Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up the divine world of the heavens

Chapter 67 Huang Tian: Where is the opportunity we promised you?

"Where are those guys from Dijiang!?"

Donghuang Taiyi frowned and asked.

When Bai Ze heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Your Majesty the Eastern Emperor, those guys from the Wu Clan have broken through the realm and returned to the wilderness!"

Di Jun also asked at this time: "How about Hou Tu?"

Hearing this, Bai Ze showed a smile and said, "Your Majesty, Houtu has been injured by us and has conquered the wilderness!"

Donghuang Taiyi still frowned.

However, Di Jun was open-minded and encouraged the demons slightly: "That's good. This time at least we captured a lot of elites from various tribes of the Witch Clan!"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

In response, the demons around immediately shouted respectfully.

"Let's go to the first battlefield and see how Xi and the others are doing!"

After saying that, Di Jun flew towards the sky near the Lunar Star.

Donghuang Taiyi looked towards the direction where the Wu Clan left with a look of reluctance.

"Hmph! I've given you an advantage this time, but next time it won't be so far!!"

After saying that, he crossed the space and chased towards the first battlefield of Hou Yi.

And in the first Houyi battlefield.

At this time, Hou Yi had been captured alive by dozens of demon gods and suppressed in front of Xi He.

"Kneel down!"

A demon god kicked him hard in the leg.

Hou Yi suddenly flew forward.

However, because his hands were suppressed, he was pulled back violently.

However, his legs never bent.

Even though his whole body was sealed by countless divine bans and his hands were suppressed, he still maintained the pride of a son of the Wu clan, that is, he would not kneel down to Xi He.

Xi He waved a few people away, and then came to Hou Yi with a happy expression.

"Haha~! Hou Yi! When you shot my children to death, did you ever think that today would happen?"

After saying that, Cai and Yangtian murmured slightly sadly, "Children, my mother has finally avenged you!"

Hou Yi, however, stared at her coldly without saying a word.

"Hmph~! Don't worry, after the Witch Clan is dealt with, I will definitely sacrifice the lives of the nine children you died for me! Before that, I will entertain you well!"

Xihe sneered.

Having said this, she frowned and looked at Hou Yi with a cold face, and then suddenly remembered something.

Then he smiled playfully in a low voice: "Oh, including your wife!"

"Ah~!! How dare you try to touch her!!"

Hou Yi was like a crazy beast, roaring angrily at Xi He.


Hearing this, I and I finally showed a happy smile!

The wild land.

Yellow River Basin.

As a large number of Wu warriors from the Houtu tribe went to heaven to rescue Hou Yi, there was an internal emptiness.

So the demon army led by Soaring Snake Demon Sanctuary arrived at this time.

The Wu tribe and the human tribe were simply unable to resist.

All of a sudden, they were defeated one by one by the demon clan, causing the tribes to be killed and wounded all over the place, and corpses strewn across the field.

Due to the large area of ​​the Yellow River Basin, Huang Tian could only protect the human tribes surrounding the human ancestral land.

But the human and witch tribes in other directions were all plundered by the monsters.

Regardless of whether they were the witch clan or the human clan, they were all slaughtered. After the human clan died, their three souls and seven souls also suffered, and were swallowed by the Soaring Snake Demon Saint with the Soul Bead.

And this time.

Hou Tuzu Wu of the Wu clan also fell from the sky. Due to his serious injuries, he was unable to control his direction when he fell after returning to his normal body shape.



In a small mountain tower, Patriarch Huang Tian watched in bewilderment as it fell from the sky and hit the ground a hundred meters in front of him.

What about the promised opportunity?

Ancestor Huang Tian couldn't help but think about it.

Nu'e Ben Yue and Hou Yi pursued her, and then Hou Tuzu Wu also entered the heaven.

Ancestor Huang Tian saw all this.

Although he had the ability to stop it, he didn't.

After all, his main purpose is not to confront the Heavenly Court at this time, but to find an opportunity to prove his Dao, and then prove his Dao and compete with the saints of Heaven. This is his main purpose.


Houtu Zuwu fell directly in front of him, which he did not expect.

Is this the opportunity your Majesty mentioned?

Ancestor Huang Tian couldn't help but think to himself.

Just when Huang Tian was hesitating whether to reveal his identity and help Hou Tu, Ancestor Huang Tian suddenly felt a sense of peeping.

Ancestor Huang Tian frowned and glanced around.

Then directly enter the Huangtian state, and conduct reverse exploration of that feeling.


Through that feeling, he saw a pair of silver eyes.

Seeing this, Patriarch Huang Tian was stunned.

He then pondered for a while, and then made a wish to treat him as the Queen Tuzu Witch, and then waved his hand to disrupt the secret of time and space.

Huang Tian no longer hesitated and directly carried the Hou Tuzu Witch and flew towards the human Nu'e tribe.

Not long after he left.

