Honghuang: Starting with Emperor Jun Taiyi, Shinto becomes a saint

Chapter 198 The Sermon Begins (written by the author, difficult to understand, watch with caution)

After Hongyun's disturbance, everyone in Zixiao Palace sat cross-legged on the futon.

Hongjun looked at the futons where Laozi, Nuwa and others sat, and instantly felt that they had lost their style.

But at this point, it was still important to preach the Tao, and he immediately said loudly: "The Tao has no order, I am one step ahead of all the Taoist friends, today I will throw a brick to attract jade, and derive the Tao I have comprehended for you."

"What is Tao? Tao is the law and the rule."

"The Tao is in all things, and the Tao is above all things. The form of Tao is all things, and the formlessness of Tao controls the operation of all things."

"One Tao is Tao, and the combination of two Taos is also Tao."

"The combination of billions of Taos is chaos, and chaos is the orderly mixture of all Taos."

"Order without contention."

"No contention is not no contention."

"Not contention is willing to be below, which is abandonment."

"To strive for upward, not to move upward is not to contend, not to be below is not to abandon, and not to contend and not to abandon is also no contention. . "

"No contention is the way, the ways stand against each other but do not disappear."

"If it does not disappear, the way exists, if it exists, there is the way, if it stands against each other, the way is not obvious, if it is not obvious, it is invisible."

"If it is invisible but has the way, it is not nothingness, it is chaos."

"So chaos is existence, existence is the way; chaos is also nothingness, nothingness is the way not obvious."

"Chaos is between existence and nothingness, chaos cannot be described."

"Chaos has the way of time, chaos has the way of space, but the way of time and space is not obvious."

"So chaos does not record years, chaos has no time."

"Chaos is infinite, chaos is infinitesimal, and chaos has no space."

"This is the immutability of chaos."

"It does not show without change, it does not show without contention, it does not eliminate without contention, it does not disappear but lasts forever."

" I don't know where it comes from, I don't know where it goes, no coming and going is eternal, chaos is eternal and eternal."

"Chaos is a mixture of billions of great ways, all the ways are harmonious, not fighting, not showing, not disappearing, and eternal, it is unchanging."

"However, the combination and mixture of billions of great ways has billions of different results, and the harmonious and unchanging chaos that does not fight or disappear is just one of billions of possibilities."

"Among billions of possibilities, those that are not chaos are called changes, and changes break chaos."

"When chaos breaks, billions of great ways fight and disappear."

"There are billions of ways, and there is no fixed pattern for fighting and disappearing. There are billions of different ways of mixing and combining, billions of possibilities, and there are infinite colorful things in the world."

"All things are the carriers of Tao, among all things There are billions of great ways hidden. "

"Cultivating the Tao is cultivating the truth, and the goal is to live forever."

"How to live forever? Return to chaos."

"Chaos is the highest realm!"

"Chaos cannot be described, and it is called the Great Dao!"

"The Great Dao is the realm of Hunyuan Wuji."

"If a living being breaks through this realm, it can be called Hunyuan Wuji Daluo Jinxian."

"All things are born from chaos, and the individual living being is just one of all things and spirits. The states of the billions of great ways in different individuals are different."

"The path of cultivation varies from individual to individual, and there are billions of different ways. But different paths lead to the same destination, and the ultimate goal is chaos."

Speaking of this, Hongjun stopped and watched the reactions of the cultivators below.

For these cultivators who are only at the peak of Daluo, it would be strange if they could understand the Great Dao Chaos directly.

What's more, Hongjun, a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, is also far away from the realm of Chaos Great Dao.

He himself only had a partial understanding of the Tao, so the Tao he spoke was naturally obscure and difficult to understand.

However, for these Daluo and lower beings, the more important thing about the preaching of the Hunyuan Saint was the rhyme of the Tao, rather than the specific content of the preaching.

Therefore, although the three thousand listeners in the audience did not understand, they were also intoxicated by it.

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