When Gu Changqing heard this, he couldn't help but look at Jehovah.

"These two people, the King of Light God should know that they are the masters you are planning to invade the Pure Land of Western Paradise!"

"What? Those two bad Taoists?" Ye Wenhua shouted with a look of shock.

At this time, the two Westerners had not yet attained enlightenment and become saints, so they had not established a Western religion and had not left Taoism. It would not be wrong to say that they were Taoist priests.

"Not bad! So you still think you can occupy the Pure Land of Paradise?" Gu Changqing couldn't help but ask.

Hearing this, Ye Wenhua couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then said sadly: "Your Majesty, what should I do with the soldiers under my protection?"

Later, Ye Wenhua saw Gu Changqing looking towards the Cangtian Ancestor.

"After the meeting, you stay here, Cangtian. After I help you prove the truth, go with Jehovah! Don't worry, as long as you don't kill them, you can teach and guide them both! "

"I accept the decree!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Heaven and Jehovah immediately thanked him.

"Well, in that case, let's all disperse!" After that, Gu Changqing left the temples with Holy Spirit Queen Xiao Yuan.

After Gu Changqing left, the gods congratulated Cangtian, Qingtian and the Star God King one after another.

At this time, heaven.

After Fuxi returned to heaven, under the persuasion of Emperor Jun, they set off together to the Chaos Emperor Heaven to meet the Empress Nuwa!

It was not until several hours later that Emperor Junfang walked out of the Wa Palace happily.

Then another day later, Fuxi also left the Wa Palace.

Not knowing what was discussed, he returned to Tianjie Xi Palace with a worried look.

Yuan Yijie.

The original location of Mt.

The avatar of the Holy Spirit Emperor and the Holy Spirit Queen Gu Sheng'er came here.

“The place where I grew up, I’m back here again after so many years~”

Looking at this sacred mountain, the Holy Spirit Queen felt overwhelmed with emotion.

When Gu Changqing heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "I remember that when Yuan'er blossomed, it made Father God excited for a long time!"

Gu Sheng'er's face turned slightly red as she recalled it.

When I come here again, I will inevitably be touched by the scene and recall some seemingly ridiculous things.

for example.

When she had just awakened at that time, she would inevitably ask some questions that were difficult for her to talk about now.

Then she changed the subject and asked: "Father God, when we came back here..."

In this regard, Gu Changqing explained: "This is the center of the world at the beginning, and it is the place where your body was born. It is relatively close to the origin of the Yuanyi Realm, so I plan to help Cangtian and the two of them realize the Creation God here!"

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit Queen couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Given that the Yuan Yi Realm has just entered the Great Thousand World level at this time, does it really matter if it helps the Cangtian Divine Envoy and the Qingtian Divine Envoy to achieve enlightenment?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. This is the source of luck. Yuanyi Realm, as the realm of gods, can still be tolerated by a few enlightened persons!"

Gu Changqing couldn't help but said softly.

"The main reason I brought you here is to let you watch how the sky proves the Creator God. This will be of great help to you in the future."

After all, it is about attaining enlightenment. With Gu Sheng'er's cultivation in the early stage of Supreme God, it is still early to attain enlightenment, but it is still good for her to accumulate more experience.


When those who attain enlightenment in Shinto attain enlightenment, the law and the great path will appear.

Watching the evolution of these laws and avenues is also a good confirmation object for your own laws and avenues.

"Well, I will try my best, Father God!"

Hearing this, Gu Sheng'er's face suddenly became firm and said.

"So good!"

Seeing her serious look, Gu Changqing couldn't help but be very satisfied.

Then he realized that the gap between Xiao Yuan and Xiao Ling'er was really big. One was gentle and sensible, while the other was lively and naughty.

Could it be that he really indulged Xiao Ling'er?

Gu Changqing couldn't help but think to himself.

"Father God, the angels of heaven are here!" At this time, Holy Spirit Queen Xiao Yuan looked at the two streams of light flying towards this side in the distance and said.

Gu Changqing raised his head and looked up, then smiled at the Holy Spirit Queen: "These two guys, with such an opportunity to achieve enlightenment, actually asked me to wait for them here!"

Hearing this, Gu Sheng'er couldn't help but smile.


Two golden streams of light in the sky turned into two people and appeared in front of them.

"I have paid homage to Your Majesty and met Her Royal Highness the Queen!"

Cangtian and Qingtian shouted respectfully the moment they landed.

"Well, in that case, let's get started!"

After speaking, Gu Changqing waved his hand, and several people felt as if something was coming from the sky, gradually covering this land with a radius of millions of miles.


With a loud noise, the sky seemed to be dyed with color, turning from blue to gold, instantly covering the area.

After finishing all this, Gu Changqing couldn't help but say to Cang Tian and the others: "It is now time to integrate the Creation Godhead into your original law!"

Hearing this, Cangtian and Qingtian immediately stopped hesitating and instantly integrated their respective creation gods into their own original laws.

It was at this time.

Behind the two of them, their respective original laws and avenues appeared.

What appears behind the sky is a big blue sky covered by blue clouds, which contains the will of heaven and the three thousand laws of the road, mainly the law of thunder.

Full of masculinity, majesty and dominance.

Behind the blue sky is a cloudless sky full of blue, which also contains the will of heaven, the three thousand laws of the road based on the laws of the wood system.

It is full of justice, majesty and balance~

Just as the two of them manifested the Great Dao, the sky began to drop endless black gold clouds to them, pouring down on them like a funnel.

At this moment, the God of Creation began to complete the missing origin of the two, until the origin was complete and the Dao was successfully achieved.

As the origin of the two was complete, their aura became more and more powerful.

Every move carried infinite power.

Anyone who looked directly at the two would be impressed by them.

As the two successfully achieved the Dao, Gu Changqing also removed the blessing of the origin of the great fortune until it dissipated and restored the original sky.

At this time, the two of Cangtian gradually stabilized their own Dao, and their aura gradually began to converge.

Just after they successfully achieved the Dao.

Under the Great Dao, in the sky of the world of heavens, two more wills suddenly appeared.

One is majestic and masculine, punishing evil and making it retreat; the other is majestic and fair, and any place of injustice will be watched by it.

Primordial world.

There are two more wills of heaven in the sky for no reason, making all the great masters feel the watch of heaven.

Although this feeling is not as strong as being watched by the way of heaven, it also makes all the great masters feel uncomfortable.

After all, no one wants to have two more wills of heaven staring at them inexplicably.

Wa Palace.

When the two wills appeared out of thin air in the Primordial World, even in the small world Wa Emperor Heaven that she opened up, these two wills appeared inexplicably.

Nuwa couldn't help but sigh.

Then she waved her hand and sealed the two wills of heaven in her Wa Emperor Heaven.

The two wills of heaven that were sealed also thundered a few times with anger and majesty, and then they were over.

At the same time, Cang Tian and Qing Tian also noticed something and frowned.

Afterwards, they realized that their own will of heaven had been sealed by their fellow practitioners, and they shrugged helplessly.

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