Honghuang: Starting with Emperor Jun Taiyi, Shinto becomes a saint

Chapter 85 Hongjun comprehends the earth vein map, and the great array of gods and demons transforms

As soon as Hongjun said the word "Zhenyuan", the laws of heaven and earth gathered and lingered on the ginseng fruit for a long time.

After feeling the essence of the earth in it, the true name of the Great Dao was imprinted on the true spirit in the ginseng fruit, and then it slowly dissipated...

Hongjun saw that the laws of heaven and earth recognized the name of the Dao, so he retracted his gaze and began to check the innate treasure in his hand-the map of the heaven and earth.

The divine consciousness attached to the primordial spirit and began to comprehend the Dao of Kunyin Earth in the map of the heaven and earth, trying to refine this innate treasure.

In addition to practicing the free and easy balance immortal way, Hongjun has also learned the three thousand great ways with the help of the Great Dao imprint in the jade disc of the body's creation when he traveled in the prehistoric world for hundreds of millions of years.

Naturally, the basic great ways of the prehistoric world, such as Yin and Yang, Three Talents, Four Images and Five Elements, were the first to be comprehended.

In the map of the heaven and earth, the most important main great way of the innate treasure is the way of the earth.

The way of the earth carries all things, absorbs turbidity and evil, collects residual souls and broken spirits, and creates and breeds new life. The great way is biased towards yin, which is the foundation of the world.

Therefore, there are also the way of Kunyin, the way of accepting souls, and the way of creating and breeding in this heaven and earth vein map.

What surprised Hongjun was that there was also a formation that surpassed the realm of Daluo in this earth vein map.

After carefully comprehending the formation theory, there were actually twelve kinds of great way laws filled in.

The great way of time produces the invisible and immaterial divine consciousness and will;

The great way of space produces the tangible and material origin of all things;

The divine consciousness and will merge with the origin of all things, time and space are stable, and the primordial is the same, which is Tai Chi.

The wind is active, disturbing Tai Chi, and Tai Chi rotates, splitting yin and yang.

Yin and yang are divided into two, yang is positive and yin is negative, producing positive proton thunder fire and negative electron flow water.

The positive thunder proton fire and the negative thunder electron flow can gather and transform to generate all things and derive the earth when moving in the wind, and can ionize the earth and split all things when moving against the wind.

Hunyuan is Taiji;

Time and space are Yin and Yang;

Thunder, lightning and wind are the three talents;

Yang thunder is fire, Yin electricity is water, the wind that communicates and rotates, and the land that carries all things is the four images;

The earth produces loess, loess gathers white gold, white gold turns into black water, black water moistens green wood, green wood produces red fire, which is the five elements.

The circulation of Yin and Yang and the five elements transforms the four seasons of heaven and earth.

Yang thunder strikes wood, shakes wood and turns it into green;

Green wood in the east is spring;

Shaking wood produces Xun wind;

The wind carries wood essence to the south, from east to south into Lidi;

Lidi turns red and produces fire;

Red fire in the south is summer;

Red fire blows westward with the wind, melting all things, burning all impurities, and transforming into pure white refined gold;

Refined gold is sharp and harvests all things;

Platinum in the west is autumn;

The residual heat of red fire melts gold and turns it into a lake, extreme heat produces cold, flows into the north, and transforms into black water and black ice;

Black water in the north is winter.

Yin and Yang circulate, time and space are orderly, the three talents transform the four images, the four images derive the five elements, the five elements move with time, circulate in the space of the six directions, each of which is in the central four directions, with four seasons and five seasons: spring, summer, long summer, autumn, and winter.

The four seasons and five seasons rotate on the earth, and the six qi of wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire derive in the sky, which is the weather;

If the six qi are smooth, it is even and peaceful, and if the six qi are too strong, it is poisonous, and all living things are infected and sick.

Time, space, thunder, lightning, wind, wood, fire, earth, gold, water, ice, rain, snow, and weather, the twelve great laws are entangled and contained by the way of the earth.

This formation contains time and space, including Yin and Yang, breaking the three talents, disintegrating the four images, reversing the five elements, reversing the cold and heat of the four seasons, and deriving the poison of the weather.

It can absorb all heavy and turbid evil spirits and crush all tangible things.

As long as they are trapped in the formation, all tangible and material things, whether it is the soul, flesh and blood, or the essence of magic weapons, will inevitably be decomposed.

Although it cannot destroy the consciousness of the soul, the turbid and evil air absorbed is the most confusing.

When the formation is running to the extreme, it seems that it can also reverse all tangible things into the most original matter.

Hongjun borrowed the Jade Disc of Creation to calculate that as long as the amount of this original matter is sufficient, it can actually transform into the physical body of the great god Pangu!

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