The Space Ancestral Witch, Emperor Jiang, led his people to this place following the aura of the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

Subsequently, the eleven ancestral witches conducted a blanket search in this area.

However, after searching for a while, they could not find the figure of Hou Tu Zuwu.

"Brother, Sister Houtu's aura has disappeared from here!" Fire Ancestor Wu Zhurong couldn't help but said anxiously.

"Second brother!" Di Jiang looked at Zhu Jiuyin solemnly.

I saw silver light flashing in the eyes of Time Ancestor Wu Zhu Jiuyin, and he began to turn back time on the scene in this area.

Then, he saw a man in yellow robes with a vague face gestured to him, and the scene disappeared.

After the time-space interference, he directly exited the state of law exploration.

When Dijiang and others saw him exit the state, they couldn't help but anxiously asked: "How is it, where is Houtu?"

Zhu Jiuyin scratched his head in confusion.

"Hurry up and tell me, I'm so anxious!" Zhu Rong asked angrily with the Dutian Divine Fire bubbling from his body.

"Zhu Rong, get out of my way!"

The Xuanming Zuwu on the side kicked him away.

After doing this kick, he also looked at Zhu Jiuyin.

"Hou Tu sister is fine now, but... she seems to have been rescued by a great master!"

Zhu Jiuyin said helplessly.

"Did you see who he is clearly?" Dijiang couldn't help asking.

"I can't see his face clearly, but since he can directly break and block my time pursuit, his cultivation must have reached the peak!" Zhu Jiuyin said solemnly.

Hearing this, the eleven people present were silent for a while.

"Let's go back to Pangu Temple first. We are still needed there to take charge of the situation. Let Xingtian and Wuxian follow us here!"

At this time, Emperor Jiang Zuwu said solemnly.

"Damn it, if that guy dares to bully Sister Hou Tu, I, Zhu Rong, will let him taste the power of my Dutian Divine Fire!" Zhu Rong shouted irritably.

At this time, Gonggong on the side laughed.

"You? Even my Ruoshui can extinguish your Dutian Divine Fire, how can you teach him a lesson!"

"Gonggong!!" Zhu Rong shouted angrily.

"You are so anxious?" Gonggong laughed.

Dijiang, who was annoyed by the noise, immediately scolded the two of them: "Enough, are you two done yet? What's the situation now? You are still allowed to be so presumptuous!!"


Seeing that Emperor Jiang was angry, Zhu Rong and Gonggong snorted at each other and stopped talking.

Seeing this, the others shook their heads helplessly.

The grudge between the two has a long history.

They have argued about their age since birth, then they are incompatible, and then their respective tribes fight each other.

Now they don't like each other and want to compete and learn from each other.

Fortunately, they have controlled themselves and didn't make things too much.

Human Nv'e tribe.

Huang Tian Laozu brought Hou Tu to a small hut with no one, and put her on the ground.

It's not that he didn't want to put her on the bed.

But he found that after he took her off the ground, Hou Tu Zu Wu's injuries recovered very slowly.

On the contrary.

As long as he put her on the ground, Hou Tu's injuries would recover at a cyclical and gradual speed.

Seeing this, Huang Tian Laozu no longer cared about Hou Tu Zu Wu, and let her lie on the ground to recover from her injuries.

Originally, he was still considering how to treat her injuries, but now it's fine, so he can forget it.

Shaking his head, Huang Tian sat cross-legged on the wooden bed, thinking about the opportunity silently, and then fell into the ocean of the law.

Time passed, and several months passed quickly.

On the high mountain not far from the Nv'e tribe, a man and a woman fell into silence as they looked at the once prosperous Yellow River Basin.

"After the demons killed the human race, did they really imprison their souls?"

At this time, Hou Tu Zu Wu suddenly asked in a low voice.

Huang Tian Patriarch was slightly stunned, and then said solemnly: "I heard with my own ears that the Teng Snake Demon Saint had communicated with several demon gods. Di Jun and others are now using the human soul to refine the Tu Wu Sword that can restrain your Zu Wu battle body!"

At this point, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Why, do you have any ideas?"

"I don't know!" Hou Tu Zu Wu was silent for a while, and then said in a low and calm voice.

In fact, Huang Tian Patriarch didn't know.

Last time, in order to save Hou Yi, the elites of the Wu tribe to which Hou Tu belonged were basically killed.

After all, they were the closest to Hou Yi, received the news the fastest, and were also the Wu tribe that assembled the fastest.


When the Wu tribe invaded the heaven last time, the Wu warriors from her Hou Tu tribe accounted for the largest number.

And without Hou Tu on the battlefield, most of the warriors died in that invasion.

In the end, only the Xingtian tribe, Wuxiang tribe, and a dozen other tribes were still intact, and the remaining hundreds of tribes were basically killed and wounded.

Only a group of old, weak, sick and disabled were left.

In other words, there were less than 30 great witches left in her tribe, Hou Tu.

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