"Haha, Saint Taiqing, please don't treat us like children!"

Cangtian Laozi sneered lightly.

Before I could say anything, Yu Qing Yuanshi beside him jumped out.


Yuan Shi glared at Cangtian Ancestor and yelled loudly: "What do you mean!"

"You want to deceive us and other gods in the divine court with just one image?"

"Haha, Saint Taiqing, although I don't know where the princesses are being imprisoned by you, we must see them in person!" Cangtian Ancestor said with a faint sneer.

Just as Saint Taiqing frowned, his two brothers stood up.

"Fellow Taoist are you questioning the credibility of our Pangu Sanqing?"

"What kind of status do you have, you are qualified to teach us Pangu Sanqing how to do things!"

Yuqing Yuanshi and Shangqing Tongtian directly denied Cangtian Patriarch’s doubts with one sentence.


Seeing Taiqing's contempt, Yuanshi's contempt, and Tongtian's disregard, Patriarch Tian became angry.

For a time, the sky was vast, the wind and clouds were surging, and there were thunderbolts from the blue!

It's like God is angry!

Ancestor Huangtian and Ancestor Qingtian in the rear saw their second brother getting angry and stood up from the team of gods and came to Ancestor Cangtian.


The gods and people from all the major forces in the ancient world saw it.

In the sky above the three ancestors of Cangtian, the sky is divided into three parts: the sky, the emperor's sky and the blue sky, changing without clouds.

Seeing this, Saint Taiqing raised his brows, his seemingly cloudy eyes became brighter, and his expression finally changed.

Just listen, he whispered, "The origin of heaven!?"

The origin of heaven!

Legend has it that in the early prehistoric days, the way of heaven had not evolved completely because it still lacked the origin of the Nine Heavens.

And these nine days are respectively.

There are nine heavenly spirits: Juntian in the center, Cangtian in the east, Biantian in the northeast, Xuantian in the north, Youtian in the northwest, Haotian in the west, Zhutian in the southwest, Yantian in the south and Yangtian in the southeast.

However, for some unknown reason, these nine heavenly origins have been absorbed and fused by the Heavenly Dao.

Only the eastern sky is left.

And for some unknown reason, the Eastern Heaven was shattered and split into three small heavens.

These three little heavens are now the ancestors of Cangtian, Huangtian and Qingtian.

Even Cangtian Patriarch and the three of them don't know these secrets.

However, Taiqing Laozi knew it.

Because he is a saint of heaven!

He basically knows everything related to the way of heaven.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to get the origin of Cangtian Patriarch and the three of them, even a little bit.

Maybe he can use this trace of the origin of heaven to realize the supernatural power!

Thinking of this, when Taiqing Laozi looked at Cang Tian and the others, his eyes shone.

However, Yuqing Yuanshi and Shangqing Tongtianjian Cangtian actually dared to get angry in front of the saint, and they immediately laughed in anger.

"How brave!"

After saying that, Yuanshi and Tongtian looked at each other, then raised their heads together, and slowly rose higher into the sky.

Ancestor Huang Tian, ​​who was very familiar with this scene, glared and wanted to bully him and step forward to stop it.

The major supernatural power users and the three ancestors of the human race who were watching around also shrank their pupils, and then they all showed envious eyes.

Just when Yuanshi and Tongtian were about to declare something.




Two extremely loud voices sounded from Yuqing Yuanshi and Tongtian.

Then the gods heard two fierce screams!

Dazzled, everyone saw two figures falling directly from the sky and plunged into the ancestral land of the human race below, and two huge pits appeared with a bang.

This scene happened so suddenly and quickly that even Taiqing, a saint, could not react in time.

Wait until the flying dust below disperses.

The gods then saw a man wearing a green divine robe rising slowly into the sky from the smoke.

His left and right hands were each carrying the half-dead Yuanshi and Tongtian.

Logically speaking, as two people at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, they should not be beaten unconscious by two slaps.

Then why do the two of them seem to be unconscious mortals?

Also, who is this person? Why do you dare to slap his brothers in front of the saint?

The powerful men from all the major forces in the prehistoric times secretly guessed.

Different from them, the Divine Tribe and the Divine Court were all happy when they saw the visitor.

"We meet His Majesty the God Emperor!"

Countless gods bowed respectfully and shouted to the visitor.

That voice is so worshipful, so awe-inspiring, so proud...

This scene made the gods' pupils shrink, and they all looked at this mysterious Lord of the Divine Court.

At this time, the Queen of the Holy Spirit pushed aside the Star God King and the Heavenly Dragon God King who were standing in front of him, flew towards the visitor, threw herself into his arms, and shouted sadly.

"Father God~! Wu Ming~ Linger, she..."

"Xiao Sheng, don't worry. With Father God here, Ling'er will be fine!"

The clone of the Holy Spirit Emperor fixed the half-dead Tongtian in his left hand in the void next to him.

Then he stretched out his left hand and lovingly stroked the hair of the Holy Spirit Queen in his arms, while speaking softly to comfort her.

After she calmed down, Gu Changqing patted her back.

After taking her away, Gu Changqing turned to look at Taiqing Laozi calmly.

Seeing this, Mr. Taiqing narrowed his eyes slightly.

In his heart, he was constantly judging the current geometric state of the Lord of the Divine Court.

The early stage of Hunyuan Daluo?

Or the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo?

"You! So brave!"

No more nonsense, just a cold tone!

Gu Changqing looked at Taiqing Laozi with a cold expression, and his indifferent eyes deeply hurt Taiqing Laozi's heart.

This couldn't help but remind him of Gu Changqing, who had shocked them with just one incarnation back in Buzhou Mountain.

At that time, he was like this all the time, looking down at them with contempt and indifference.

Thinking of this, Taiqing took a deep breath.

He couldn't help but look at the unconscious Yuan Shi and Tong Tian in Gu Changqing's right hand, and winced again.

"Fellow Taoist, we meet again!" Taiqing Laozi said calmly.

"Ha~!" Gu Changqing sneered, still looking at him with contempt.


Seeing this, Mr. Taiqing couldn't help but tightly hold the pole in his hand.

"Do you still need me to take action?"

I saw Gu Changqing's right hand suddenly pinched.


Yuan Shi's hand and shoulder bones exploded instantly, and then Yuan Shi showed a painful face.

Seeing this scene, the people with great supernatural powers all around took a breath of air.

This is a great supernatural power at the pinnacle of quasi-sage! !

Di Jun, Donghuang Taiyi, Zhen Yuanzi and others who were watching secretly shouted in horror.


If they look closely, they'll find it.

The spirits of Yuanshi and Tongtian were covered with a thin layer of golden light.

This golden light was Gu Changqing's special concept to ban Yuanshi and Tongtian.

Even if Hongjun wants to break through this conceptual divine way, it will take at least three years.

As for Laozi Taiqing?

Don't try to wake them up for at least a hundred years.

After Taiqing Laozi saw Gu Changqing's actions, his eyelids twitched and he looked at the Holy Spirit Emperor's clone angrily.

"Haha, are you angry now?" Gu Changqing suddenly laughed.

Then, under the gaze of the gods and Taiqing Laozi, he suddenly twisted his left hand!



Taiqing Laozi shouted angrily.

Although he knew that this kind of skin injury was basically nothing for a person with great supernatural powers.

But just in case!

You must know that the person who did it is not an ordinary person, but the well-known master of the Divine Clan's Divine Court at this time, a monk in the Hunyuan Daluo realm!

This makes Taiqing Laozi not dare to gamble. If there are any sequelae due to this incident, his two brothers will not hate him to death.

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