Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 106 Chang Er Ding Guang Xian: Master, someone in the prehistoric world doesn’t respect you!

"Lululu!!! Bad guy, you really think Nannan is stupid, Nannan is not a three-year-old child." Nannan said with a mischievous smile on her face as she looked at the long-eared Dingguangxian who was knocked away by Tuanzi.

"Tuanzi, let's go." Nannan looked at the long-eared Dingguangxian who was knocked away, and then rode Tuanzi to continue to have fun.

Long-eared Dingguangxian.

He almost died on the spot without a breath, but even so, the origin of the long-eared Dingguangxian also had cracks, and it would not be able to recover without thousands of years.

You must know that Nannan was born with the destruction of Yuanmeng.

Even if it is just a simple grabbing of the Chaos Flag, it carries the supreme destruction. Of course, it is Nannan's unconscious blessing, or it can be said to be Nannan's instinct.

In addition to the Chaos Flag, the innate treasure in Nannan's hand, she ended up like this, just because Nannan is a child and has no intention of killing.

If Nannan really wanted to kill the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, the first blow would have killed him, and there would be no need for Tuanzi to hit him again.

In Nannan's opinion, it was just for fun, and she didn't kill him, nor did she know what killing meant.

The Long-eared Dingguang Immortal was only at the Golden Immortal level.

The reason why he could withstand it was because of various factors.

Don't say that Nannan doesn't understand these things. You should know that Nannan inherited the bloodline of Yuanmeng, and the things inherited from the bloodline should not be too many.

But neither Yuanmeng nor Yuanhuang wanted Nannan to grow up so quickly, so let her grow naturally.

The Long-eared Dingguang Immortal looked at Nannan and Tuanzi who were leaving, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, and then made a decision to go back and ask for help.

This is also a tradition of Jiejiao.

Emmmm, it should be said that it is the tradition of the saints. Whether it is the Three Pure Ones or the Buddhist sect, it is basically a routine operation to ask for help when you can't beat them.

As for why they still have the opportunity to shake people, it is very simple, because they are disciples of saints, even if they are stronger than them, they will pay attention to the face of those saints.

On the origin island.

Yuan Meng's eyes were full of contemplation, and then a ray of golden light flew into Jinao Island.

Tongtian, who was preaching, looked at the golden light in front of him, stopped preaching, and then clicked on the golden light.

The information about what happened between Nannan and Chang Er Dingguangxian appeared in Tongtian's mind.

Tongtian's eyes were full of fierceness.

Then he took a deep breath. Tongtian was not an unreasonable person. This is why Yuan Meng sent a message to Tongtian.

After all, Chang Er Dingguangxian was a disciple of Tongtian.

If Yuan Meng took action, if he didn't handle it well, he would have a fight with Tongtian. In Yuan Meng's opinion, there was no need for this, because Chang Er Dingguangxian and Tongtian had a fight.

At this time, Tongtian also thought of what Yuan Shi said, that the character of his disciples did have a big problem.

And Tongtian also knew that Yuan Meng informed him because of his face. If it weren't for him, Chang Er Ding Guang Xian would have died long ago.

"Master, what happened?" Duobao asked Tongtian with some doubts.

"Your junior brother Chang Er is causing trouble outside." Tongtian said in a deep voice.

As he said that, a stream of light appeared outside the hall, and Chang Er Ding Guang Xian walked into the hall with a miserable and embarrassed face.

"Master, senior brothers and sisters, you have to make the decision for me." The first thing Chang Er Ding Guang Xian did when he came in was to cry.

Looking at the injuries on Chang Er Ding Guang Xian's body, Duobao and others were very angry, only Tongtian's eyes were more and more fierce.

"Junior brother, who is so heavy-handed?" Duobao said with a trace of solemnity in his eyes, and countless cracks appeared in the origin, almost collapsing.

There was also a breath of destruction surrounding it.

The breath of the Great Dao of Destruction!!!

"Brother, I don't know who it is. I was traveling in the mountains and rivers in the prehistoric world and was ambushed." Long-eared Dingguangxian said with a hint of weakness.

"You bastard. How dare you do that? Don't be afraid, brother. I will avenge you." Duobao said with a hint of anger in his eyes. He is now at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and he is still qualified to say such words in the prehistoric world.

"You dare to lie!!!" Tongtian's voice sounded.

The whole hall fell into silence.

Long-eared Dingguangxian looked at Tongtian with a hint of surprise in his eyes, and Duobao and others also looked at Tongtian with some confusion.

Looking at the angry Tongtian, only Duobao tentatively said: "Master, why are you angry?"

"Humph, do you know who you provoked?" Tongtian looked at Long-eared Dingguangxian with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"Master." Long-eared Dingguangxian knelt directly on the ground, his body shaking uncontrollably.

"That is a descendant of the same realm as my master. It is obvious that you coveted his magic weapon and wanted to take it for yourself, but you were not strong enough and were beaten. Now you come back to make trouble. Do you want to drag your brothers and sisters into the water?" Tongtian said with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Master, I know I was wrong." Chang Er Ding Guangxian did not dare to defend himself. If this kind of thing was not exposed, it would be fine. Once it was exposed, it would be impossible to hide it.

If Yuan Meng did not say it, Tongtian would not care about such a small matter. Maybe he would really be deceived by Chang Er Ding Guangxian.

"My master accepted you as disciples, not to let you go to the prehistoric world to do evil in the name of my master." Tongtian said slowly.

"Chang'er, considering that we are master and apprentice, I will not pursue this matter, but you should leave too. We are no longer master and apprentice." Tongtian said lightly, and then he sent Chang'er Dingguangxian out of Jin'ao Island.

Standing on the sea, Chang'er Dingguangxian had a dull look in his eyes. Was he expelled from the sect just like that?

Duobao and others didn't know what to say.

"Master, isn't this punishment too severe?" Duobao said with a stiff face.

Tongtian opened his eyes and looked at Duobao.

"If I don't do this, and don't know what happened today, do you know what will happen to you?" Tongtian said lightly.

"You will all be dragged into the water by Chang'er, and finally be angered by that person. At that time, your master can't protect you." Tongtian said slowly.

Tongtian still knows the combat power of Yuan Meng.

Not to mention Yuan Meng, Zulong, Yuanhuang, and Shi Qilin, which one is easy to mess with, and the predecessor of Pingxin, the master of the underworld, is also the inheritor of Yuan Meng's Taoism.

"The prehistoric world is huge, and there are many things you don't know, but now is the time to tell you." Tongtian looked at his disciples.

After the incident with the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal, Tongtian covered all the disciples of Jiejiao in a single thought, and found that there were many disciples like the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal.

Many of them even had karma on their bodies, which Tongtian had not paid attention to before.

However, the appearance of the Long-eared Dingguang Immortal sounded the alarm for Tongtian, which is why Tongtian said so.

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