"Tsunade, I want to know why you did this, otherwise I won't hand over Konoha to you." The third generation said to Tsunade in a deep voice.

Tsunade looked at the third generation, then snapped her fingers, and all the trees disappeared.

Tsunade's eyes showed a hint of enlightenment, strength is the best right to speak.

Relatively speaking, the third generation was unwilling to talk properly before and wanted to fight, but now seeing the strength shown by Tsunade, he is immediately willing to talk properly.

To put it bluntly, it is still a question of strength.

Without strength, what you say is no different from farting.

You must know that Tsunade now has the strength to crush the entire ninja world.

It's like the existence of the six paths in the later period.

Such strength is enough to crush any strength in the ninja world, including the Akatsuki organization!

Not to mention that Tsunade also knows the plot, so she naturally knows what the trump cards of others are.

As for the third generation, Tsunade, who has seen the plot, has complicated feelings for the third generation. On the one hand, although the third generation did not show much scheming in the plot, they were all great and glorious images.

But Tsunade knows exactly what kind of person her master is. Don't forget that Tsunade is the disciple of the Third Generation, so don't know too much about the Third Generation.

Although the Third Generation didn't do a lot of things, there are many things that were tacitly approved by the Third Generation.

What Tsunade wants to do now is to integrate the power of the entire ninja world, at least not to lag behind the others in the group. If she lags behind the others in the group, then what will the Naruto world look like in the end, Tsunade knows very well.

Time passed slowly.

The world of Killing the Sisters!!

Ying Zheng, Zhu Yuanzhang, Esdeath, Busujima, Tsunade, Kaido!

Of course, there is one more character, that is Orochimaru!

Under Tsunade's military suppression, Tsunade now finally mastered Konoha before taking action, of course only on the surface.

In fact, there are undercurrents in Konoha, and there are major families, as well as Danzo, Konoha Elders Group and the like.

But Tsunade doesn't have extra time to sort out these things now, so she should gather the living power of Konoha first, at least in this world war.

The forces in the Naruto world cannot lag behind other forces too much.

"Everyone is here." Esdeath looked at everyone, and then saw Orochimaru behind Tsunade.

Orochimaru also looked at the others, especially Kaido, and could clearly feel that Kaido was completely different from the others, not only in size, but also in the aura he carried.

Although this kind of thing cannot be touched, it does exist.

"According to the news sent back by our intelligence personnel, there is one good news and one bad news. Which one do you want to hear?" Esdeath said slowly.

"Let's talk about the good news first." Ying Zheng looked at Esdeath and said lightly.

Others had no objection.

"The good news is that the world we are going to invade this time has little resistance, or even the whole world has little resistance. Esdeath said slowly.

"What about the bad news? "Ying Zheng looked at Esdeath and asked.

"Bad news, all the people we sent died, almost all died in that world, but the news was sent back, that is a zombie world, the superheroes and super villains in that world have become zombie-like existence." Esdeath said slowly.

"But, these are not bad news, after all, I have dealt with zombies in two worlds, and I know how terrible these ghosts are and where their weaknesses are. The only difference is. "

"The zombies in this world still have their own wisdom. Although they have become zombies, they still have their own wisdom. This is the bad news. They come in groups and kill all living people." Esdeath said slowly.

Ying Zheng frowned.

"How strong is the strongest among them? "Zhu Yuanzhang asked Esdeath.

"The strongest is about six stars. This world is just a parallel world of the multiverse. Because of Your Majesty, each world in this multiverse has been separated. This is also good news for us. There will be no support from other multiverses. The highest existence is only six stars. Of course, we must also pay attention to the gods of this multiverse. There are no other gods." Esdeath said slowly.

"If it is a zombie world, then the number of people will not make much sense." Ying Zheng said slowly.

I still know something about zombies.

Facing such a world, combat power is always the most important, and the number of people is secondary.

The more people there are, the more they will drag us down.

"In this case, only an elite team is needed. "

Zhu Yuanzhang spoke slowly, and when he said this, he looked at Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng is the only one with the strength of the seven-star bursting star level.

If Ying Zheng takes action, it will not be a good thing for them.

Ying Zheng also saw Zhu Yuanzhang's doubts, and knew what Zhu Yuanzhang was worried about.

The resources of each world are fixed, and the total amount is so much. Those who contribute the most will naturally get more.

Especially in such a world.

Then the world with high combat power has infinite advantages, and naturally gets the most resources.

Tsunade's words made her feel a little heavy. She also knew that this world was both a good thing and a bad thing for her.

The good thing is that she doesn't need to send many people, and now she only controls Konoha and can't send many people, which is a good thing.

The bad thing is that Tsunade's strength is the weakest compared to others, which means that even if she can get resources this time, it will be the least.

"We are all in the same group. I don't need to say much. We should still follow the previous rules. Now Tsunade and Kaido's worlds are not unified yet, so it's useless even if we get the origin of the world." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

Kaido raised his eyebrows. Although he was unhappy, he couldn't refute Ying Zheng's words.

Tsunade was silent, and she knew that the thing they cared most about when invading the world was naturally the origin of the world, but this time it seemed that she and Kaido were not qualified.

"The rest of me, Zhu Yuanzhang, and Esdeath, the three of us will share the origin of this world equally. As for other resources, how about giving more to Tsunade and Kaido?" Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"I have no objection." Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and said.

"I have no objection." Esdeath said with a smile.

The Busujima girl on the side did not speak. Her world had already merged with the Zanmei world, and it would be useless even if she took it.

Tsunade and Kaido were a little silent.

"Then it's decided." Ying Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Really, I'll give it to you this time." Kaido said slowly, which was also an acknowledgement of Ying Zheng's words.

Tsunade also nodded.

Orochimaru looked at the others thoughtfully.

"So when are you going to act?" Esdeath looked at Ying Zheng and others and asked.

"Ten days later, I will arrange some things." Ying Zheng said slowly.

"We also have to arrange some things, ten days later is fine." Zhu Yuanzhang also nodded and said.

Tsunade and Kaido did not object. For them, any time is fine.

"Well, ten days later, we will still gather here." Esdeath said with a smile.

Then Ying Zheng and others left here and returned to their own worlds.

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