Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up the divine world of the heavens

Chapter 47 Mutual benefit for all three parties, small punishment as a warning


Hearing this, Gu Changqing subconsciously opened his mouth slightly.

Seeing this, Yangmei raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "What do you think, Daoyou?"

Realizing that he had lost his composure, Gu Changqing immediately said calmly: "Very good idea!"

Then he thought of the world path cultivated by Yuanyi's body.

As Yuanyi's world was promoted to the Great Thousand World, the body was also promoted from the Tree of Life to the World Tree, which means that when the body Yuanyi has accumulated enough world foundation, it will prove the world path.

And now, isn't there going to be a very good foundation?

Thinking of this, he said immediately.

"I agree to the matter of the law and the great way, and I will make arrangements for this matter after I go back!"

Ancestor Yangmei couldn't help but smile happily when he heard this, "Thank you Daoyou for your help!"

"But Daoyou Yangmei, if you do this, wouldn't you give the ownership of this world to others? What do you want?"

At this time, Nuwa, who had been listening for a while, couldn't help but ask. Indeed, Yangmei's space avenue is only responsible for the expansion and stability of this world.

And the gods of laws provided by Gu Changqing.

They are not only the builders of this world, but also the masters of the laws in the world.

It's like Yangmei is the founder and the gods of laws provided by Gu Changqing are the investors and managers of this world.

This is why Nuwa wondered why the ancestor Yangmei did this.

However, Gu Changqing, Hongjun and Yangmei did laugh after hearing this.

Nuwa couldn't help but be more confused when she saw this.

But seeing that these people didn't explain, she had to keep silent in secret.

Gu Changqing shook his head when he saw this.

Nuwa's vision is still not high enough.

As mentioned before, Yangmei is the Chaos Demon God of the Space Avenue. When this world is so huge that it covers the entire chaotic world.

Then, as the carrier of the Space Avenue, how much will the strength of the ancestor Yangmei grow to?

Of course.

As an investor in this world.

Gu Changqing and those gods of laws did not suffer any loss.

Yangmei had achieved a breakthrough in the Great Dao of Space, and perhaps he had a great chance of proving the Dao of Hunyuan Wujiudao.

And Gu Changqing was not bad either.

When Gu Changqing had this huge world as a backup, to what extent would the world of his original body Yuanyi grow?

Of course, there was another reason.

He wanted to verify whether this world, which was called the universe by the ancestor Yangmei, was the world he had in mind.

In addition, the gods of laws who were investors in this world could also get greater returns.

The stronger the world, the more powerful the great Dao of laws they mastered as the gods of laws in that world.


This was a happy event that benefited all three parties, so how could they fight for those petty profits?

However, Hongjun was also interested at this time.

So, the few people immediately agreed that the three of them would invest in this world together.

The ancestor Yangmei presided over the development and expansion of the world, and then turned it into the great Dao of space in that world.

Then Gu Changqing and Hongjun gathered three thousand Primordial Golden Immortal-level law gods.

Although there are few immortal cultivators who practice the law, there are still many innate gods who practice the immortal.

For example, the great god Lei Ze who practices the immortal, his law is thunder.

And the Yanzhongxian Luo Xuan who practices the immortal, his law is flame.

And many more.

Of course, these are still not as good as Gu Changqing's god.

After all, the cultivation of the law of the immortal cultivators is really not as good as that of the god cultivators.

So, several people stayed in Zixiao Palace for several days until Yangmei and Nuwa left.

At this time.

Only Gu Changqing and Hongjun were left in Zixiao Palace.

For the two.

There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests.

It is already so difficult to seek the way, why bother to establish a powerful enemy?

There are many people who hold such ideas, and the top great masters in the prehistoric world generally understand this truth.

Only when there is a 100% benefit (attainment of the Tao), or when there is a great certainty that it can be suppressed instantly without any cause and effect, will they take the risk.

Inside Zixiao Palace.

Gu Changqing and Hongjun sat facing each other.

Hongjun waved his sleeves, and Yuanshi and Tongtian appeared in front of them.

Looking at the two people who were still in a coma, Hongjun's eyes flashed with silver light, and he smiled bitterly.

"Daoyou, Yuanshi and Tongtian did not directly offend your God Clan. Please use your magic power and let them wake up!"

Gu Changqing sneered when he heard this.

"Although there is no major fault, a small punishment is still needed!"

At this point, he glanced at the two people on the ground and pondered for a while.

"Then I will ban their cultivation and magic power for three years, and let them enter the human race to experience the sufferings of the world! How about it?" Gu Changqing asked back.

Hongjun thought about it, and after confirming that this would also benefit the two, he smiled lightly and said, "Very good!"


Gu Changqing flashed to the two people and stretched out his hand to grab them.

The moment he touched the two people, golden light instantly flowed around him.

Then, the two people's eyelashes and foreheads fluttered, as if they were about to wake up.


How could Gu Changqing let the two people talk in front of him, so he immediately threw his hands.

Just like that, before the two of them woke up, Gu Changqing directly used them into the air and disappeared in a golden light.

This scene made Hongjun's eyes jump.

After all this was done, Gu Changqing clapped his hands, looked at Hongjun and smiled.

"Okay, finally clean!"

Hongjun had no choice but to ask again: "Now that Yuanshi and Tongtian have received their due punishment, what about the poor Taoist disciple Taiqing Laozi? How do fellow Taoists treat them?"

"Him?" Gu Changqing suddenly sneered.

Then he said indifferently: "Let him stay in my divine court for three years!"

Seeing that Hongjun still had doubts, Gu Changqing couldn't help but chuckle and said: "What? Are fellow Taoists worried about Saint Taiqing?"

Gu Changqing emphasized the word "sage" very strongly, and its meaning is self-evident.

Hongjun shook his head and said helplessly: "The general trend of the prehistoric era has been set, and the small trends can be changed. Pindao has no objection. What Pindao is worried about is that my eldest disciple's temperament has changed drastically after experiencing this incident. This will have a negative impact on the future of the prehistoric world. !”

Having said this, Hongjun looked at Gu Changqing calmly and said, "Therefore, fellow Taoist, please be merciful!"

"I have my own control!" After saying that, Gu Changqing put his hands behind his back and disappeared into Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun looked at the direction he was leaving, his mind couldn't help but become silent, and he was so lost in thought that he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ancient times.

After the incident between the sage Laozi and Shenting.

All the great supernatural beings in the ancient times felt good about the Divine Court and the Lord of the Divine Court.


The cities where the major gods’ gates reside in the prehistoric world have become popular.

By the way, there are all kinds of magical artifacts and rare beasts.

And because of the shortcomings of the Golden Elixir Avenue, the human race broke out on a passionate journey of creation and presentation.

Countless geniuses who have created their own cultivation systems have emerged from every tribe in the human race.

Under the collision of various systems, several cultivation systems that can directly lead to the great road were finally born.

In fact, it cannot be said to be completely self-created. After all, it is based on Jindan Dao and is just deduced and evolved on top of it.

However, this is a long-term task after all, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

Apart from that it is bitter.

Because of the incident in the Divine Court, the two clans of lich and witches were supposed to fight, but they ultimately failed to do so because of the Divine Court.

However, the two clans have been grudges for a long time, and they are no longer at the point where they can be reconciled at will.

In addition, some people secretly do not want the Lich and Lich clans to continue to grow bigger, and will definitely give them a secret boost. The two clans will continue to consume them until their strength is reduced to eight or nine.

Just not as good as now.

A scruffy Taoist priest with a fat head and big ears quietly came under the Tongtian Jianmu and sneered to himself as he looked at the several big birds on the top of the tree.

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