Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up the divine world of the heavens

Chapter 62 Huang Tian: When the opportunity comes, it cannot be stopped

Huang Tian heard this, although he was very surprised and excited, but he still suppressed his desire and refused: "Your Majesty, you should leave it to the angel of heaven, I think he needs it more!"

Hearing this, Gu Changqing nodded with satisfaction and laughed: "Haha~ Huang Tian, ​​I really saw you right, don't worry, your second brother Cangtian and Qingtian both have a share, and they have already realized the creation god! "

"What? So fast!" Huang Tian asked with a look of emotion on his face: "Your Majesty, is it possible that once the creation god's throne is fused, it will immediately attain enlightenment?"

"That's not true. They proved the Creator God with my help, but..."

Having said this, Gu Changqing paused for a while, looked at Huang Tian and said seriously.

"I have calculated that you are about to do a great meritorious deed. When the time comes, you can use this opportunity to attain enlightenment!"

Ancestor Huang Tian was slightly confused, not understanding where his opportunity was.

When Gu Changqing saw this, he reminded him.

"Aren't you in the Nu'e tribe now? Pay more attention to the Dayi tribe. I guess the first real battle between the lichs is about to begin!"

"After the lich battle begins, you should pay more attention to the Hou Tuzu Witch of the Witch Clan. When the opportunity comes, the Creation God will warn you!"

When Huang Tian heard this, he said solemnly: "Huang Tian understands!"

"By the way, when the opportunity comes, there is no need to pay more attention to Yuanshi and Tongtian, and there is no need to pay attention to the remaining time!"

After saying that, Gu Changqing thought for a moment and stretched out his sword finger again, tapping Huang Tian's forehead lightly.

Then he said calmly: "You, the Guardian God Envoys, have not opened up a world, so just use this Zhongqian World!"

When Huang Tian felt that a huge Zhongqian World was instantly communicating with his spirit, he suddenly felt anxious.

"Your Majesty, you can't help it. How can Huang Tian get such a huge world for nothing?"

"Take it!"

Gu Changqing said slightly solemnly: "This Middle Thousand World was not created by me. It is a new world that was merged by me after many of our divine warriors sacrificed their lives over the years and left behind the small worlds. And It’s also what you need for this opportunity to achieve enlightenment!”

After hearing that this world is a new world formed by the fusion of the small worlds left behind after the sacrifice of the fellow gods.

Moreover, it is what he needs for his chance to attain enlightenment.

Huang Tian did not refuse any more, and then said with a heavy face: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, Huang Tian will not bury this world!"

"Well, I hope so!"

Gu Changqing smiled happily.

He looked around, and then said: "In that case, I will return to the Divine Court. Remember! Your important task this time is to focus on the Houtu Ancestral Witch of the Witch Clan, and then take the opportunity to prove the truth! "

"My subordinate understands!"

Huang Tianzhengse Taoist servant.


Afterwards, the incarnation of Gu Changqing's divine power passed through the gate again and disappeared into the wild world.

After Gu Changqing left, Ancestor Huang Tian felt the control of the world deep in his soul, as well as the creation god's throne that represented the supreme being.

My heart suddenly became uncontrollably agitated.

This feeling didn't slowly calm down until a long time ago.

Between the Nu'e tribe and the Dayi tribe.

There is a small thatched house.

This thatched house is the hut of Houyi and Nu'e, the great witches of the Wu clan.

Since there are many skeletons of monsters above the Golden Immortal level around this hut, few monsters dare to set foot here.

This is also the reason why Hou Yi dared to place Nu'e and their home here.

at this time.

More than a month had passed since Hou Yi came back.

After he came back, his heroic deeds spread to several surrounding witch tribes and human tribes.

Just when Hou Yi and Nu'e were having fun.

What they didn't know was that, a hundred miles away from their cabin, a pair of resentful eyes were watching here.

Since the Wu clan did not cultivate Yuan Shen, and there was also a gap in cultivation between the two, Hou Yi did not notice anything was wrong.

The visitor looked at Hou Yi and the two who were chatting happily, but murmured in his mouth: "Hou Yi! Just wait, I will definitely let you taste the pain!"

After saying that, he stared at it bitterly for a while, then slowly turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sunlight.


But she didn't know that it was opposite her.

There was also a gaze looking over here, and by the way, she also saw her resentful gaze.

"Interesting, I didn't expect that the majestic Sun Goddess would plan to do it herself!"

Ancestor Huang Tian whispered in surprise.

"But why don't we see the Hou Tuzu Witch that His Majesty mentioned? Do we need to wait until the first real battle between the lich and the lich comes?"

Thinking of this, he had a flash of inspiration and looked at the Wu Clan's Dayi tribe with great eyes.


Not only the ancestor Huang Tian and the Sun Goddess Xihe were paying attention here, but also the person behind the scenes who controlled the Ten Days Hengkong.

At this time, he was always paying attention to this side.

He also saw the arrival of the goddess Xihe, but he had not yet discovered the existence of Patriarch Huang Tian.

A few days later.

Hou Yi went out to the hunting ground to hunt as usual, and brought back more prey for Nu'e and the Nu'e tribe.

Just as he was leaving.

A woman who looked like a human being came to the yard of their hut.

The woman curiously looked at the numerous monster remains around her, with a hint of inexplicable meaning in her calm self-light.

at this time.

Nu'e, who was busy undressing in the yard, saw her outside the yard and stood up immediately. She first glanced at the witchcraft at the door of the yard without any trace. After seeing that there was no reaction from it, she slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he went up to him, saluted gracefully and said softly.

"When a guest comes to a humble house, Nu'e is rude!"

"Girl, you're welcome, I came here by chance!"

The woman raised her empty hand to stop Nu'e from saluting, and then said with a faint smile.

Then seeing that Nu'e was confused, she introduced herself again.

"I am the Queen Mother of the West's neighbor, Our Lady of Chang Xi!"

Seeing this, Nu'e quickly saluted and said: "Human Nu'e has seen the Holy Mother Chang Xi! Nu'e saluted, Holy Mother, please come in!"

As he said this, he seemed to feel that it was a bit disrespectful to speak here, so he welcomed Madam Chang Xi in from the door.

Then, Nu'e wiped the stone tables and benches in the middle of the yard without losing etiquette, and then poured a glass of water and gently placed it in front of Our Lady of Chang Xi.

"Mother, please~"

After Mother Chang Xi sat down casually, she smiled lightly at Nu'e who was still standing and said, "No need to be polite, girl, please sit down too!"

Afterwards, Nu'e hesitated for a moment, then Shi Shiran sat down on the right side of Our Lady of Chang Xi.

Obviously, she put herself in a low position at this time.

It is true that her husband Hou Yi was a great witch of the witch clan, but she herself was a mortal who had not yet become an immortal.

When she met Mother Chang Xi, who was suspected of having great supernatural powers, as a human being, she knew very well that she could not sit across from her with an equal status.

And she is not a subordinate or attendant of Our Lady Chang Xi, so she cannot sit on the left side.

In that case, she could only sit next to her right hand.

As soon as she sat down, she heard the Madonna of Chang Xi ask with doubts: "When I passed this place, I found that there were no monsters around, and this place was sparsely populated, and the remains of monsters were all over the ground. Why is this?"

"My Lady, these monster beast remains were made by Nu'e's husband. He placed them here. The rest of the power can prevent the monsters from harming them!"

Nu'e couldn't help but explain.

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