The man in yellow robe ignored them, but looked back and forth among the crowd as if he was looking for someone.

Because at this time, the space of the human race's ancestral land was filled with the Taoist charm of the Immortal Dao system, making it impossible for Patriarch Huang Tian's divine will to be fully utilized.

Because he still has to resist the immortal charm that fills the sky.

Those with low cultivation levels were okay and did not feel any discomfort, but the supreme gods of the Shinto like Patriarch Huang Tian were somewhat suppressed by the Tao Yun of the Immortal Dao.

The twelve great Luo people in the human race saw that the powerful man in yellow robe did not do anything inappropriate. In addition, the preacher's great supernatural power did not say anything, so they simply ignored it and listened quietly to the sermon. Come.

Ancestor Huang Tian in the sky was indeed a little anxious.

He searched over and over again among billions of people, but never found Princess Ling'er.

Originally, he thought that Princess Ling'er was hiding herself naughtily.

But when he took out the angel core that Michael gave him and looked for Gabriel, he could not find him.

To know.

Michael, the core of the angel, promised that unless there was a saint or an innate treasure blocking the way, the nearest angel figure would be able to be located within half of the prehistoric world.

However, he searched over and over again, but could not find Gabriel's figure.

This made his face gradually become ugly.

"Where is it!? Why is it missing?!"

As he thought about it, Patriarch Huang Tian couldn't help but show a heavy expression.

He looked gloomy and looked sharply down at Taishi Laozi who was still preaching.


The only one who can pose a threat to Princess Ling'er is the old man below!

However, although he had doubts in his heart, he did not act rashly, but instead sank his mind into the temples.

Below, although I was still preaching, my mind was focused on the strange and powerful person in the sky.

He can be sure.

He had never seen this person in Zixiao Palace.

In other words, this person is not a person with great supernatural powers who relies on the immortal way to realize the Hunyuan.

Well, judging by his actions.

He must have a close relationship with those people just now, otherwise he wouldn't be so panicked that his expression would change.

You must know that as a person with great supernatural powers, under normal circumstances, he will not be bothered by trivial matters in the ancient times.

And since those little dolls can make a great supernatural being worry about this, then it can be seen that there must be an important person among those few girls.

Think of this.

A cold feeling flashed in my heart.

He couldn't help but think of the humiliation he had encountered in Mount Buzhou.

Think of him as Pangu Sanqing, Xuanmen Senior Brother, and a destined saint in the future!

How have you ever suffered such humiliation?

Therefore, when he was preaching, he discovered that a girl had an aura that was very similar to the unfamiliar aura of Hunyuan Daluo back then.

In addition, after he finishes his sermon, there is a 95% chance that he will become a saint.

Without any worries, he came up with an idea.

That is to suppress these girls, and then wait quietly to see if anyone comes to look for them afterwards.

If the person who came was none other than the Hunyuan Daluo from back then, then no matter what, he was required to return the karma he had done back then!

We must let him know that the opportunity of Pangu Sanqing is not so easy to snatch.

Even if the person didn't come to find her afterwards, he could still use this to lure out the person behind the girl.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he had an idea, those girls wanted to leave.


I directly suppressed a few people and couldn't move, even in order to avoid causing unnecessary trouble before he attained enlightenment.

He deliberately sealed and suppressed the souls and thoughts of several people and the Daluo Realm girl.

After that, he planned to take them back to Shouyang Mountain after finishing his sermon.

I never thought that the person who came looking for me would come from such an unexpected place.

So, without thinking, he absorbed a few people into the innate treasure Tai Chi Diagram and suppressed them.


Next he saw a middle-aged man with great supernatural powers descending here.

Then the previous scene happened.

Although we both have great supernatural powers, I am confident that I can easily suppress this person.

Over the years, he has been influenced by Nuwa, a saint who has attained enlightenment, and has been very persistent in attaining enlightenment and becoming a saint.

Originally, he planned to realize the method of combining three corpses into one, in order to become a saint of heaven.

But it wasn't until he came to the ancestral land of the human race created by Junior Sister Nuwa thousands of years ago.

Through hundreds of years of observation, he discovered that this was the opportunity for his enlightenment.


After repeated weighing.

Between the method of three corpses and the method of merit and enlightenment, he finally chose the method of merit and enlightenment.

This is his last sermon, and then establishing a human religion based on the human race is his main purpose.

As for the arrival of those female dolls.

It was just an unexpected move on his part.

