Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 129: The Taoist Master: Latecomers, this is not a place you should set foot on.

"It's really interesting." Yuanmeng looked at the Marvel world.

The level of this world is not high, or it can be said that this world is just an ordinary Middle Thousand World, not even a Great Thousand World.

"This world." Yuan Meng thought about it for a while. There are still a lot of good things in this world, but what's a bit nonsense is that the system of this world is very chaotic.

What do you say about those so-called superheroes?

Even more nonsense, some rely on technology and some rely on mutation.

As for the strongest people here, they are probably OAA and All Things Under.

One is a being similar to God who created this world, and the other is endless darkness, which is completely opposite to OAA.

"How can I say that there is no complete cultivation system? It's quite strange." Yuan Meng murmured.

In Yuan Meng's opinion, the only useful things in this world are probably those technologies.

For example, Iron Man's armor and Captain America's serum are probably useful, but they can only be used by ordinary people.

As for the rest?

Hulk? The Hulk's power comes from beneath all things, and it cannot be mutated by gamma rays.

Of course, there are also some gods, such as Odin, Thor, etc. In short, this world system is quite messed up, not to mention it is chaotic.

Basically, everyone can destroy the world, and everyone is weak in comparison.

In the Marvel world.

"Oh, Shet!!! What was that just now?" Deadpool murmured, he saw the world outside, and saw the situation outside the world.

"Deadpool, what are you doing?" Ganglishi on the side asked, looking at Deadpool with only half of his body left.

"I saw something terrible, something indescribable. Guys, maybe we are in big trouble." Deadpool murmured.

"Are you in big trouble? What trouble can be more troublesome than these guys?"

Ganglishi looked at the enemies who kept shooting at him and others.

"It's much bigger than them." Deadpool said in a deep voice.

Outside the Marvel world, Yuan Meng looked at Deadpool with a smile on his face.

Deadpool is a special being in the Marvel world who can see through the fourth wall.

Seeing himself, Yuan Meng didn't care at all, and Yuan Meng didn't hide himself.

And it's not just Deadpool who knows him, but also the OAA, and Under All Things.

But these two guys don't have as big a heart as Deadpool, so they all just pretended to be dead and hid.

"I thought of something fun, so let's give it a try." Yuanmeng stretched out his big hand and directly enveloped the entire Marvel multiverse.

As the God of Creation, OAA was trembling in an unknown space looking at the big hand full of terror, unable to resist at all, and had no way to resist.

The entire Marvel multiverse emerged in Yuan Meng's hands.

Yuanmeng looked at the Marvel multiverse, a world in the middle of a thousand worlds, with a smile on his face.

The origins are still there, enough to allow the worlds of my chat group to grow, but only if they are strong enough.

"Come on, let's see who will win, the hero or the villain. This time I will be the last villain." Yuan Meng said with a wicked look on his face.

Countless years always require some fun to pass the time.

Yuanmeng then collected the Marvel multiverse.

Among the creatures living in the Marvel world, except for Deadpool, only Underworld and OAA know what is going on.

"Hey, big guy, if I said that the world we live in is caught in someone's hands, would you believe it?" Deadpool asked Ganglishi on the side.

Ganglishi gave Deadpool an idiot look and then continued fighting.

"Okay, I know, but what does this have to do with me? There's nothing I can do about it." Deadpool shrugged helplessly and complained.

"Do you think I'm right?" Deadpool looked at the readers who were reading the novel and asked.

The next moment, Deadpool pulled out the long knife from his back and started to chop people.

Yuanmeng started walking in the endless nothingness.

Endless nothingness, eternal silence.

A line of footprints appeared in the void.

Countless laws appeared in Yuan Meng's eyes, looking at this line of footprints, in the nothingness, this line of footprints, imprinted in the nothingness.

"Dao master-level creatures." Yuan Meng looked at this line of footprints in surprise.

It shimmered with golden light and was stained with blood.

Yuan Meng took a step forward, looked at the footprints, and followed the footprints to a big world.

This big world is already nonsense and ruined.

Countless creatures turned into mountains and accumulated in the world.

A huge creature sat in the center of the world, with only its skeleton left. Both flesh and blood and origin had disappeared completely.

The whole world is heading towards death and decay.

The origin of the world has been forcibly drained.

All life in the world was annihilated.

Yuan Meng stepped into this big world.

"Tao Master's aura." Yuan Meng murmured, looking at this big world.

Countless creatures were completely destroyed, not even an ant survived.

There was only deathly silence left in the whole world.

That huge creature sat in the center of the world, and the whole world was on the verge of collapse. What was even more terrifying was that everything in this world had been drained away.

Whether it was living beings or Tao principles, everything no longer existed, only the faint Tao master-level aura remained.

All the others ceased to exist.

"How cruel." Yuan Meng looked at this world.

It was completely dead, no living creatures existed, and no past existed.

"Is this to establish authority, or is this done on purpose?" Yuan Meng murmured.

In theory, such a situation would not happen normally. A world that gave birth to a Dao Lord actually collapsed like this in the end.

Even this Dao Lord was forcibly drained of everything, wiped out everything, and placed in the center of this world.

Time fluctuated in Yuan Meng's eyes.

The long river of time emerged.

"Time flows back, tracing back to the origin!!" Yuan Meng said lightly.

Time fluctuated, echoing throughout the world.

Everything in this world is regressing, and everything is recovering, but at the moment of recovery.

A terrifying big hand came directly to suppress Yuan Meng.

Endless Dao aura directly suppressed Yuan Meng.

"There is still a back-up plan, is this to prevent this Dao Lord from resurrecting?" Yuan Meng looked at the big hand that was suppressing him.

Pointing out with one finger.

Endless time and space were annihilated.

Directly destroyed the big hand.

An ancient being appeared in front of Yuan Meng, just like Pangu, sitting in the blank years, blocking everything, and also burying everything in the past.

This ancient being was covered with red scales, shaped like a monkey, and had six arms.

There was a hint of strangeness in Yuan Meng's eyes. The Ji Dao clan was one of the three future creatures who came to kill him.

The Ji Dao clan!!

The ancient breath was spreading, and the Ji Dao master opened his eyes, and died silently for eternity, and the breath on his body reached the level of the sixth heaven of the holy realm.

"Later, this is not a place you should set foot on." The Ji Dao master looked at Yuan Meng indifferently.

"Just a little curious." Yuan Meng looked at the Ji Dao master. This was just the past body of the Ji Dao master. Although it was a past body, it also had the combat power of the original body, not weaker than the original body.

Moreover, at a certain point in time, it was cut off and suppressed the existence here.

It is equivalent to an incarnation, but with the combat power of the original body.

The Taoist master looked at Yuan Meng and saw that Yuan Meng was not weaker than himself. He did not care too much. He suppressed it here to sacrifice the past of this world.

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