulled Wangshu to the Sky Breaking Shuttle, and Wangshu no longer resisted and followed.

At this time, Di Jun was the only one left in the starry sky.

He didn't rush to enter the Sky Breaking Shuttle, but stepped down lightly, and the platform under his feet turned into a Zhoutian star map and spread out.

Di Jun first took out the Hongmeng Ruler from his hair and pointed it at the Zhoutian Star Map.

Then he waved his hand at the Sky-breaking Shuttle, and the Chaos Bell flew out of the shuttle, tapped the Zhoutian Star Map lightly, and then flew back into the shuttle.

With the Hongmeng Ruler and the Chaos Bell tapping, the treasure map became virtual and merged into the Zhoutian Star Array constructed by the ancient stars.

The Zhoutian Star Map was transformed into an array diagram and merged into the starry sky, with ancient stars dotted on the star map.

At this time, the Zhoutian Star Array reached its peak!

The Starry Sky Clan went out together, so Di Jun naturally wanted to build his nest like an iron barrel!

This time he was going to listen to the teachings, not to fight, so it was enough to have the Ruler in hand.

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