If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, is there still someone who can kill him, a saint of heaven?

Taoist Hongjun, the ancestor of Xuanmen Immortal Dao, and his two younger brothers who are destined saints.

These are the sources of my confidence!


The most important thing is that he feels that suppressing these female dolls is not a big deal.

They are just the female dolls of a Daluo Golden Immortal and several Taiyi Golden Immortals.

it's not a big deal.

The world is a chaotic and unknown place.

The temples.

On the throne of the Guardian God, the figure of Patriarch Huang Tian emerged.

Then he pulled the pre-ring for the second-level meeting of the gods without thinking.

The pre-ring for the second-level meeting of the gods belongs to the pre-ring for the meeting below His Majesty the God Emperor and above the Great Luo God.

That is, the pre-ring for the meeting of the Supreme God.

As Patriarch Huang Tian pulled the pre-ring, the Supreme Gods of the Divine Court soon emerged one after another on the thrones of the Supreme Gods around him.

The nine major gods of the Nine Gods, the thirty-six guardians of the court, and the four new Supreme Gods in the past ten thousand years.

In addition to His Majesty the God Emperor and Holy Spirit Emperor, a total of forty-nine Supreme Gods of the Divine Court were present.

"Huang Tian! Aren't you with Princess Ling'er? Why are you summoning us again?"

As soon as Patriarch Xingchen appeared, he saw Patriarch Huang Tian sitting silently on the throne, and then frowned and asked.

As soon as these words came out,

Most of the Supreme Gods looked at Huang Tian Patriarch, who was sitting on the throne with a gloomy face, without knowing what to say.

Only the Great Dragon God King Zhu Long and the Great Light God King Ye Wenhua were staring at Huang Tian Patriarch.

Huang Tian Patriarch looked up at Xing Chen Patriarch, Zhu Long and Ye Wenhua.

Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Everyone, Princess Ling'er is missing!"

"Damn it! Why did it become like this!!" The Great Light God King Ye Wenhua was the first to stand up and shouted in disbelief.

"Where is Gabriel? Did she also lose her trace?"

At this point, Huang Tian Patriarch suddenly became angry.

Pointing at Ye Wenhua and scolding, "Ye Wenhua! Look at what you have done. Princess Ling'er is missing, and you angels have an unshirkable responsibility!"

"If Gabriel hadn't said it, your angel core would be useless. I can't find that girl Gabriel at all!"

The Supreme Gods around him who didn't know what was going on asked Xing Chen Patriarch about the matter.

After understanding the cause and effect, they immediately thought of His Majesty the Holy Spirit Emperor.

But soon shook his head again.

After understanding everything, Patriarch Cangtian stood up and said.

"Enough! Everyone, keep quiet!"

After everyone quieted down, Patriarch Cangtian continued to criticize.

"Princess Ling'er's disappearance is a fact. The most important thing so far is how to find Princess Ling'er when His Majesty the God Emperor comes out of retreat! Instead of blaming each other here!"

After saying that, Patriarch Cangtian said to Patriarch Huangtian with a heavy face.

"Old Third, tell us about your experience of leading people to the ancestral land of the human race!"

Seeing this, Patriarch Huangtian told him about what happened after he descended into the prehistoric world.

He even told him about his inspection to the location of Patriarch Xingchen.

Hearing this, the other supreme gods cast sympathetic eyes on the Star God King, the Dragon God King and Patriarch Huangtian.

Several people in the West, such as Dark God King Shamuyi and Titan God King, looked at the Great God King of Light with gloating.

And Ye Wenhua's face was about to turn green at this time.

His current mood was already bad enough, and with this incident, he really wanted to curse at this time!

At this time.

He was still troubled by the disappearance of Archangel Sariel, who was in charge of the construction of the Holy City in the Western Continent, and now Princess Ling'er and Gabriel were missing.

Now he was ridiculed by his rival Shamuyi and his guys.

Ye Wenhua had accumulated a boundless anger in his heart for a while and had nowhere to vent.

At this time, the contemplative Cangtian Patriarch looked up and glanced at everyone.

"Everyone, this is no longer the matter of the Light God King and a few people. Now that all of us know that Princess Ling'er is missing, then all of us have the responsibility to find Princess Ling'er!"

Hearing this, everyone present also sank in their hearts.


Now they also know about the disappearance of Princess Ling'er, if they don't take action next.

Then, irresponsibility will become responsibility!

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