Honghuang: Starting with Emperor Jun Taiyi, Shinto becomes a saint

Chapter 196 Hongjun appears, Emperor Jun presents a gift

At first, Zhunti and Jieyin felt nervous when they saw Emperor Jun wielding his treasure ruler and cutting off a Yingluo from Jieyin's treasure building and a branch from the Qibao Wonderful Tree Staff.

Zhunti, whose qi-raising skills were slightly inferior, thought that Di Jun was insulting the inferiority of their spiritual treasure.

Just when he was about to put away the Seven Treasures Tree in anger and fight with Di Jun, he saw that Di Jun had already put away the willow branches and bodhi branches that had turned into their own bodies.

Looking at the two Taoist treasures suspended in the air and the empty futon underneath, Zhunti was stunned for a moment.

In the end, it was better to react faster, pulling Zhunti and quickly sitting on the futon.

However, he did not put away his welcoming banner, but turned back to look at Di Jun.

At this time, Di Jun was also looking at him. Without waiting for a question, Di Jun said loudly: "How big the opportunity is in this futon, the two Taoists will know in the future."

"The Green Lotus Treasure Flag and the Spiritual Root Bamboo Bamboo were handed over to Taoist Fellows Kunpeng and Hongyun to be used to offset part of the cause and effect."

"This treasure building and treasure staff are related to the two great avenues. Let's not talk about whether they can resolve the cause and effect. If we accept these two spiritual treasures, it will be a bit unkind."

"You two will put away your spiritual treasures for the time being. When you are able to repay the karma in the future, you can look for Kunpeng and Hongyun."

"As for the two branches cut off from the two Taoist friends' spiritual treasures, they will be placed in the hands of me, the middleman, for the time being."

"Before the cause and effect is resolved, if anything happens to Kunpeng and Hongyun, I will take these two branches to find them."

"Of course, if you two are far better than me in cultivation in the future, you can come to me to ask for it. Then the cause and effect of this futon seat will naturally be over."

Hearing Di Jun's words, although Jieyin Zhunti's expression remained unchanged, his heart was filled with huge waves.

They really couldn't understand how Di Jun could be so sure that he could defeat them in the future even though he knew that there was a great opportunity in this futon.

However, this was not the time to delve into these issues, so he had to nod his head to express his understanding, then put away his spiritual treasure and began to understand the mysteries in the futon.

Because Di Jun was not transmitting a message just now, all the innate saints in Zixiao Palace heard clearly what he just said.

It’s nothing like other people, after all, it has nothing to do with him.

However, Laozi and Yuanshi felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

After all, he still owed Di Jun a favor.

Di Jun was so confident at this time, which actually made them both more cautious.

Although I have no intention of defaulting on the debt, returning a favor to a weak person is just a act of charity.

When facing a strong person, returning a favor must be carefully considered...

No matter what these people were thinking, Hongjun, who was hiding behind the scenes and eating melons, saw that the six futons had welcomed their destined master according to the original plan, so he no longer hid.

Immediately, with a thought, he appeared on the gray futon on the high platform of the main hall.

Di Jun and Tai Yi were naturally the first to discover Hongjun's appearance.

Before Hongjun could speak, Di Jun quickly stepped forward, bowed deeply, then took out a treasure box condensed with starlight from his arms, and said sincerely:

"Welcome to Saint Hongjun!"

"Teacher, a great virtuous man, has preached for a long time. Although he does not bow to us, how can we come empty-handed?"

"My disciples traveled throughout the ancient world and came across a tea tree with spiritual roots."

"The leaves are boiled and soaked in the water of the spiritual spring, and they have a certain flavor."

"I beg you, teacher, to accept it. It's also good to moisten your throat before you preach."

After saying that, he urged the Starlight Treasure Box to slowly float towards Hongjun...

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